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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. USAID is going to be down to 600 employees from 10,000. The state dept is also cutting personnel: https://www.notus.org/whitehouse/state-department-contractors-fired. So where are the people coming from to administer rice bowl diplomacy that you and rubio ostensibly support? Resist. We've swapped roles. Only difference is that I've stayed on the moral side.
  2. Let’s start with Africa. S Africa especially. Hmmm, what ties does DOGE have to S Africa? https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/russias-growing-footprint-africa
  3. Listen to the Rubio comments on foreign aid from a couple years ago. Much cheaper to buy some loyalty with aid than to fight wars or lose access to rare natural resources. The Russians and Chinese are already swooping in a filling the void while laughing at the US morons.
  4. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/trump-jr-accused-illegally-hunting-endangered-italian-duck/ of course, he's poaching migratory creatures for his own pleasure. like father, like son...
  5. I think you must differentiate between the American church and the Global church. The Pope has condemned many of trump's statements and actions. Many US church leaders have looked the other way or supported him.. Evangelicals were instrumental in his win. They'll get priority in policy. interestingly, anti abortion seems a higher priority issue than keeping poor, sick living people alive especially colored ones.
  6. what changed little marco's mind? ambition and servitude. he was right the first time. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/05/politics/video/kfile-marco-rubio-usaid-foreign-aid-praise-ebof-digvid I literally blamed him for not advocating strongly enough for vaccine use. why not be televised taking his vax? would have encouraged many maga dummies. The source of the COVID virus remains vigorously debated.
  7. 1,Gaza and dispossess 2 million Palestinians 2,.cut off Catholic relief services
  8. Cool. In a week or so, MAGAs have lost the Muslim vote( bye bye Michigan) and half the Catholic vote ( those who actually believe in “love one another “. Tough way to get there but it’s a long term win.
  9. Cmon. MAGA doesn’t believe in karma . Or life after death. Accountability. They’re stupid but not that stupid. Life has value but to MAGAs only to theirs.
  10. Rice bowl diplomacy works. This will hurt us and millions of desperate humans. But good job. Really… https://www.ncronline.org/news/exclusive-catholic-relief-services-lays-staff-cuts-programs-after-usaid-shakeup
  11. "treasury dept payment systems..."
  12. good for her. Congress controls the purse strings Kavanaugh and Roberts agree https://www.vox.com/scotus/397820/supreme-court-brett-kavanaugh-trump-spending-freeze-impoundment
  13. I think he meant getting cheated by the unethical autistic kids. what position would musk play in football? given his gyrations, cheerleader would be most appropriate.
  14. yup. this board is not representative of the American electorate.
  15. an entire strata of stupid Americans are fickle and easily swayed. We've learned some lessons from trump. regretfully but necessarily we'll use some of his tactics and target those voters. In the meantime, they're hanging themselves.
  16. you're an outlier even among R's.. ".In November, 34 percent of surveyed Americans wanted Musk to have “a lot” of influence, 22 percent wanted him to have “a little” influence, and 30 percent said “none at all." Same damn mid 30% deplorables.
  17. Buyers remorse. GIve it 23 months til the midterms https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5129353-gop-support-for-musk-influence-with-trump-falls-dramatically-poll/
  18. Yes. After reading the posts of the MAGA’s here, I definitely can. Intellectl is in short supply in the USA right now. That’s unlikely to change but when the rubes start paying more for essentials while losing their government aid, their tune will change.
  19. How many lies have you tallied from trump or have you lost count?
  20. Just wondering what heartless scumbags will be vacationing on the Gaza Blood Soaked Riviera. Musk and the trump family are sure to. Oddly enough, a meeting between a felon and a war criminal resulted in this bizarre idea.
  21. at least you admit who you are. even if it's part of one of the most despicable movements in human history. bully for you
  22. And the winner is…Putin. In fairness, this helps China too. Strong work Vlad manikin! https://www.cnbc.com/2025/02/03/putin-says-europe-will-stand-at-feet-of-master-as-trump-imposes-tariffs.html
  23. yes, poor whites are his base. agreed. now tell Motorin
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