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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. no one in gov't handles me. You?
  2. Haven't you already tried to cancel everyone who isn't afraid of LBGTQ people without success? https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-california-bill-mental-health-youth-custody-628928834873# Perhaps you still disagree but this is a different kettle of fish. However, the bill does not authorize the state to remove minors from the custody of their parents, said Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo, the bill’s Democratic sponsor, in an email. “This bill makes no changes to the processes of the child welfare system in California and no changes to the processes of removal,” she explained. Legal experts agreed, telling The Associated Press that while it’s true the bill allows minors to seek mental health services to discuss gender identity without parental consent, minors would still need such consent for any medical procedures.
  3. this is political violence. I hope she recovers quickly
  4. It's not good to be black in Tennessee and several other states https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/black-tennessee-residents-frustrated-expulsion-legislators-rcna78787
  5. yes, but it's not like bud light losing 25% market share. Disney can build and invest elsewhere. Bud light can rebuild brand. This is not good for the state. I'll bet the other parks get perks. They're going to be looking for more or at least as many. I don't see the appeal of Fla anyway. too damn hot to play golf or do much outside most of the time imo.
  6. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ab-inbev-announces-new-ad-campaign-as-bud-light-sales-continue-to-crater-120039088.html I'm thinking my ad concept might work!. Has to be hetero sexy ads coming. Big sports events etc. wonder who I can pitch it to. This was a mistake but Modelo is better and I think they'll get most market back from a different demographic.
  7. We did the sous vide method this weekend. Actually, my wife did. 12 hours at 165. She put on some Japanese BBQ sauce and reverse seared in the oven. Melt in your mouth and delicious.
  8. Astoria sounds nice. never been. Sounds eclectic: home of Tony Bennett, Cyndi Lauper and Christopher Walken. There's a trio. Maybe even a bit left for me but balances out the far right some.
  9. seems pretty smart to me. extremely attractive.
  10. Well, there are no women here to moderate. My wife usually steps in when I get too hyped up. Lots of kicks under the table. Usually works.
  11. I didn't hear any audio to this. This should be the background music. Then at the end she sucks on a bud light.
  12. is she famous? no idea. some reality person? WAS she on trump's show??? Tell me more. The more I look the better I like.
  13. It's a long, private story
  14. yes, to a degree. There was other family stuff, too.
  15. wouldn't be opposed to an afternoon coffee
  16. he really does seem like a stable, well adjusted, confident genius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_A._Lindsay Lindsay has promoted the far-right Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory,[41][42] which alleges a concerted effort by Marxist critical theorists to infiltrate academic and cultural institutions in order to destroy Western civilization.[43] The theory has been wholly rejected by mainstream scholars,[44][45] and has been characterized as antisemitic by the Southern Poverty Law Center and others.[46][47] He is a proponent of the right-wing LGBT grooming conspiracy theory and has been credited as one of several public figures responsible for popularizing "groomer" as a slur directed at LGBTQ educators and activists by members of the political right.[36][37] Lindsay has referred to the Pride flag as "the flag of a hostile enemy."[38] In 2021, Lindsay wrote on Twitter that "there will be" a genocide of whites if critical race theory "isn't stopped."[39] His statement was met with widespread criticism, including from founder of libertarian anti-identity politics magazine Quillette Claire Lehmann who wrote: "James Lindsay is now peddling White Genocide Theory. Implying that a genocide against whites in the U.S. is imminent has the potential to inspire racist violence. Such comments are extreme, reckless, and irresponsible. They should be denounced."[39][40]
  17. wow. Thinking as clear as mud. What an intellect! How does he differentiate them? Swastikas?
  18. so why does he have a dog in this hunt? "James Lindsay claims that angry and desperate Christian conservatives are being provoked into carrying out anti LGBTQ attacks so that the government can label them as Christian nationalist domestic terrorists and justify shutting down churches."
  19. ummm...the entire thread was premised on an attack on LGBTQ. What was the expected outcome?
  20. Lies only work with losers. I don't care what losers think.
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