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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Well, if Eric Daughtery, Susan Crabtree, Terrance Williams, Hegseth, big fish, Benny Johnson, Joe Shmoe and Mike Benz are pleased, I’m convinced…
  2. I recall saying that inflation was present globally, largely due to Covid. But ours was lower than most. Bump away.
  3. She/he is probably Mexican. The MAGAs here are never who they claim to be.
  4. At least you correctly conjugated “is”. Your attempt at deception was abysmal, however. Again.
  5. please differentiate between proposal and plan. I intended them as equivalent. educate me.
  6. Went past an Arby's today and they had a 2 for 69 sign. I was intrigued. On the way back all the letters were displayed: 2 for $6.99. Regual and cheese. Now, I like Arby's but usually go with just the regular. But $7? Well, I never...this inflation is really bad.
  7. sure, that's why Virginia recently renewed my license which I'd post if you'd agree to post yours.
  8. omg. it's the burning of the Reichstag and Jan 6 combined.
  9. you write more clearly when you're supposedly caring for patients in the OR... actually, I asked what the plan was. That's what you proposed. Was there more to it? Please continue.
  10. look at you. citing NPR and Le Monde in the same thread. How very progressive of you. but if you want real news... Why should we care what neo nazis do in Germany? There's a big, beautiful ocean separating us. trump said so.
  11. come again? No idea what you are trying to convey. but what's trumps plan for inflation?
  12. PANACEA definition: 1. something that will solve all problems: 2. something that will cure all illnesses 3. something…. Learn more. You're welcome. Did you know that the average dog has a 300 word vocabulary? She was also the goddess of health and healing. But at least you tried to give trump's plan for inflation. It's a feat even his propagandists like catcrap and ole tuck haven't tackled.
  13. Look at the adoring expression on Melena’s face. His entire life is a lie. So backing away from govt spending cuts as a panacea for inflation,are we? your guess is as good as mine on tariffs. We both know what his campaign promises are worth. My guess is he’ll try them til the equities markets crater and then quickly rescind them.
  14. It won’t if the tariffs are imposed. $2600…enough to cover a year of cigarettes for the average maga in the meantime, here's some economic analysis you should consider: https://econofact.org/factbrief/fact-check-would-stopping-government-overspending-end-post-covid-inflation oh yeah, and ARE the BASICS of conjugating verbs too much for you?
  15. What’s the plan wench? From the guy who is president of my country.
  16. thanks. 69% fully vaccinated, so I guess we're arguing over the definition of vaccinated. Note the laggard, bottom of the barrel states- all dark red. More to the point, how would you explain trump's plan to fight inflation?
  17. where's the 80% figure come from. Even if validated, that's over 60 mil morons who did their own $hitty research and made a ridiculously stupid decision - for themselves and especially weak and frail neighbors. but who cares, right - I'm all right Jack, pull up the ladder. We were talking about inflation and prices. Can't blame you for avoiding that topic like a potato blight. Please describe the trump admins plan to fix it.
  18. and my point had nothing to do with any of this. I'm talking about vaccinations during any time during the peaks of the pandemic. When all we had were vaccines and placing ICU pts in trandelenburg position. the vast majority of the unvaxed were R's from red states. since R= Maga these days, it's fair to assume they're mostly magas. And their stupidity killed many of them and unfortunately, many of the weaker vaxed population. look at this map. it nearly reflects the mean IQ of each state. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58020090
  19. What killed more people than any policy was the rights refusal to get vaccinated. Besides the vax and social distancing there was little to do except work on drugs like paxlovid. Re inflation, there's little anyone can do about it. That's the truth. If there was some lever that could be pulled, it would have already been. Interest rates are the only real control and trump wants to decrease them, thus heating up the economy and causing more inflation. This is why he hasn't presented a plan. He doesn't have one.
  20. He wasn't fooling around https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/26/biden-2020-campaign-promises-report-card-00093779 could he have done more? maybe bleach, or ivermectin or HCQ. That's what you would have done... he did what he promised What Biden pledged: “When I’m elected your president, I’m going to act, and I’m going to act on day one. Folks, we’re going to act to get this Covid under control. … I’m never going to raise the white flag and surrender. We’re going to beat this virus. We’re going to get it under control, I promise you.”
  21. the economy was the main reason most voted for him. https://news.gallup.com/poll/651719/economy-important-issue-2024-presidential-vote.aspx So you're pleased with him for fooling millions of rubes. So great that you''re smarter than the average bear and weren't fooled. That's awesome!
  22. yeah, no irony here... people living paycheck to paycheck are watching closely and there are signs they're unhappy. Once they slow spending, the economic wave will trickle up. name one proposal he's put forth that will lower prices. I dare you to say tariffs.
  23. He's going to cost me at least $2600year from tariffs. That's a ski trip with my club. An analysis by the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan research group, shows that the top 1 percent would save more than $70,000, about 3 percent of after-tax income, and the median household would get only about $1,000, about 1 percent of after-tax income. (from trumps 1st term tax cuts - to be continued) While the poor get few of the rewards from those tax cuts, they bear more of the burden from tariffs, which are a tax on imported goods. The poor spend a larger share of their income than the rich do on things they want or need, including on imported goods, rather than saving or investing it, so tariffs operate as a sharply regressive tax. It is a mistake to imagine that the imports subject to tariffs are luxury goods like fine wines and sports cars; the tariffs threatened so far would fall instead on everyday household goods made in China, Canada and Mexico, along with steel and aluminum, which are used in a vast array of things Americans buy. It’s not yet clear what the final level of tariffs will be, but the highest levels Mr. Trump proposed during the campaign — a 20 percent across-the-board tariff, combined with a 60 percent tariff on China — would cost a typical American household in the middle of the income distribution more than $2,600 a year. Source: NYT
  24. Shows are still top shelf. Smart, educated, well spoken reporters doing great interviews and stories. Listeners, including me, have and will continue to step up. I never needed Biden to locate me. Only to consider and sympathize with my opinions which he and his administration consistently did. Npr isn’t concerned with your listening preferences: The 2023 NPR audience profile shows that NPR listeners are influential, cultured, engaged, and conscientious. They are also diverse in terms of gender, but the news audience is overwhelmingly white and progressive. Influential 71% more likely to work in top management 32% more likely to be a CEO 201% more likely to have something they wrote published Cultured 83% more likely to have attended an art gallery or show in the past year 90% more likely to have visited a museum in the past month 61% more likely to read books 2+ times a week
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