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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. No one is. !000's and 1000's of people from greatly different backgrounds and beliefs work at the FBI. People that I know that worked there are salt of the earth, honest to a fault. As an aside ,let me give you an example. or ignore. I played in a 9 hole league with an agent on my team. The course was between his home and office. And he'd drive home first so he didn't divert agency resources. He would never sign on to something like this. He'd rather be dead. This is a ridiculous conspiracy....and scan the thread for some twitter propagandists.
  2. Who said anything about exonerating the Biden's? That's what is called....wait for it...a straw man. Why would they want to put this guy on the stand when his defense attorney's questioning could reveal all kinds of potential dirt on the Bidens? At this point, believe exactly the opposite of what your twitter propagandists spout. You'll be right more often than wrong then.
  3. it's like the MAGA's don't think ahead one or 2 moves...
  4. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-attorney-announces-charges-against-co-director-think-tank-acting-unregistered Luft was arrested in Cyprus 2/2023 then skipped bail...so, ya know, you're wrong. seems like a mighty fine fella: Second, LUFT conspired with others and attempted to broker illicit arms transactions with, among others, certain Chinese individuals and entities. In his role as a broker or middleman, LUFT worked to find both buyers and sellers of certain weapons and other materials, without a license to do so as required under U.S. law, in violation of the Arms Export Control Act. Among other things, LUFT worked to broker a deal for Chinese companies to sell certain weapons to Libya, including anti-tank launchers, grenade launchers, and mortar rounds (which LUFT and his associates referred to in coded language as “toys”). LUFT also worked to broker deals for certain weapons to be sold to the United Arab Emirates, including aerial bombs and rockets. LUFT further worked to broker deals for certain weapons to be sold by a Chinese company to Kenya, including unmanned aerial vehicles (“UAVs”) – and specifically “strike” UAVs, which LUFT acknowledged “[t]he US doesn’t want to sell[, . . .] hence the opportunity.” LUFT also discussed brokering a deal for weapons to Qatar and told CC-1 that Israel was “not a good fit” as the middleman for the deal because it had the “[s]ame problem the [] Q [i.e., Qataris] have w uncle [i.e., the United States]. Need a third party. . . . I will activate.
  5. Woolsey was trump's national security advisor. It is tied to trump. You guys try so hard to defend this POS. None of us here try to defend Hunter...yet you just keep bringing him up. If this was a gov't plot to silence a whistleblower, wouldn't it be counterproductive to put the whistleblower on a national stage in court? Smarten up...
  6. sure, nothing to see here: https://www.newsweek.com/gal-luft-china-gent-trump-2016-james-woolsey-1812172 On November 13, 2016, after Trump had defeated Hillary Clinton in the presidential election, Luft and the Chinese oil executive exchanged emails about the potential role Woolsey could have in the new administration. Luft said that Woolsey was in line for a role with secretary of defense, or secretary of homeland security. In response, the oil executive wrote that "[t]his side would like to see [Woolsey] assuming something with a 'China' profile," while adding that director of national intelligence "would be good." Luft replied that that role for Woolsey is "most likely." Later in the email chain, CC-1 wrote that "may be you could reserve his 'direct' China link as the weapon of last resort."
  7. so many very fine MAGA folks: Bannon, Flynn, Giuliani, proud boys, 3 percenters, nazis,MTG, Boebert and this guy. And leading it all, a guy who has broken every commandment at least once and twice on Sundays while wrapping himself in the flag of Christianity.
  8. equating progressives with communists is just dumb. Comparing MAGA's to nazis is not.
  9. They were probably remembering that Clyburn's endorsement was crucial to Joe. And maybe he chose Harris?
  10. I honestly don't know what D leaders are thinking but it might be that him getting convicted before the election would be bad. Tons of controversy, the stuff trump thrives in. A possible constitutional crisis on whether a convict can run or pardon himself. Possible unrest and riots...I'd sure rather they drag out the trial.
  11. Yes, they did. It was a hostile takeover.
  12. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4089270-liv-golf-moves-championship-from-saudi-arabia-to-trump-doral/ um hmmm. Comments?
  13. Yup. MAGA gonna lose because of its success among the cult. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
  14. The English are very reserved...stiff upper lip and all
  15. it means MAGA's leader is very old and the heir apparent is a loser...perhaps as long as it takes was unclear. I thought you meant for MAGA to take power.
  16. mysterious human mind
  17. Wow Mup! Nice... reminds me of this that I first heard on a pirate Bills streaming game:
  18. We were in Sam's today and they had this for $239 (not sure why internet price is $269. Has a backpack, electric pump and good reviews. I bought it. It'w a beginner board but I'm a beginner...Hope it lasts a few years. We'll see. https://www.samsclub.com/p/nautica-adventure-2-inflatable-paddle-board-and-accessories/P03012888?pid=ps_acq_Google_PLA_11712770612&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=482460379678&wl4=aud-749516845103:pla-1039240414302&wl5=9008764&wl6=&wl7=&wl9=pla&wl10=1247713&wl11=local&wl12={productid}&wl13=6518&wl15=119074121932&wl16=&wl17=&wl18=&wl19=&wl20=Cj0KCQjwtamlBhD3ARIsAARoaEywwpa6sEWO0qkmS0FzJcO_n0UPSOILjXW84vUUMR9sXLadpOPmxmQaAk4UEALw_wcB&wl23=1039240414302&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtamlBhD3ARIsAARoaEywwpa6sEWO0qkmS0FzJcO_n0UPSOILjXW84vUUMR9sXLadpOPmxmQaAk4UEALw_wcB
  19. He's trying to say "hey dummy MAGA's, pay no attention to actual evidence"...
  20. No D's that I know of loved the riots. Pretty confident that none here did. There were plenty of rioters arrested and prosecuted. And the left didn't make them into heroes and campaign with a group of them singing patriotic songs. You want sick and twisted? There you go... https://apnews.com/article/records-rebut-claims-jan-6-rioters-55adf4d46aff57b91af2fdd3345dace8 The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more. The dissonance between the rhetoric of Capitol rioters and their supporters and the record established by courts highlights both the racial tension inherent in their arguments — the pro-Donald Trump rioters were largely white and last summer’s protesters were more diverse — and the flawed assessment at the heart of their claims. “The property damage or accusations of arson and looting from last year, those were serious and they were dealt with seriously, but they weren’t an attack on the very core constitutional processes that we rely on in a democracy, nor were they an attack on the United States Congress,” said Kent Greenfield, a professor at Boston College Law School.
  21. Yup. Tahoe, Monterey, Carmel and Big Sur are disgusting...
  22. I can assure you, no one wanted the economy to tank...inflation, debt, stock market sucking etc. Surely not the politicians running for re election. It was a global disaster that could have been handled much more efficiently. What matters now is what we do next time. And it will happen. If you don't see wild fires covering the area of SC in Canada as a threat, you're a fool. I feel terrible for the next gen. hope I'm wrong but pretty sure they're screwed. The mountains are their best bet altho I hear Duluth is becoming more popular. Ice box of America but right against the wildfires. they're between a rock and a hard place.
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