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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. My wife immediately ordered the cookbook. Be careful! I'm thinking some tuna and it's a great tune noodle casserole (which I love).
  2. I looked for a dehumidifier. Pump is not working on mine and no floor basement drain. Got one there only to realize it had no pump. So I cleaned up the old one, put it above a sink and ...I think i'll be keeping the new one cuz the bucket is still filling up. Still some hope. That's what I love about Amazon. They make sending stuff back effortless.
  3. Yeah, I don't think Father Hennepin nor LaSalle were white supremacists. Who knows, things are rarely simple. but Lewiston was a major part of the underground railroad. I prefer bourbon to scotch. https://historiclewiston.org/history/
  4. I've given this some thought. Do you like pasta? and dry red Italian wine? I just made an excellent Carbonara and it takes 15 mins. Jamie Oliver 1 pot dishes...You're welcome
  5. Perhaps I misremembered...Yellow dogs https://texaspolitics.utexas.edu/archive/html/part/features/0304_01/dogs.html In general, I really like dogs...
  6. Except blue dog democrats, Thank God. They're all MAGA's now and everyone knows who they are.
  7. Just listened to Colonel Vindman's opening statement again. I must ask
  8. Me too. That's AWESOME. Living long is good (but it hurts)
  9. yes, yoga pants, shorts and hooded robes. but I've heard one of the instructors is into other cultures. Ok with me.
  10. 5 bucks? I was hoping for more. I guess I could get a UK big Mac.
  11. Money is a powerful incentive to the weak and even the not so weak. But more to the weak.
  12. How much do you think Vindman got paid? How much has he lost? Is he a patriot in your eyes? Earnest enough for you? watch his hands shake.
  13. Well, you might want to watch exchange rates... What is the predicted UK inflation rate for 2023? In 2023, the annual inflation rate for the United Kingdom is expected to be 6.1 percent, following an annual rate of 9.1 percent in 2022. Prior to 2022, the inflation rate was at it's highest in 2011 when it reached 4.5 percent, and was lowest in 2015 when an annual inflation rate of zero percent was recorded. We always just figured the dollar was worth a pound over there (McDonald's index) despite the rate. https://www.economist.com/big-mac-index?utm_medium=cpc.adword.pd&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=a.23charts&utm_content=conversion.non-brand.anonymous.section_content&utm_medium=cpc.adword.pd&utm_source=google&ppccampaignID=20331003967&ppcadID=159298889268&ppcgclID=Cj0KCQjwnrmlBhDHARIsADJ5b_nMkSoX6KMbzgoVLLVDfmcr7eJXQZRTCxR7_Kje9FbGtcCkOGBf4KIaAsjiEALw_wcB&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnrmlBhDHARIsADJ5b_nMkSoX6KMbzgoVLLVDfmcr7eJXQZRTCxR7_Kje9FbGtcCkOGBf4KIaAsjiEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  14. Yup. That's an issue. I paid $85 for a treatment and he has an NPI to send to insurance. I'm hoping it at least counts against my deductible. We'll see.
  15. So, if you have more back or shoulder pain, are you going back? I increased my activity quite a bit today. Still needed 2 motrin but I'm going to keep going for a while.
  16. The Pope likes Biden. Pretty sure he served him communion. edit: Well kind of... https://apnews.com/article/pope-francis-joe-biden-g-20-summit-europe-rome-b88497127cc09a79d018cd262b1c41a1
  17. I didn't get claustrophobic at all. It was done face down on a massage table with an open face pillow. He also did electrostimulation of muscles. That feels pretty strange and caused tingling in my toes. Mods, can you change the title to "acupuncture"? I guess i was thinking of accuweather
  18. Who has tried it? Working out some back issues and don't want to go to shots and definitely not surgery. Had 3 treatments and I think there's been a 50% improvement. Something is definitely happening. He hit a spot yesterday that caused a stinger and I had to have him move it. Also the aching area has moved and decreased in size. Do NFL players use it? Do you?
  19. Well, most of the folks I'm doing yoga with are pretty fit and all are white. Some extremely fit. I'm not there but working on it. And I'll bet 75% are liberal. Certainly anti MAGA as most are women. Can't imagine any being white supremacists.
  20. https://abc7news.com/fbi-hearing-christopher-wray-house-judiciary-committee/13494183/ The more I watch and read, the more I see Wray winning this match. He's way smarter than the likes of Gaetz and Jordan and way less slippery.
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