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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. 1 month. what more does he want? i doubt the markets will be soothed by this for long, if at all. the Canadian oil is the biggest dollar issue.
  2. demographics prove I'm correct. poor whites overwhelmingly voted MAGA...
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/us Not a single mention of how the stock market or business leaders or international opinion are reacting to tariffs. The cultists not reading here probably don't know about the market jitters. To be fair, most don't care. They're not invested. They're worried about putting food on the table. Oh, wait....
  4. to be fair, i think JD Hill went as far as saying he'd wait and see on tariffs. for a cultist, that's something. https://apnews.com/article/fans-boo-national-anthem-tariffs-canada-2c7210574c0373348870a94445814407 can you blame them?
  5. Bs. Even 1%ers will feel pain if the market crashes and you aren’t one. Your tax rate is determined by congress and they’re looking to lower them for high earners on the back of these tariffs. That’ll help u if you’re even a 10 % er. Your thinking is f’ed. Go talk to your supposed financial advisor and get straightened out. They have followed the fascist playbook very closely. And populist fools fell for it again. Even if we emerge from this we’re fed. Too many stupid people.
  6. destabilizing north america. what a great idea. who might benefit??
  7. Ah yes, the wizard has all the answers. AID's was found well before COVID. Why would trump employ Fauci as an advisor if he knew about supposed terrible things he did with AID's patients? So no proof. Just absolute fantasy. Oh, and 6 years after COVID was discovered, there is still not settled science on its origins. So no, not upset.
  8. yup. The ones who supported him the most will be hurt the most. After reading their excuses for supporting him over the past several years, I think they're going to get what's coming to them. And the "elites" they despise will benefit the most.
  9. So much vomiting tommy. did someone poison your maple syrup? seriously how does a falling Canadian dollar personally benefit you.
  10. This is true. It's also true that the vast majority want a dollar for dollar trade war response and a robust defense of Canada's sovereignty. Read the rest of the story here. It's bleak and I don't understand the joy you find in inflicting pain on our friendly neighbor. Just another mean spirited maga. https://kpmg.com/ca/en/home/media/press-releases/2025/01/fight-tariffs-with-tariffs-kpmg-business-survey.html
  11. how does this exchange rate help you?
  12. how's $800/yr per household extra from tariffs sound to you? Cost of living was a big issue to you while Biden was prez. Who is going to profit from the tariffs?
  13. We all think we're right, until we're proven wrong. There are plenty of posters here getting more dopamine shots than me (you're not far off) and they supposedly go to work as well.
  14. it's on the internet so it's virtual. but I think you meant virtue. i thought you'd forgotten the meaning, rendering you incapable of honest political debate. oh, a NASCAR reference, cool!
  15. ya know that theory about putin's pawn? I'm sure he's thrilled, what with the end of the Ukrainian war on day 1 and all.
  16. yup. good summary of you entire political ideology. are you happy yet?
  17. What's an extra 30 cents per gallon for gas? I'm sure all the maga's complaining about inflation under Biden will be thrilled! Can you imagine their reaction if that happened under Biden (with no tangible benefits directly to them)? But I hope he keeps it up. In 2 years, will get congress back. Energy products from Canada will have only a 10% duty, but Mexican energy imports will be charged the full 25%, the officials told reporters. Trump had initially planned a 25% tariff on all goods from Canada and Mexico but cut the Canadian oil tariff in an effort to ease the impact on energy prices, the officials said. The developments are set to upend a symbiotic oil trade between the U.S. and its neighbors: Many U.S. refineries are geared to churn the type of heavy and medium crude oil grades Canada produces, for example, and Canada’s oil output exceeds its current demand. “Someone is going to get kind of hurt here,” Wells Fargo Investment Institute’s John LaForge told Reuters. “The oil in Alberta doesn’t have much of an option where it goes, and the refiners in the Midwest don’t have much of an option on where they get the feedstock,” he said. The U.S. imports some 4 million barrels per day of Canadian oil, 70% of which is processed by refiners in the Midwest. It also imports over 450,000 bpd of Mexican oil, mainly for refiners concentrated around the U.S. Gulf Coast.
  18. how bout you summarize it in words the average maga high school dropout voter can understand...
  19. yeah, that's not the scenario I proposed. Do the gifted lazy kids outperform the grinding, dumb ones? based on posts here, I think they do believe it and like it. very much. And therefore the pre election rhetoric was window dressing, even for the rank and file. Unsure if they fully expected it but they certainly don't seem angry.
  20. Well said. Stick around and help make this place more sane. The only thing I don't fully agree on is the brainwashed part. I think it's less that than stupidity and wishful, magical thinking. That's how fascist states have usually arisen.
  21. good. So you know that retirement income can be highly taxed. so why take offense with this: ""not for the "working man". we told you so. "This is redistribution of wealth and not towards the "working class". Your extra $800/yr costs thru these taxes will pay for my tax breaks""? Do you care about the working class? Do you care that that $800 will be recouped by us but not them? Do you feel that promising to financially improve their lives was honest? we're seeing active redistribution of wealth purposefully amed at taking wealth from them and giving to what tommy eyerolls calls "the investor class". you good with that? more winning for you personally. does it make you feel virile? richer? macho?
  22. there sure seemed to be some posters complaining about the plight of the working class before the election. I don't agree with the conclusions about capital gains taxes here but the premises are correct. You'd think someone as highly placed as you would appreciate the benefits of lower capital gains taxes...also, there are taxable required distributions of assets in retirement. Limiting taxes on these distributions is major function of financial advisors in retirement. perhaps you should avail yourself of one. https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveforbes/2025/01/23/president-trump-cut-the-capital-gains-tax/
  23. yes, agreed. and therefore we can agree that trump's comments shortly after the event was totally inappropriate.
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