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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. This was actually a SUP yoga class! I started yoga to help back pain. They do it once a week. 2 high school swimmers, a 20 something young man, a female yogi and the instructor who was also a yogi were at this lesson (and had her own inflatable- there's joke there, I think.) I could do downward dog and plank but fell on almost all the standing ones. The youngins were amazing! Core strength is a goal but it was fun and it's inexpensive.
  2. I had a bulky rental life jacket. I have an old pair of sos-penders that inflate if they hit water. They need re arming but gonna wait til I get better at it. Definitely plan on going again.
  3. you aren't the friendliest of guys...
  4. Yeah, it's not Ukraine or polio but then again, I didn't open the thread.
  5. Great pic. if I was going any distance I'd choose a kayak. But the paddle board is great for just tooling around for an hour. We didn't go much of anywhere. Just an easy way to get on a lake. I did most of my paddling on my knees but there's lots of room for improvement.
  6. So if this end soon for him, do the Disney wars go away? https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4082220-ramaswamy-closes-in-on-desantis-as-trump-dominates-in-gop-poll/
  7. Those were my top 3 choices. There are many more. Wanna list? Next would be TPC in Fla.
  8. Who's done it? who likes it? Who doesn't? Tried it 1st time yesterday. Fell in 4 times but loved it. I rented but I can see the value in one. Makes all public docks accessible.
  9. Doral is tangential to trump? do tell...I suppose the Saudi run LIV/PGA tour is as well. Great mental image there of a dismembered Saudi journalist on the 18th green.
  10. Which part of what wrote do you specifically disagree with? There have been some very bad social engineering projects but I would argue that racism and the prison/justice (eg crack cocaine very bad/snorting cocaine acceptable etc ) system have had much influence on black families....trickle down economics is also a failed concept.
  11. He shouldn't be allowed in the US for stealing millions from Medicare...yet he's near the top of the R party. Go figure. more that 1/8 inhabitants of the US before the civil war were slaves. You good with that Bonnie boy?
  12. ummmm..."great again" infers that it was once great, non? When was it great? Plenty of propaganda that uses white bread imagery of the 50's and 60's when US factories employed white working class at good paying jobs. And racism, segregation, intolerance were rampant Those days are gone (except the bad parts from MAGA's). Not coming back unless American workers want to accept Chinese wages.
  13. Oh come on. There are beautiful courses all over the country that host PGA events. My personal choice would be Pebble Beach if I was looking to attract big money. Torrey Pines would be up there too. Both are accessible to the public. He had a chance to make it nonpolitical after ECMC bailed and he chose to make it worse. They played a major at Oak Hill this year. Beautiful course in Rochester. That would have been a fine choice. https://www.pgachampionship.com/oak-hill. BTW, what premises do you take issue with?
  14. stable "Jenius: https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-starts-independence-day-by-sharing-fck-biden-meme-on-social-media-at-2am/
  15. I'm none of these. Nor are but a very few of D's I know. try again. Here's a hint: some of us believe things can be better than now or even the 50's,60's or 70's etc. Aim high.
  16. a renaissance man excepting the slavery part....too old to champion? Could you imagine how much greater his legacy would be if he had?
  17. Why are Why are 54% of those making over $100K, D's or undecided, in your opinion? What do they personally gain??
  18. Exiles. maybe a small percentage...lot's of folks fleeing poverty, oppression, famine etc. "Give us your tired, your poor...". I guess the revolutionaries were exiled by Great Britain. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2018/01/the-story-behind-the-poem-on-the-statue-of-liberty/550553/
  19. Hear! Hear! https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/07/04/progressives-celebrate-fourth-of-july-00104547 But highlighting the hypocrisy and violence is also incomplete. For one, it makes it easier for the right to caricature our beliefs and commitments. But more importantly, failing to articulate our complex feelings of grief and belonging is also an injustice to the reality of how much we feel and care about the future of this land. And while many of us may be uncomfortable with flag-waving nationalism, we do live the values and civic ideals that embody love of country. We are tied to this place we call home. And while many of us also have diasporic and transnational ties to other people and places we love, belong to, and care about, this does not diminish our sense of connection and love that we feel to this place — to local communities and even to nation. btw, very comfortable with flag waving nationalism.
  20. Lord knows, no one likes a wet fart...
  21. It's ok for a day. 3 days drives my dogs psychotic. one needed benadryl every day. Otherwise, I agree with you!
  22. Bears repeating... May (or July) the 4th be with you!
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