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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Lying liars lie https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4085224-jan-6-lawyer-to-cnns-abby-phillip-i-know-this-stuff-better-than-you/
  2. Yes, Levin can't be straightforward because then he'd be telling the truth...this sort of "reasoning" works on MAGA's tho because it supports their predetermined opinions.
  3. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdf/10.1086/713922 Maybe if mass incarceration was stopped, there would be more 2 parent households. 65% of the prison population in the US is black. Chicken or egg?
  4. I made a comment that MAGA's want trump as a monarch yesterday. Continued support for trump after White House meetings like this support that theory. How do you rationalize these attempts to hold power by illegal acts? Looks like Jack Smith is getting plenty of evidence. https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/06/politics/oval-office-meeting-trump-special-counsel-probe/index.html
  5. https://thehill.com/newsletters/morning-report/4084994-the-hills-morning-report-greene-out-as-freedom-caucus-regroups/ Normally, I'd view this as a badge of honor. But she was thrown out for being too rude and radical right. What a national embarrassment. Even the nut jobs are embarrassed by her. She gets uglier by the day.
  6. 2 words: "Alternative facts".... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_facts which woman threatens you more, Hoss?
  7. They think trump should be monarch. and they're wrong. Doesn't matter. They're nearly always wrong...
  8. dualism...not so simple. We are an heterogenous population, which you all seem to deny. Don't wear a mask. Umbrellas when it rains not when flaming crosses burn..Neil Young nwas right.
  9. She'x sharp as a whip. How the hell did Haiti become the unfortunate stepsister of the Dominican Republic?
  10. Major misinterpretation, of data, iDude We';re fearful that the minority MAGA's will revolt. In fact. we're positive that they're revolting. Is that trolling? sorry, it's how I feel. Rattle traps have always worked well for me. What would Jack Kemp say? Tim Russert? His dad? McDermott does not equal trump. buzzer.. But Allen can equal JFK n a football sense. Go Bills!
  11. There is so much a man can tell you So much he can say You remain my power, my pleasure, my pain, baby To me, you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny Won't you tell me, is that healthy, baby? [Pre-Chorus] But did you know that when it snows My eyes become large and The light that you shine can't be seen? [Chorus] Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey Ooh, the more I get of you, stranger it feels, yeah Now that your rose is in bloom A light hits the gloom on the grey
  12. Yes, Kaitlin Collins is surely liberal. But I still like her.
  13. I've got one pair of Maui Jim sunglasses, excellent. But if I'm anywhere near even waves, I'm wearing my freebie Tito's Vodka ones. Fell off my head on a fall yesterday but floated by the foam neck strap so good for another go.
  14. Well...I see a really cheap inflatable on sale at "Big River" (Amazon) for $239. inflatable. Reviews say it works for yoga. I'd buy a car lighter electric pump too. Good idea? Also there are ones including a kayak seat. Is fishing a possibility? I'm thinking getting a 10 ft solid board in my car would be a PITA.
  15. I just read the first bit but this seems true. Never been, don't know. "To be both Black and woman is to wake up every day in your body, where you are policed by your skin, by your gender, by your existence."
  16. You mean like pen and teller. Go on...
  17. Are you all too young for this? Song played on CBC a lot during their centennial. Catchy in kind of a wholesome way: I think some F'in moron attacked the Pieta at Expo with a hammer tho.
  18. Public service announcement https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4082167-special-counsel-subpoenas-arizona-secretary-of-state-office-in-jan-6-probe/ and this https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4082320-former-trump-2020-attorney-lin-wood-retires-ahead-of-potential-disbarment/
  19. Lighten up Francis. Was supposed to be funny. Let's see what the tourney nets before we get all huffy about its impact.
  20. you mean disable suspenders? I was thinking I could just not re arm and blow them up 1/2 way. see if I float...
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