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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. This song has been on my favorites playlist for several years. No plan to remove it.
  2. “Our focus is on malign, foreign disinformation – that is, foreign malign information, that is foreign hostile actors who engage in covert actions to confuse our social media platforms,” Wray said. “The FBI is not in the business of moderating content or causing any social media company to suppress or censor.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/12/fbi-director-christopher-wray-house-judiciary/70404318007/
  3. Looks like they were fired before testimony... I seem to remember getting somewhere near $1000 to be an expert witness. I think I got $500 to review a single case at home and give an opinion. I"m pretty sure the agents were making less than me at their jobs. btw, this isn't court. It's testifying in front of the house committee. Wray was a witness today. You think he got paid ? Lawyers, please weigh in. It got boring and I had some chores to do. looks like Wray his doing just fine: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4092726-fbi-director-christopher-wray-testifies-house-judiciary-live-updates/ Ken Buck, a good R: Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) noted Wray’s status as a Republican appointee leading an agency often attacked by the GOP. “You're still a registered Republican, and I hope you don't change your party affiliation after this hearing is over,” Buck said. “But I want to thank you. I want to thank you for leading an agency as you mentioned in your opening statement, that protects Americans from foreign terrorists, that an agency that protects Americans from spies from China, and Russia and cybercrime, and public corruption and organized crime and drug cartels and human traffickers and white collar criminals,” he added. “And I want to thank you and the FBI for protecting law-abiding Americans from the evil that exists all around us.”
  4. Love that he coopted the derogatory "Bidenomics" title and turned it into a slogan.
  5. yes, absolutely. He was paid $250K. Wouldn't shock me if he paid contingent on holding the check til the hearings finished. sort of im -plausible deniability. I think trump has a trademark.
  6. Yup. He's one of these guys: https://www.newsweek.com/three-fbi-agents-security-clearance-revoked-january-6-1801160 So @B-Man, u ok with all this?
  7. So you're ok with a trump supporter paying this one agent $250k to testify? It's just fine cuz he hasn't cashed the blood money check yet? Wasn't this guy fired from the FBI? I'll look it up.
  8. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/june-cpi-inflation-data-july-13-2023-123148137.html 3.1%. Compared to most of the rest of the world...outstanding. Markets are up.
  9. Watching Wray testify. Opening statement of Nadler noted Jim Jordan's FBI "whistleblowers" were paid. hmmmm... https://newrepublic.com/post/172819/gop-fbi-politicization-hearing-witnesses-paid-trump-advisor When asked whether he thought that was appropriate, given this is allegedly a hearing on politicization, committee Chair Jordan implied that it was, shouting, “They got a family! How are they supposed to feed their family?” Wray seems up to the task. kicked Mike Johnson's (R Louisiana) ass. This might be fun!
  10. The rest of the story. Is she representing her constituents? We'll find out at election time unless she moves to a redder district. https://www.axios.com/local/atlanta/2023/07/11/georgia-state-legislator-mesha-mainor-switches-to-republican-party
  11. Really makes you wonder about folks that watch it or especially those that post the interview on a message board.
  12. And when I read scientific articles, I could search for citations as well. Fortunately, the convention is for the author to provide them.
  13. https://www.mediaite.com/tv/conservatives-condemn-tucker-carlsons-2-5-hour-interview-with-alleged-sex-trafficking-woman-abusing-fraud-andrew-tate/ Now he's losing even genuine cons...idiot. looks like no sock loafers are part of the shows dress code...
  14. vapid: offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging. I challenge you MAGA's to write prose with references in your posts. You all are already overstimulated by a POS con man
  15. How so? Everyone trump touches turns to shite. They sometimes get a coat of gold paint but it quickly wears off and it always smells. you mean like the NFT's trump sells? Or the hotel rooms he rented to diplomats and law enforcement while he was prez or the hundreds of other grifter schemes he mixes with his politics? But you're right. The only one who ultimately wins financially is him. And that may be ending, in court, pretty soon.
  16. generally the opposite is true. Look at the people at trump rallies...fat, stupid and ugly are the opposite of fit and svelte. Perhaps this is the reason Senator Thune said there's no place in the R party for white supremacists. uh huh. might have saved some time if rather than a juvenile cartoon meme, an actual original post with references was used to make the weak point...
  17. 3 of the articles are seemingly purposefully not referenced. The New Yorker type face looks legit but who knows....maybe email from?...
  18. almost feel sorry for the guy. well, not really. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4091547-mypillow-auctions-off-equipment-amid-massive-cancellation-ceo-lindell-says/
  19. McConnell should never have to say this to a congressional colleague....but he did. Tuberville's neck is redder than the Chinese flag. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4091402-mcconnell-denounces-white-supremacy-in-response-to-tuberville-controversy/
  20. Loved the last 2 and had never heard them. 1st one is just not my personal taste but they seem tight. The girl on the hard-fi vid is absolutely striking.
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