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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. say what? what did they want? you seem to be saying "anything but the "establishment". that's a pretty low bar. Think of the historical figures who accomplished overturning the establishment: Lenin, Mao, Castro, Hitler, Mussolini etc. Be careful what you ask for. Your confidence in reigning in trump is misplaced.
  2. and you're calling me naive? trump has a strangle hold on the R party. Almost all other R leaders have bent a knee. Those that haven't were primaried or retired. Yet you think you ar going to hold him to account. Forgive me while I chuckle about you showing him the light should he go astray. In that instance you can take solace in the fact that he's 78, obese and deconditioned. I do.
  3. yes, draining the swamp!!! Apparently, Musk is in agreement. raising the debt ceiling is not gov't efficiency and the debt is not a psychological issue as trump claims. Our huge interest payments are proof enough.
  4. I thought covid was nothing worse than the flu...It was raging by the time Biden took over. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. trump wanted pence to refuse to certify the election. At least you're cognizant of that. Someone has come forward, however and he was trump's attorney. Many other henchmen are now also felons: https://www.npr.org/2023/10/20/1207417000/kenneth-chesebro-guilty-plea-georgia.
  5. “Did a worse job”. Just doesn’t sound right literally or literally. But what was going on between trump and pence then and why?
  6. No sweater vests. Lots of denim and carhart but I don't think you'd be comfortable. I'm going to propose we reread some of the classics banned in Florida. We don't keep a wait list. It's not a country club.
  7. what does it matter where they are from? They exist and are becoming more prevalent and overt. I wonder who they voted for in Nov...Of course they weren't from Charlottesville. They were giving a big F U to the "elites" there just like MAGA is doing to just about every government institution.
  8. A machine at a gym. my fav aerobic exercise. but we do have a TVA lake that would be suitable. remember the TVA, when govt saved millions from starvation during the depression. most of the descendants of those people have forgotten... yes, wouldn't want to interrupt a maga circle jerk. it's ok. we don't have any magas at our weekly bookclub either...
  9. Is there a question here? The reason 1/6 is worse is that it came from within and there are many American disenfranchised citizens who sympathize with the treasonous act. If you think I’m alone in this mindset, go to a faculty lounge or the sub shop in the Charlottesville Wegmans. Look for someone wearing a “political science” hoodie.
  10. Hmmm , and why would he choose academia as the example here? Wouldn’t it suggest that it’s a prime “offender”? ill get back to your question in a while. Got some rowing to do.
  11. C’mon. People of what profession or career spend time in a faculty lounge? You have used the word disparage but until now not the word “atmosphere “ to describe them. Why be disingenuous? Embrace your opinions, foul as they maybe. and yes, I’ve agreed it’s a lovely Wegmans full of mostly interesting people.
  12. so now you're back to claiming that you didn't disparage academics.? Or Charlottesville is not beautiful affluent and safe Or is it that there isn't really a nice Wegmans there that you're likely to run into academics at. Or that there actually aren't academics that have successfully gone in and out of private sector businesses. Which is in the deep end and why never mind, I'm sure you're not interested.
  13. Sad is when you're unhappy with your lot and want radical change. Happy is when you're content and want to conserve the system.
  14. I was right the first time. There are many academics who are very successful in the private sector. Law, finance, medicine and engineering come to mind. But you've laid bare your contempt.. Doesn't that feel better? why would you want to rub shoulders at Wegmans with these awful people? why live in a liberal, college town.? Maybe because it's beautiful, affluent and safe like many college towns.
  15. so what was meant by the disparaging "faculty lounge" comment. It's a fair assumption that you're not an academic and don't think highly of people who are: "To claim otherwise is the stuff of idiotic faculty lounge conversation expressed by people who have no idea of scale or scope" btw, university faculty lounges are largely a thing of the past.
  16. good analysis https://www.cnn.com/2024/12/19/politics/trump-musk-capitol-chaos-analysis/index.html The sabotaging of Johnson’s funding initiative triggered shock and confusion on Capitol Hill. But for many of Trump’s supporters and boosters in the conservative media who are anticipating massive cuts to federal programs, the mayhem is the point. Even if the impasse leads to a damaging government shutdown, that may represent progress for some since the government itself is viewed with disdain on the populist right. And by taking aim at the Washington status quo even before he takes the oath of office, Trump is doing exactly what he said he’d do on the campaign trail. But the sudden imbroglio also highlighted one of the key issues facing Trump in his second term: If he wants to pass his tax cuts, push through his immigration overhauls, defend the country and leave a meaningful legacy, he will have to find some way to govern – even if that draws him into conflict with base voters and MAGA ideologues who seem happy to burn government to the ground.
  17. because he didn't https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-wanted-10000-troops-personal-protection_n_63a62dbae4b0d6724fb69290
  18. He lives outside Charlottesville. He says he witnessed that day. Not debunked at all. Why do you hold onto the idea that the nasty MAGA stuff that has happened is untrue? Why do you disbelieve everything legacy media reports Maybe read or watch some international news to see which side of the story they report. I wager it won't be that of far right media (with the possible exclusion of Russian media).
  19. 2 years...plenty of time for orange demagogue to screw things up with tariffs, healthcare, justice and the migrant workforce.. Oh, and totally mishandle a crisis like covid. Then we vote on house and senate seats, assuming we survive that long. you keep pretending that 1/6 wasn't a planned coup attempt. Why was Pence heavily pressured to refuse to certify the election. Why was he threatened repeatedly by the mob? Why did trump throw him under the buss? Was all that staged for some secret reason? Enquiring minds want to know...
  20. faculty lounges? pretty clear you were disparaging some of your Charlottesville neighbors. Where does that contempt come from? own up to who you are ideologically. It's very clear despite your refusal to debate the most disturbing topics.
  21. oh, you mean university elites who have been responsible for the foundation of most major discoveries and advancements in modern history? Yeah, who needs them. But the Jan 6 scum, you're not interested in discussing. It's your go to play. It's kind of barbaric in debate terms.. I think we can reasonably conclude that you would have been ok with the 2020 election being overturned that day. A real patriot...to hell with the rule of law.
  22. 9/11 was horrible, no denying it. But in regards to our country, 1/6 was worse. We are watching the disintegration of a great nation at the hands of barbarians. This was a flash point. History has seen this play before in Rome...now care to opine on the contention that the whole thing was staged? That doesn't offend your sensibilities? partisan indeed...
  23. sure. when pressed, quit. cuz there is no evidence. What was the goal of "staging" Jan 6?
  24. evidence of above? The capitol police were in on the ruse? I guess you need to tell yourself something like that to rationalize support of your cult leader. He's not going to save anyone, least of all the working class. That's what's sad. 3 years for treason? I guess I'm relatively happy that you're a fake doctor and not a judge.
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