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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Those 2 days, we were doing oceanographic research! it was mesmerizing. The coeds were almost all in Bikinis. So why did Clinton drop the embargo on Vietnam 19 years after the war?? And all the POTUS' after him leave it alone? I think the big reason for the embargo continuing thru those admins (x Obama) is the Florida electorate. Been crucial in elections for decades.
  2. F off. Been to England at least a dozen times. Cuba was a university trip led by a social scientist who teaches about Latin America and Cuba. Another similar group from U Kansas' simultaneous trip was also organized by the same tour company (based in Cambridge, Mass). All the tour operators had at least relevant undergrad degrees and spoke excellent English. Would a visitor to NYC need a government attache from their embassy to let them glean the flavor of the place in 10 days? The point is, I'm an american and I want what's best for me. And what's best for me is being able to visit Cuba as aa tourist and for them to have the embargo eased enough so they can regularly pick up the garbage in the street, at least when I visit. It's about freedom!...for me to have a nice time in Cuba. I thought for sure you'd agree....
  3. they pose no threat. MAGA is all about what's best for Americans. Another beautiful nearby vacation spot is best for many Americans. We could sell them a great many goods. Should we put an embargo on Vietnam? Last I knew Americans could vacation there as tourists. This is all about the Cuban American voting block and pols like Cruz and Rubio. I would argue that their interests here are not the same as the nations interests.
  4. it has a lot to do with Rubio. Cuba is a personal issue to him and to a great many Cuban Americans in and around Miami. They represent a very important voting block in Fla. And the vast majority of them hold a 75 year grudge against Cuba.
  5. It’s a beautiful island, a quick plane ride and inexpensive. The people are awesome, the beaches immaculate and uncrowded, the 20 yo rum amazing and the cigars are the best in the world. What’s not to like? cut out the embargo and everything gets even better, especially for Cubans. They’ve agreed to release political prisoners which as a human rights issue is problematic ( before the release). If they want to support Maduro because they get oil from Venezuela it’s not affecting me. But if they could buy oil elsewhere that might go away too: chicken and egg. How is it that MAGAs are fine with letting Ukraine fall to the Russians but are afraid of a little Caribbean island with very little economic, political or military clout? Isn't the entire philosophy based on what is best for America? What's best for me is another awesome place to vacation...
  6. so MAGAs won't bi1ch if walmart prices go up due to tariffs on China? c'mon, they'll be the first and the loudest.
  7. works fine for me too. early retirement...and what "take"? what I wrote is fact btw, where's you data supporting the contention that H1B's are mostly low and medium skilled workers or did you just hear that on some white Christian nationalist propaganda show?
  8. umm, that to be great, extraordinary people are required. Few MAGAs are extraordinary. Many are below average and thus to stay competitive, we need to import the creme de la creme which ironically, many MAGAs object to: The MAGA paradox.
  9. look at the demographics from last election re education level. Pew research has some good numbers.
  10. link? don't believe that's true. at any rate, we don't have enough high level scientists, mathematicians etc. can't compete without them. they are what it takes to be great and not just ordinary. The MAGA paradox...
  11. Do a little research. We don't have enough highly qualified people on the cutting edge. Too many dumb, uneducated MAGA's to compete in technology globally. Can't be truly great without smart , highly educated people.
  12. wow, this sounds an awful lot like the inflation complaints that won trump the election....
  13. Do you support H1B visas? https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/dump-h-1b-trump-just-cant-afford-it/amp_articleshow/117224176.cms
  14. https://apnews.com/article/biden-cuba-terrorism-designation-a0e2f003ce7100e6a845ef7ed6e96a1b Shoulda been done 4 years ago. Cruz has already condemned the deal. Rubio likely will tomorrow at the Senate Foreign Affairs confirmation hearing. The Cuban people are being played like pawns in our internal squabble. No different than human shields in Gaza. This is about revenge for Cuban Americans who were dispossessed in the revolution and their demand for reparations. It's always about money and those without it, including Americans, are F'ed.
  15. Don't worry, dude. You're not going to lose your job to Mohammad the neurologist....but Pedro the gardener, might be a threat.
  16. shakir just for that punt return Ty Johnson Cook Both lines
  17. I'd use this: https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/neurosyphilis
  18. or when fighting with the rough riders in Cuba.
  19. What a fascist. He clearly doesn’t believe it’s all trolling…
  20. I am home and perfectly sober. But I’ve gotten to really like mojitos and now know how to make them. Should be good to watch the game with Sunday. Need to get both light and dark rum. The type of mint the Cubans use will have to be fudged. meanwhile, you can practice your masculine goose stepping.
  21. Nice piece https://apnews.com/article/trump-imperialism-canada-panama-greenland-b4b53445dee97398b498b79eab54d49b Charlie Kirk, a key Trump ally who joined Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., on a trip to Greenlandthis week, argued on his podcast Wednesday that it was imperative for the U.S. to control Greenland. The island is an autonomous territory of Denmark, a longtime U.S. ally and a founding NATO member. Beyond the country’s strategic location in the Arctic and its rich resources, Kirk said, “there is this other component. It makes America dream again, that we’re not just this sad, low-testosterone, beta male slouching in our chair, allowing the world to run over us.” sounds a lot like the Nazis…
  22. Cmon. It’s just a joke like colonizing Canada or invading Greenland. It’s hilarious.
  23. More MAGA middle fingers. Doesn’t matter if inflation decreases or immigration problems are solved or health care improves as long as they can feel powerful and resentful simultaneously.
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