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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. But she may well have a seizure d/o. You can't drive with one. You probably shouldn't be prez with one. I reallyy don't know but there's not a lot of other valid reasons to carry an injectable diazepam pen. Fair question tho, should it be allowed?
  2. convo meaning conversation? Yes, sleep apnea can cause it. He'd likely be sleeping all day or falling asleep in press conferences at that point.. But again, yes, bring us a new D candidate for prez! Thank you for your support...
  3. you say tomahto, I say tomato
  4. Yes, they cut that out. Cuz there are threatened kids without the suicide angle. But there are those kids too this is not helping billsy
  5. What happens next in your universe? I find it suitable that a professional counselor be brought in, preferably a board certified psychiatrist. I will admit that everyone that I knew that went into Psych was a bit flakey. Smart but flakey...It's a thankless job. That and oncology, but you're happy they're there when u need em
  6. So a kid is contemplating suicide cuz someone screwed up his head or he screwed it up himself. And his parents say, "no, he's perfect". But the kid goes to a teacher and says I need help...What happens next?
  7. Yes. Kids aren't likely to seek mental health care unless they're troubled. Same with adults. Kids need to be approached even more carefully however. That's where licensure and credentials matter. Imperfect but still better. I'd hope a David Lee Roth phase wouldn't trigger a professional in his evaluation.. I wanted to be an astronaut til I found out you couldn't have a broken bone. Somebody broke my nose "slap" boxing at school. My step mother called his mother. Not good.
  8. but not women? MAGA men, planned obscelesence...
  9. I assumed the woman beater was a domicile. No? If he wasn't living there or likely to return then no. CPOS should not intervene imo.
  10. There's a list including board certified psychiatrists. I'd prefer if they were required but I'm sure there's a shortage in California just as in the rest of the country.
  11. limited to mental health. Yes. Is there room for bad actors? Yes, but less than if they try to find nonprofessional help or go without help.
  12. this is what I see but admittedly, my eyesight sucks Existing law, for some purposes, authorizes a minor who is 12 years of age or older to consent to mental health treatment or counseling on an outpatient basis, or to residential shelter services, if the minor is mature enough to participate intelligently in the outpatient services or residential shelter services, as specified, and either the minor would present a danger of serious physical or mental harm to themselves or to others or if the minor is the alleged victim of ***** or child abuse. For other purposes, existing law authorizes a minor who is 12 years of age or older to consent to mental health treatment or counseling services if the minor is mature enough to participate intelligently in the outpatient services or counseling services. This bill would align the existing laws by removing the additional requirement that, in order to consent to mental health treatment or counseling on an outpatient basis, or to residential shelter services, the minor must present a danger of serious physical or mental harm to themselves or to others, or be the alleged victim of ***** or child abuse.
  13. Pls copy and paste that part of the document or cite the chapters and verse. Is that overreaction?
  14. Yup. This is not good. Time to find someone who can beat him in the primary or put the fear of God in him. At least his cabinet isn't playing musical chairs. CPAP however is not an issue. Many folks with pressing jobs are on it and good thing.
  15. if the kid wants MAGA therapy he/she can readily obtain it from Charlie Kirk without consent. Or Hillsdale College for that matter. Record setting team of Chester Marcol.
  16. No, I'm not. Especially if an opinion from several(?) clinicians is required. I think it was more than 1. The kids have questions. Better answers from someone trained than the girls basketball coach. Good lord. Ever watched a girls basketball game? They foul each other every 15 secs.
  17. 1st BOP song that came up..By DaBaby BOP Song by DaBaby OverviewLyricsVideosListen Lyrics You know everybody been waiting on that Baby, man I mean, it's like ever since Baby on Baby dropped Man, like, you know (Ever since Baby on Baby dropped) Ain't nobody drop ***** (Oh Lord, Jetson made another one) Let's go, hah I needed some ***** with some bop in it (Let's go) I flew past the whip with that blunt in my mouth Watch the swervin', that whip had a cop in it (Woo)
  18. Well ok then. I concede.😁
  19. k, I scanned the doc. Looks like only change is for mental health and domiciliary housing should a child desire it. Bunches of stipulations and prof evals required. No non parental consent med procedures. Legal folks, do u see different?
  20. no one in gov't handles me. You?
  21. Haven't you already tried to cancel everyone who isn't afraid of LBGTQ people without success? https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-california-bill-mental-health-youth-custody-628928834873# Perhaps you still disagree but this is a different kettle of fish. However, the bill does not authorize the state to remove minors from the custody of their parents, said Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo, the bill’s Democratic sponsor, in an email. “This bill makes no changes to the processes of the child welfare system in California and no changes to the processes of removal,” she explained. Legal experts agreed, telling The Associated Press that while it’s true the bill allows minors to seek mental health services to discuss gender identity without parental consent, minors would still need such consent for any medical procedures.
  22. this is political violence. I hope she recovers quickly
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