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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. congressman for 25 years, stanford law, attorney general for Cali etc vs an ambulance chaser lawyer who makes money from the drug companies he hates and will continue to receive as head of HHS https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2025/01/22/nx-s1-5271582/rfk-hpv-vaccine-merck
  2. no one mentioned native born. in fact, "doc" specifically blamed "illegals". yes, because he and "bobby" are of similar intellects and accomplishments🙄...
  3. you made my point. Life and science aren't simple and are therefore poorly understood by most MAGA's. Going through life believing falsehoods because you prefer simple black and white answers is not optimal.
  4. What about 1/5 of kids in West Texas being unvaccinated do you not understand? Do you think 1/5 of all kids in W Texas are migrants? then why would trump name him Sec of HHS? If no one ever listened to him, he wouldn't be a good choice and should never have been nominated nor approved by R senators, non?
  5. your grammar is an embarrassment to the official language of the US. Yes, of course. From my link: Tracking an Outbreak A team of CDC experts is now in Texas after the Department of State Health Services requested federal help for tracking the outbreak on Feb. 28. Three CDC physicians with experience in infectious disease and four epidemiologists are split across the West Texas region where the outbreak is located, a spokesperson for the state’s health department said in an email. The whole team is from the CDC’s viral vaccine preventable disease branch in the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.
  6. Businesses and investors are finding it very difficult. They can't plan They can't adjust. They're stuck treading water which is rarely good in business.
  7. It's getting worse. 1/5 of west texan kids aren't vaccinated but those are all illegals, right "Doc"? They are the source of all of our problems. Vermin. We should all be thankful for the brilliant minds of vaccine skeptics like RFK jr, "Bobby" as trump called him. I bet his family would disown him if they could. https://www.livemint.com/news/us-news/us-measles-cases-jump-35-in-a-week-now-found-in-12-states-11741405555623.html
  8. or he might have neurosyphilis and has lost his mind
  9. He's played well but he's a small LB at less than 220 lbs. Ideally he might be an elite safety. But his odds of tackling king Henry consistently one on one are not good. I think we need to get bigger here. maybe thru the draft.
  10. OMG! I grew up on the Canada/NY line on the Niagara. Went to Cupola's to trade skates nearly every year. Nice pair of Bauer Junior Supremes were my favorites. Kangaroo skins. Hockey night in Canada. Tim Hortons. While tubing down the river, entered the Canadian side multiple times. Golf at Niagara parks - quite possibly the best course in the area. Several friends played box lacrosse in Canada and later played in US college programs. Vacation in the Muskoka's. There's a reason my dad chose that destination. The people are really nice and the food is wholesome and good. The fishing was pretty good too.! And we're gonna jettison all that goodwill for a fat. orange, dictator wanna be? Nope.
  11. Just wondering... Do you consider MTG and deep throat Boebert smarter? give me a break. This guy is f'ing hilarious. tell us what you think. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/louis-gohmert-dumbest-guy-congress-b1851356.html (Paul Simon) He says why am I short of attention Got a short little span of attention And wo my nights are so long Where's my wife and family What if I die here Who'll be my role-model Now that my role-model is Gone Gone He ducked back down the alley With some roly-poly little bat-faced girl All along along There were incidents and accidents Yes, our art is better. you have none. There were hints and allegations
  12. The 1st vid was a fail. Who knew a jew could lack any theatrical inspiration? The second, a big win. AOC is smart and pretty. Ya'll got that dog killing, drinklng, dog- faced, gun for hire from SD as your combatant. AOC knocks her out on looks alone. Plus, she's way smarter than the average MAGA...I guess, 4th, 5th or 6th best would do if the quantities were severely limited .
  13. Is this you? far too handsome. tomorrow doesn't 't belong to you. It was a lie then, as it is now. smarten up.
  14. That's great. the fascsim of DEI and gay marriage? Women's equal rights? Reproductive freedom.? Concern for the environment Emphasis on education (otherwise known as "smartness")? Respect for science and academic accomplishment? yep, full totalitarian doctrine...
  15. nah, America will soon tire of fascists who can't deliver.
  16. I'm lost. trilions were spent on saving the country from an impending economic collapse during Covid during both the trump and Biden admins.. Maybe that had something to do with it?
  17. shyte, there goes a perfectly good dream. thanks very much.
  18. Exemplary, donald https://thehill.com/business/5183167-fox-business-host-on-shocking-decline-in-consumer-spending-the-boom-times-are-over/ Jimmy, I mean Warren, Rock on. Always good advice. The other fool is a tool.
  19. So dude, are you putting or shoving?
  20. I'd vote....for her. Amanpour too but I'm kinda old. https://www.cnn.com/2025/03/06/politics/video/melanie-joly-canada-trump-christiane-amanpour-digvid
  21. Meanwhile, the russian are walking in high cotton https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/2024123/russian-rouble-soars-donald-trump-vladimir-putin-ukraine
  22. This! Trump and his treasury secretary are selling the rubes a load of shyte. the math doesn't work. sadly, it won't end well for anyone unless he pulls out prematurely. doubt he's ever done that. musk certainly hasn't.
  23. "clearly and consistently implicated secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by common upper respiratory–tract bacteria in most influenza fatalities." Cause of death is still influenza. I had a patient come in through the ER for a bee sting. He had heart problems. He had a severe allergic reaction to the sting. He was appropriately given epinephrine in the ER,, which along with the anaphylaxis caused him to have a heart attack and die. I wrote "bee sting" as his primary cause of death on his death certificate. The pathologist on the case agreed. At any rate, measles is the topic. Try top keep up.
  24. a good friend is a local banker. Has made 100's if not 1000's of loans, mostly to farmers. His little bank is in the top 3 for farm loans. but yeah, you mean a guy who would get a loan 5 years ago very well might not now. I'm very much a buy and mostly hold investor. I play with a little mad money. otherwise I follow my advisors advice. She's not saying to buy or sell right now.
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