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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. No, I didn't. Source. Here's what resulted from a very quick search: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/ Why do you imagine there are so many poor people on our side? or vice versa?
  2. try to keep up...psst, we want him to be the candidate. stop playing checkers...
  3. That's how I self identify. No one has ever called me otherwise. Why do others identify you as white?
  4. I thought you were an Asian Indian Anesthesiologist. How do you self identify? I guess your neighbor might have meant it figuratively but I kinda doubt it...
  5. Yes, that's going to be the choice for voters, hopefully. He won't be in jail before the election imo. You think he will? Do you understand what self pardoning means?
  6. If the choice is jail or the presidency, I know which I choose...there is some question about self pardons
  7. psst...we want trump in the race. We just want him appropriately scourged before it. Jail can wait.
  8. I self identify as upper middle class. If you want to label me as the other, that's your problem. It's a highly class stratified society and culture, by design. Always has been. Most of us know where we stand in that regard. Clearly not the most important attribute to humanity but very important in US culture. What? are you a socialist???
  9. uh huh. 47% of American households don't pay fed tax. Top 1% pay 42% of fed tax. And? Perhaps more Americans should make enough to qualify to pay fed tax?
  10. premises: Poyer is a highly paid NFL star Poyer planned a charity golf tournament at a trump course trump is extremely politically divisive among the US population his tournament Sponsor bailed New sponsor tied to trump Conclusion: This tournament was at least in part and likely mostly, politically motivated. directly answering your question: It would be much easier and more financially efficient to run a very successful fundraiser at a nonpolitical site. I believe Poyer had ulterior motives quite possibly including a retirement in politics...and no, I was working 70-80 hour weeks before age 35 and for many years after.
  11. so why are the elite wealthy and the "idiots who think they are part of the elite wealthy", D's? Are they willing to pay big money to pose as altruists or maybe they just prefer the D's ideology to the R's...maybe they have more powerful consciences...especially in the time of trump...? I'll ask again, which states are paying the majority of the country's bills? red or blue? and when you look it up and find out, ask yourself if those are rich or poor blue voters in those states. But, at least, we've finally removed the window dressing and gotten to the authentic issues behind MAGA, Jan 6, the big lie, defending a criminal that gave away/sold state secrets etc: socioeconomic status
  12. Just win, baby. Don't cheat, just win.
  13. except that voters knew Fetterman had a stroke. They watched him debate and he still won beating Dr Quack soundly.. Santos entire life is a lie. Walker has half the brains of Fetterman (or a squirrel) even after a stroke.
  14. not seeing many bridges being built.
  15. Hey, I like what Vance is doing. Don't like that he misrepresented himself for the seat but he's taken some really positive stances.
  16. Boycott hollywood. turn off Amazon and Netflix and get the OAN and NRA channels somewhere. You done good...fine young man...tip of the cap This is a losing strategy. He's trying to out trump, trump. I'm optimistic that many DeSantis potential R voters are more moderate. That's where he has votes to pick up. And he works on being more homophobic. Just nuts
  17. Yes, it was too late for anyone else to win. In this case, the ends did justify the means. It's not like he paid off a hooker he repeatedly slept with. I'm sure there are a flock of advisors around him.
  18. wonder if she's been deposed? My first question would be "why did you work with him for so long?" https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-showed-docs-to-people-at-mar-a-lagos-dining-room-patio-claims-former-white-house-press-secretary/
  19. JD Vance, the anti Joe Manchin. Ostensibly a MAGA but really a moderate D, at least on drugs. Manchin won as a D but is really an R. https://www.nbc.com/meet-the-press/video/presidents-should-use-full-power-of-us-military-to-go-after-cartels-full-sen-jd-vance/NBCN528837990
  20. Have you been to Fla lately? Maybe their motivation isn't collecting more benefits but that sucking sound from the budget is centered in Fla. No idea why they find it attractive. good friends moved back from the stepford wives, over 55 Fla community because they didn't like it. At all. Good for us. Williamsburg is much closer and nicer to visit. Birds of a feather, I guess...
  21. Not sure he's deriding southern red state residents per se. At least, I'm not. But look who is paying the majority of the bills. Like I said, dividing the country up by red and blue or allocating voting power by taxes paid would be a win for progressives. All those Medicare and SSI dollars going to Florida would need to come from red states.
  22. you mean by understanding how the balance of power is supposed to work?
  23. You obviously aren't considering where the majority of federal tax revenue comes from. Top 10 states dominated by blue...the new south needs to catch up and pull their load. slackers... https://www.moneyrates.com/research-center/federal-income-taxes-by-state.htm
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