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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. From the SPLC site. Lots of similar rhetoric here. @Westside has labelled me as one for taking some boys fishing on my pond with their dads. And you cons say progressives parrot our leaders.... As close followers and promoters of speaker Dr. James Lindsay, the group also elevates the term “groomer,” referring to a person who builds a relationship with a child to sexualize them. A critical race theory-critic and favorite of the organization, Lindsay has appeared at events and is often shared by the group’s members and officials. Lindsay also pushes theories regarding the ways that Marxists indoctrinate children. Lindsay, an admitted Christian nationalist, was made famous for coining the term “ok groomer,” which subsequently led to a lifetime Twitter ban in August 2022. Moms for Liberty adopted the term “groomer,” employing it in Twitter posts. However, once the social media platform outlawed the use of term in July 2022, the group expressed its displeasure, posting a video of “Relatable” with Allie Beth Stuckey on the group’s national website. In the video, entitled “The Left’s ‘Don’t Say Groomer’ Policy,” the host says, “Twitter and Reddit are censoring the word groomer to describe adults who talk to children about gender switching and sexuality. What else are we supposed to call them?”
  2. Maybe you should more carefully peruse some of Billsy's postings about their speakers and affiliations. Looks can be deceiving. No doubt you've heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  3. Maybe it's because the SPLC does a good job identifying and publicizing actual hate groups, some of which, posters here belong to.
  4. keep trying to get traction. maybe a log under the back wheels. or buy a 4 wheel drive next time....
  5. you've learned from the devil himself. Just keep repeating lies til u and the rubes actually believe them.
  6. Get ready for more culture war bs as the losers lick their wounds... I'm confident this is the next attempted step.
  7. Definitely took note. He's absolutely correct. Well said, Section C3.
  8. dagger to the heart of MAGA...which three justices dissented? Alito and Thomas the grifters, I'll bet were among them.
  9. UGE news: https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/27/politics/supreme-court-election-clause-case
  10. how do you convince yourself to live in a fantasy world that didn't even exist 50 years a go, when America was even more racist and the average person was poorer. You are pathetic wastes of protoplasm.
  11. lies...your stock in trade. with truth, you lose the argument nearly every time. Lying ia the foundation of MAGA.
  12. stop pretending you speak for everyone here. You don't speak for me. just another lie
  13. Don’t know. Ask the band. I’m pretty sure the theme is stop f ing up kids. Good advice for all tribes Perverts. Perversion of truth, logic and the American way. Shameful.
  14. You know exactly what was intended. You choose not to acknowledge understanding
  15. There's a lot of them, sadly
  16. Believe the judge...nevermind, you didn't believe 50 of them that said trump was lying about being cheated out of an election. Or should I say "you chose not to believe..."
  17. I'm not for the death penalty. This should do https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/26/us/club-q-shooting-suspect-court-appearance/index.html
  18. I can. Guys publicly making out gags me. It's instinctual, reflexive to me. Sometimes hetero couples too if they're really gross.
  19. so what if I said I was with 2 young boys down by the pond (Which is in fact true, with their Dads)? What the F is wrong with u? You all complain about Wokeism and political correctness but would pervert this wonderful day...
  20. No, you idiot. Hitler would say call them libtards, libsh!ts, sheep and when they call you your self appointed name, MAGA, tell em to f off...what would Jesus say? Or are you not a "Christian Nationalist" and just an average hater?
  21. Despite what they say, there are plenty of Nazis/white supremacist/scum out there. Rambling angrily doesn't beat them (but it does feel good). But they will lose... Just win, baby. Always liked the raiders.
  22. The best graphic is "women". I like women...
  23. Yeah, no one cares. You're irretrievable.
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