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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. It's a rebadged Opel. I guess he's German so he's got that going for him. I always wanted an Opel GT.
  2. Beautiful car. I loved my TT. There's a German restaurant in town and the owner came out and saluted as we drove past. It had just come out. Went by the cops one nite in a 35 doing nearly 80 on the way to the hospital and they just watched cuz it was the only one in town. They still look good 23 years later.
  3. We have family that insisted for years to go to Orlando in August. We'd meet them there and I'd play golf while my wife would go to the parks with the kids. I thought I'd die one day playing a Disney Course one late afternoon despite lots of water.. Midday could definitely hurt you physically...
  4. There is no question that the standard of living is much higher now for the avg American than in the 70's. We had house guests this week with very similar upbringings and circumstances back then. Everyone agreed and gave examples.
  5. See the same thing in young doctors. Lifestyle and free time become more important than patients. To be fair, it swung too far the other way in my prime. envy and resentment...
  6. didn't know it was electric. You're turning blue, dude...Still, I love rowing thru the gears...
  7. yeah, never a beamer fan. My fast car is a 2012 Buick Regal GS 6 speed. Wanna race? that said, my friends wife just got a Chevy bolt- 0-60 in 3.4 secs and with rebate from gov't = $27k.
  8. The Barenaked ladies get it: If I had a million dollars We wouldn't have to walk to the store If I had a million dollars Now, we'd take a limousine 'cause it costs more If I had a million dollars We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner But we would eat Kraft Dinner Of course we would, we'd just eat more And buy really expensive ketchups with it That's right, all the fanciest-, Dijon ketchup, mm, mm
  9. Absolutely, we had one car and a small house most of my childhood. My parents window A/C was the only one in the house. It was the norm. Oh and stereo and tv's- very basic. And it was actually good in that you appreciate things more and look for value from those experiences...
  10. I posted from the actual doc to prove my point. how bout u do the same Einstein?
  11. yup. I play golf with some mid management guys playing $3 titleists Pro V1's that they shouldn't be playing anyway cuz they can't shape or spin their shots. I get $1 balls or thereabouts. Sometimes even buy them for $5 a dozen from kids on the course. Win/win. Lots of examples of stupid spending. "A penny saved...I
  12. why do you guys insist on posting verifiable lies? Go order 3, 2 for $3.29 sandwiches , add fries and drinks and see what the total is. do it online now and report back
  13. lying again @B-man. didn't they teach you at St Bonaventure that bearing false witness is a sin? The law (which by the way, doesn't go into effect til July 2024) does not allow medical or surgical procedures on minors without consent. dumbass. What did they teach you at that below avg institution?
  14. And I keep wondering if you're posting from a prison cell. I imagine a wimpy kid type cajoling his way into the tattooed, vile white power gang there
  15. so then NO parental consent. Isn't that interesting.
  16. not injectable valium in a pen as an outpatient. Never seen it on a patients chart.
  17. I did recently go by an out of biz Burger King. I guess a casualty of the economy (or more likely Covid). Dummies...
  18. I had a couple bowling trophies but they're lost. Frontier lanes.
  19. Dude, I should go to bed but I'm in a gun fight. Can't resist. I don't support the violence that happened there or anywhere. what must we do? What must I do? (Year of living dangerously. Great movie) Billy Kwan : What then must we do? We must give with love to whoever God has placed in our path. Billy Kwan : -Don't think about the major issues. You do what you can about the misery in front of you.
  20. My last post was perfectly reasonable. In fact, it was perfect!😇 btw, cheering murders isn't in my repertoire and I miss Medicine.
  21. Was the guy in the challenger a bible thumper? How many law enforcement suicides after Jan 6? It's to them like anti vax covid infected patients coughing on me...but I have a good story about scrubs, the garage and my wife's zoom meeting. Whose freedom takes priority? I decided it was mine.
  22. the incident in Charlottesville springs to mind. Sick people need help. It's not rocket surgery but difficult to implement in the face of denial.
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