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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Small farm eggs ar worth the extra money. The yolks ae almost always more orange and tasty. I wouldn't know about hitting on the farmers daughter. That would be creepy. We went halves on some chicken and a hen house for a few moths. we gave them away after they started eating each other. Little, modern dinosaurs. But eggs are good and I wish they were cheaper.
  2. not interested. talk to sherpa Yes, I had a gf at the time whose parents got it. It was like a huge block of kraft American cheese.
  3. gonna be many upset magas in jd vance's neck od the woods https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/5111210-trump-freeze-medicaid-access/
  4. i'll bet you cashed in on the free cheese a few years back.
  5. this gut spilled the beans https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/jan-6-rioter-known-as-qanon-shaman-sentenced-to-41-months
  6. the maga queen https://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/melania-trumps-nude-magazine-shoot-is-a-sight-to-see-32197085.html
  7. you should listen to your orange messiah. “They all said inflation was the No. 1 issue. I said, ‘I disagree,’” Trump said. “I talked about inflation too, but how many times can you say that an apple has doubled in cost?”
  8. it's called satire. I realize I'm not as vulgar as a real MAGA though. lipstick on a pig
  9. he's as funny as these pics https://stdcenterny.com/herpes/herpes-photos/different-stages.html
  10. what's the over/under on STD's throughout melenas life?
  11. the remarkable thing is that you're unfazed at having a filthy immigrant as our first lady and having her disgusting family ride her transactional sex acts to US citzenship. The whole affair is deplorable
  12. wrong again. I'm talking about inflation in general. trump was the one who highlighted eggs to appeal to dolts. we're just following up n his promises. It's gonna be the wall all over again.
  13. Nope. plenty of issues especially re bullying allies. But trump himself said inflation was the issue that got him elected. And now it's not a priority. I won't complain about the tax breaks tho. so few MAGAs will benefit
  14. Rand thinks the nominee for labor secretary is too pro labor. Looking out for the "working" man https://www.mediaite.com/politics/rand-paul-says-hell-vote-against-trumps-labor-secretary-nominee-because-shes-very-pro-labor/ cmon. eggs are a tiny percentage of the CPI. You are almost never correct.
  15. Don't trust her. She's a vile, dirty immigrant.
  16. yes, you have a keen interest in this despite being dead wrong... btw, there's a nearby winery as well. Reds are as sweet as kool aid.
  17. thread is over 2 years old, started in the middle of Biden's term with 1200 replies. And now, it's not an issue! MAGAs are as dishonest as their leader. The number that will go bankrupt under trump ia a small consolation.
  18. yes, most are morons. he loves the uneducated.
  19. trump lied to his "working" class voters. Shocking. We'll see how long they give him a pass for. https://www.msn.com/en-us/politics/government/trump-says-inflation-isn-t-his-no-1-issue-so-what-will-happen-to-consumer-prices/ar-AA1xT9hd Two months ago, in his first network television interview after the election, Donald Trump said he owed his victory to Americans' anger over immigration and inflation, specifically the rising cost of groceries. “When you buy apples, when you buy bacon, when you buy eggs, they would double and triple the price over a short period of time,” he told NBC’s “Meet the Press. “And I won an election based on that. We’re going to bring those prices way down.” Eventually they'll realize they've been played....or not.
  20. amazing how inflation was the number 1 issue just a few weeks ago. Or was it really? Maybe it was primarily about "us" versus the others....perhaps it's both https://www.wsj.com/economy/u-s-consumers-lose-confidence-at-start-of-trump-second-term-0e48375b
  21. he went to damascus. I'm in the islands.. same old song. If u aren't willing to comment, you're "not interested". everything u are willing to comment on lines up with MAGA...
  22. the rest with deeply sensational deaths. Whose adding is okaying you?
  23. Most beautful configuration in many years. An absolute pleasure to wtnrss, q or 2 stringer DB'sandLB'd, we're golden Keep the same culture, The psyche seems universally accepted hype _ absolved by talent
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