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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. if he takes over the military, he takes over the country
  2. Montagues vs capulets, sharks vs Jets, bastards vs bastards in real life...
  3. some thoughts...they're going to be fighting each other, protecting their turf. How much will be left for the fight in Ukraine?
  4. Nothing new. Listen to Daniel Ellsberg's interview on npr. from 2016 I think but they played it today. He started in nuclear war planning. He stated that the equivalent of district governors could order nuclear launches under Kruschev, Nuclear loaded subs were cruising the caribbean during the Cuban missile crisis. All that said, I'm not sure there's anyone I trust less than Putin. We are always on a razors edge. Carpe diem.
  5. Wow https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/feud-between-moscow-wagner-group-214329810.html It means Russian instability and weakness.
  6. I been up, I been down Take my word, my way around I ain't askin' for much I said, Lord, take me downtown I'm just lookin' for some tush I been bad, I been good Dallas, Texas, Hollywood I ain't askin' for much I said, Lord, take me downtown I'm just lookin' for some tush
  7. I have never had trouble with Bills fans at games. Except a rock was thrown through a bus window I was on going from Sears to War memorial. I was like 7. and it was thrown from the street so prolly not a fan. Oh and my sister's long scarf got caught in the crowd going the other way. Damn near strangled her. But overall, Bills fans are cool. More recently have gone to away games but "Go Bills" gets you some high fives or even free beer offers. I like Bills fans.
  8. I would love for him to get what the rest of us would get. Just not the way it is or will ever be. "Some are more equal than others". Every country, every government, every era. Would be very happily surprised if that ever changes.
  9. That's cute and an admission of the aberrancy and threat of the MAGA movement. If you all win, hiking trails will be the least of our concerns. guess you missed the Auschwitz shirt and white hate group symbolism on display Jan 6? would you have challenged him had you seen him there? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-camp-auschwitz-shirt-photographed-u-s-capitol-riot-arrested-n1254070 https://www.npr.org/2022/09/16/1123424585/jan-6-rioter-camp-auschwitz-sweatshirt-sentenced-jail
  10. not everyone....and they align with MAGA and have shown they will fight for MAGA. Denying that is lying to yourself.
  11. i was convinced white supremacist and and paramilitary hate groups were deplorable for as long as I can remember.
  12. I believe my eyes. Jan 6 should be seared in every patriotic American's memory. I really thought that event would end the movement but it just made it more resolved to take power. It is deplorable.
  13. Good stuff. I don't believe the MAGA leaders buy any of it. They're going to try to grasp power by whatever means necessary including violence. trump has been using threatened violence as a defense tactic in his criminal case. MAGA's have made it clear that he is still the party leader. I don't recalll any other prez ever doing this. I'm glad I was correct that you are moderate. Interesting that we both were in different parties during different times.
  14. not a victim and don't intend to become one while it's a MAGA mantra...Although I suppose the insurrectionists thought that they would win or at least be pardoned by trump. dummies. Do you deny that Nazi and white supremacist groups align with trump and MAGA, oh yeah, and Russian dictators? All "very fine people". Why do you think that is?
  15. yes, I believe Westside threatened me with God's wrath for my political beliefs. My impression is that he's likely a moderate MAGA and probably not prone to insurrection yet still believes that God is on the dark side politically.
  16. has any office holding D or prez called out to either BLM or Antifa to attack the capitol? cuz the proud boys have testified under oath that that's what trump asked them to do. Meanwhile the scuzzy House R's campaign at hate group events. You guys somehow convince yourselves to ignore the obvious or perhaps you like hate groups. It's sad that you put stock in a crooked,, perverse and rag tag movement whose leader is a criminal or soon will be.
  17. Wow. First God is going to get me and then I'm going to get eaten. MAGA's power rivals that of the wizard of Oz.
  18. word of caution about bird feeders. They are the leading cause of bear nuisance reports. Our 1 inch hollow steel pole mount was bent in half to get the birdseed. The neighbors dogs had run off a large bear earlier the same night. Not going to replace it and it's too bad because it attracted many beautiful birds. We still hear them but see them less often. The bear still comes looking for more, tipping over the garbage if we don't put it in the garage which we now do religiously.
  19. Your vision of great is not the same as mine... They're trying to get it...by lying, cheating, threats and violence. The good guys don't align with hate groups.
  20. So our system of gov't created by th constitution and amended is deeply flawed? It's not perfect but it's pretty darn good.
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