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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. It’s trolling which is totally appropriate, acceptable, dignified, constructive behavior from a US president. The unwashed rubes are pleased.
  2. That was the journalist’s answer to my question on whether imprisonment resulted from criticizing the government. He said “no”. At worst would be that. There are many 3rd world democracies where that is the case. Florida for example bans books…
  3. Jamaica has the similar natural resources and similar land mass but is a democracy. They also receive millions, if not billions from US tourists. The luxury resorts there have heavy security and barbed wire. Cubans appear better educated, healthier and happier, at least the average person. They do this with almost no US tourist dollars or trade. The casas we stayed in had no security or barbed wire. Ships that drop cargo into Cuba are banned from entering US ports for years. Remove these obstacles and most of their problems go away. We met journalist and artists, not educators. They spoke freely and criticized openly. The artists works were often socially provocative in regards to politics.
  4. They have problems, no doubt. But the pre Castro years were not good for many. Very good for a few. The mafia ran Havana with all the decay that culture brings. Many of the early emigres after the revolution were tied in and lost everything. They and their descendants lost a great deal and have great resentment. So take all that bitching with a grain of salt. A Cuban American in the Miami airport was appalled that we were going there. She told us the government was starving all the people. I have seen a single malnourished Cuban or even a dog or cat and we actually went to a squatter community that the government ended up providing water and electricity for. To be fair, we saw a dog with mange there. Cuban history has many more than 2 historical periods. To say so is ridiculous. As with most things, it’s nuanced and complicated. Very little is black or white.
  5. Greetings from Cuba, the first communist country I’ve ever visited. Firstly, it’s likely not going to be communist for long. The embargo and the easy access to green cards from the US for Cubans is taking its toll. 10% of the population has left in the last 3 years. Ask trump and Rubio about automatic green cards for Cubans. Seems antithetical to his proclaimed immigration policy but that’s how they roll. All that said, it’s a beautiful country with friendly people. I’ve yet to see an armed soldier or policeman. I’ve walked the streets at night both alone and with others with no problem. They’re low on oil getting almost all from Venezuela. Secondarily there’s garbage in the streets because the trucks have little gas. There are blackouts everyday for 1-3 hours for the same reason. Since we are with a university group, we met with several journalists and artists They admitted censorship but not at the cost of imprisonment. Anti government material results in harassment and at worst, exile. One of the artists painted the famous Obama sketch in light blue after his visit here. No problems for that. They were very hopeful til trump took over for him. We go to Jamaica every year. The standard of living seems much better in Cuba. So communism will likely fail here ( the journalists agree) but it hasn’t done badly compared to other Caribbean countries. Havana has a university for 60000 students that is free. Healthcare is free. maybe there’s a happy medium…
  6. Well I actually went to medical school, passed all the exams and requirements and passed the boards 3 times. So no, I don’t listen to “them”. Where did you obtain your expertise in medicine and health? I’m guessing some far right site with authors who know nothing about health sciences like most moron anti vaxers
  7. I don’t think he knows what “vulgar” means: lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined.
  8. No doubt. Historically, that approach hasn’t benefited the middle, much less the bottom. But they’ll smile through the disappointment.
  9. Which is why we need the fbi! Trump isn’t proposing stopping promising foreign students a place. He promised green cards should they graduate. Are you unfamiliar with his policy here?
  10. I’m with the no ketchup, medium rare, salt and pepper crowd…what a silly analogy. This is a fundamental rift. It’s racists vs semi decent R’s
  11. Dude, if my butthurts after tomorrow it will be from sunburn. I didn't vote for a guy pretending to be against immigrants who actually sees them as vital. We agree on something! But he won the votes of lots of people he wouldn't let in if they were foreigners. So revel in that.
  12. Really? Why so many of your blogger heroes against this? Ask Levi....
  13. If you exclude Donald trump...https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2024/11/10/past-h-1b-visa-policies-predict-donald-trumps- immigration-policy/ The Trump administration published a restrictive H-1B rule in 2020. A judge blocked the rule for violating the Administrative Procedure Act. Trump officials attempted to publish part of the rule again before leaving office but ran out of time. The rule included numerous provisions to prevent companies from employing foreign-born scientists and engineers, such as changing who and what positions could qualify for an H-1B specialty occupation.
  14. So three parties: MAGA, R and D? I'm good with that. If you r correct, Stephen Miller should be shown the door early. I don't see that happening.
  15. Great. Did they build any condos or apartments in an area screaming for housing? Cuz on the way to the mini mart that sells "ne Ethanol" gasoline for mowers, I keep seeing these condos go up in a few short months and I've yet to see a white face doing the work.
  16. link? Here's mine: https://www.progressiverailroading.com/passenger_rail/news/Denver-RTD-selects-Washington-as-next-GMCEO--22199 and what qualifications does Rachael Levine lack?
  17. He withdrew and was treated with the same contempt that trump's unqualified nominees will be by the Dems. Keep in mind that Washington was CEO of Denver Airport. So in what way is Levine unqualified to be Asst sec for Health?
  18. This person is a real clown. Harvard, Tulane, Mt Sinai in Manhattan. Not qualified at all... Your opinion has nothing to do with her being transgender: Rachel Leland Levine (/ləˈviːn/ lə-VEEN; born 28 October 1957)[1] is an American pediatrician who has served as the United States Assistant Secretary for Health since 26 March 2021.[2] She is also an admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Levine is a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine, and previously served as the Pennsylvania physician general from 2015 to 2017 and as secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health from 2017 to 2021.[3] Levine is one of only a few openly transgender government officials in the United States,[4] and is the first to hold an office that requires Senate confirmation.[5][6] On 19 October 2021, Levine became the first openly transgender four-star officer in the nation's eight uniformed services.[7] So for H1B, someone with these qualifications should be welcomed except if they're trans?
  19. "Elites" in other words. Except many aren't. And many buy into bucking any authority or convention. Kari Lake and Matt Gaetz were floated just to cause chaos. Gaetz has already weighed in against H1B, not that it will make a difference. Stephen Miller has as well and he might make a difference. By necessity, some of his cabinet will be made up of populist ideologues. I think abandoning his populist theme too far will cause loss of support for R's.
  20. you mean he won't stick to his populist talking points? shocked! It is common sense except to a majority of MAGAs and right wing influencers as illustrated here. But he can't run again so he may just do what is correct. I'm not confident.
  21. I wouldn't bet on it. The electorate that voted trump in is decidedly less educated than those who voted for Harris. They can't compete globally and they know it. And they hate "elites". The blowback has already begun. I read a ridiculous editorial on Fox attacking Ramaswamy for even considering that our culture isn't superior. Xenophobia is still a MAGA foundation. All for it. Would have been ideal if they had it before the election. What will make us weaker is stopping or severely limiting H1B visas which I think is likely. MAGA is based on populism and this is what the populists want.
  22. No, I'm happy some of the current MGA leaders are speaking the truth. But I agree that they are likely to be pushed aside at the behest of the rank and file. The sad part is that this will lead us to be less globally competitive.
  23. Musk came on an H1B. You still a fan after he called out the lack of top American intellectuals? your eyerolls to his and Vivek's quotes suggest otherwise.
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