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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. pretty serious allegations on Fauci. Source? Most hospitals dd not mandate the vax. Mine didn't although I wanted it to. If they did, there were plenty of healthcare jobs available at the time (and now). Pick an area and go... Medical professionals apparently are ignorant when it comes to pharmacology and infectious disease. Where does your clearly superior medical knowledge originate from? Some q site? RFK jr?
  2. What percentage of doctors do you imagine took the vaccine? In our hospital system, there was 1 who didn't....now nurses were a different story but some of them aren't too sharp. Fauci spent his entire adult life serving patients at significant personal risk especially with the advent of AIDs. You idiots just have to find a scapegoat. It's comic book philosophy. ah, a comic book reply from tommy eye rolls. right on cue. are you questioning my statement that only 1 out of hundreds refused the vax or just being your normal unpleasant, thoughtless self?
  3. original as well. on the plus side, it was less than 500 words.
  4. eggs over easy. but f i want fancy, it's eggs Benedict. I like me some nice hollandaise. Happy Thanksgiving. Find some fine wine from a region known for its reliable climate and temperance. All is good.
  5. White trash, repent. You know not what you do. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/medicaid-head-start-health-centers-trump-funding-freeze/
  6. dude, there are plenty of poor D's. It's just they're not the same as the R poor....except they're all poor.
  7. really? ya think that was spontaneous. this os why we win. actually, i'm happy to say we've met several couples in the last couple days of whom we couldn't guess political affiliation. that's cool. everyone on the cuba trip was progressive. even better.
  8. Dude, watch Caberet...You'd have been an ogler.
  9. dumber than rocks wins every time. watch how the w virginia MAGA's prosper. Mississipi, Tenn and Alabama too. Especially Louisiana. Good times for all intellectuals! actually not but I mett a nice couple from N Cali at the bar tonight. She was really hot. On average, I think Californians excel.
  10. wow. Comparing Thanksgivings! Mine was bigger. At a beach near Wilmington with mine this year, and almost every. We had turkey, And really nice wine...but I'm certain yours was better. Why with a winery and all on your property and that gold medal. !@#$, you win...The fighter jet pic clinches it. Are you related to Josh? He's my nephew!
  11. i looked it up. i thought it might be an asian indian misinterpretation of popcorn. f'in immigrants! seems it was just some farrighrt extremists wet dream.
  12. Small farm eggs ar worth the extra money. The yolks ae almost always more orange and tasty. I wouldn't know about hitting on the farmers daughter. That would be creepy. We went halves on some chicken and a hen house for a few moths. we gave them away after they started eating each other. Little, modern dinosaurs. But eggs are good and I wish they were cheaper.
  13. not interested. talk to sherpa Yes, I had a gf at the time whose parents got it. It was like a huge block of kraft American cheese.
  14. gonna be many upset magas in jd vance's neck od the woods https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/5111210-trump-freeze-medicaid-access/
  15. i'll bet you cashed in on the free cheese a few years back.
  16. this gut spilled the beans https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/jan-6-rioter-known-as-qanon-shaman-sentenced-to-41-months
  17. the maga queen https://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/melania-trumps-nude-magazine-shoot-is-a-sight-to-see-32197085.html
  18. you should listen to your orange messiah. “They all said inflation was the No. 1 issue. I said, ‘I disagree,’” Trump said. “I talked about inflation too, but how many times can you say that an apple has doubled in cost?”
  19. it's called satire. I realize I'm not as vulgar as a real MAGA though. lipstick on a pig
  20. he's as funny as these pics https://stdcenterny.com/herpes/herpes-photos/different-stages.html
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