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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Buck up mup. You seem cool n the middle of the night I go walking in my sleep From the mountains of faith To the river so deep I must be looking for something Something sacred I lost But the river is wide And it's too hard to cross Even though I know the river is wide I walk down every evening and I stand on the shore I try to cross to the opposite side So I can finally find out what I've been looking for
  2. Dude, trying too hard. We all want to live, as fully as possible....except for some MAGA's, and I can't really blame them.. I had a pulmonology attending that told me all smokers are committing suicide. And know it but they want to die slowly. And RJR and Phillip Morris are glad to help. Grow up. Viruses are real. Bacteria are real. Parasites are real. Cancer is real. Q'ANON AND MAGA ARE BS. Do you expect Dr Wen hates her life? Or does she just want her and hers to keep theirs? Motives dude. Yours and hers....yours are losing. Change sides.
  3. Lenny, Lenny, Lenny. He's a nutcase but it's understandable given his family history. He's an apostrophe in American history by his own doing. If you're trying to parrot Lenny Bruce, give it up...I was refused admission to the Lenny movie when I was 16 at a Niagara Falls cinema. The owners son is still my friend tho. He vouched for me...didn't work. 17 was the cut off.
  4. OJ is shite as a human...end of story.
  5. I was at the game Foreman got hit in the eye by a snowball. I feel more sorry for him than OJ.
  6. We re not wearing masks. We're buying paddle boards and dining with good friends. I don't know when I'll take my next shot- I'll wait for the world's most knowledgeable experts to make recs. You do you...
  7. I'm great with biz, dems and societal winners wanting to end racial riots and a raging pandemic. Yep, sure am. When you or your loved ones lives are at risk, true colors are revealed. And true stupidity...
  8. OMG. praying for our country. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/qanon-leader-michael-protzman-death-conspiracy-b2371237.html. You're all certifiably nuts.
  9. We didn't take their word. We tried to find solutions. The best and brightest...to get everyone back to work and living. Do you really believe we all wanted Armageddon? C'mon man. I want to keep on living as much as anyone. Where's the motive?
  10. Covid was real. I saw people die. It wasn't a political stunt. Maybe it escaped from a Chinese lab but I don't think so. If it did, do you really believe the Chinese wanted a pandemic? Did that help demand for their goods? Is their standing in the world improved? Perhaps they don't care, as a growing Goliath, but I think they did/do. Hurt their families, economy and kids too. You should understand that many FBI agents are degreed accountants. Why do you think that is?
  11. from the time article There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy. Seems pragmatic to me. Guess u disagree?
  12. What's an OJ rookie card worth? It was traded as a kid so not mint. Maybe very good. I wouldn't mind parting with it. He was an awesome RB tho...
  13. Thank you for your service. I missed some dialogue. Are you against us sending cluster bombs or equipping Ukraine in general? edit: It seems you judge cluster bombs appropriate. What about our military support of Ukraine in general?
  14. pls splain in nonmilitary jingo. Is this a US plane or Russian? If US, is it bad we match weapons?
  15. It looks like Russia is a paper tiger. Perhaps they can be turned. Lots of oil there. Not to mention that they ruthlessly attacked a sovereign nation and used f'in cluster bombs. This is Vietnam with us kicking ass...Would I rather they not invaded? You bet. But the Ukrainians remember what Stalin did to them, starving them out.. They certainly do. And they're a valuable allie in the region.
  16. which is all true...retired. biggest job today was picking up my wife's buick after new front wheel bearings, recall toe link replacement, tire rotation, 4 wheel alignment, a new battery, filters, oil change and chassis lube, whatever that is. Boring day but she says it drives like a dream. Happy wife, happy life...
  17. I have no idea what this means. But if she misspoke she has about 5000 more episodes to catch up with trump.
  18. "my concern with getting an inflatable was getting a hole in it, and then you are into patching, and that seems to never work. Have you had to patch yours? " this is so true. I don't know that a patch has ever worked for me on a pressurized air mattress etc. That's why I'm concerned that fishing might not be ideal. I've put hooks into friends (and vice versa) and myself. Thinking the paddle board might just get me to nice points on land. I'm thinking the bungee cords on the front of the rental are pretty std and would hold a rod and a very small tackle box?
  19. glad to hear it. But why are people willing to have more children just to get a relatively small financial benefit. I suggest this is largely due to poverty. Is the poverty sometimes self inflicted? Yes. But pay disparities for people doing the same job (same for females vs males) is an issue and there are others. for example https://www.epi.org/unequalpower/publications/understanding-black-white-disparities-in-labor-market-outcomes/#:~:text=Another defining feature of racial,%2C when it was 16.4%.
  20. never said it didn't. I'm highlighting some underlying issues. Are you arguing that black ethnicity is genetically predisposed to crime? Or that black single parent families are more common because of some physical/psychological flaw? Or could it be that socioeconomic status is a major contributor? To investigate, one would need ethnic as well as socioeconomic crime data. Nice little research project...
  21. Yes, if you are black and especially if you are from certain geographic areas. "The United States incarcerates its people at the highest rate in the world (Walmsley 2018). Perhaps the most notable feature of the criminal justice system in the United States is the disproportionate impact that it has on Black individuals and families (Tonry 1995; Western and Wildeman 2009; National Research Council 2014). For instance, in 2017, the adult impris- onment rate was nearly six times higher for Blacks than it was for Whites (Bronson and Carson 2019)." for example, blacks (being disproportionally poor in comparison to other US races) are disproportionally incarcerated in modern day debtors prison: "Nearly two centuries ago, the United States formally abolished the incarceration of people who failed to pay off debts. Yet, recent years have witnessed the rise of modern-day debtors' prisons—the arrest and jailing of poor people for failure to pay legal debts they can never hope to afford, through criminal justice procedures that violate their most basic rights." From the ACLU...being poor can put someone in jail.
  22. Just watched a couple episodes of Oliver's show based on this. Made the mushroom Carbonara in about 15 minutes and it was delicious but almost all these recipes look amazing and all in 1 pan. btw, used double the bacon for a much creamier sauce than in the pic. https://thehappyfoodie.co.uk/articles/best-recipes-jamies-one-pan-wonders-channel-4/
  23. R's against Barbie: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/07/gop-declares-war-on-barbie-00105154
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