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Forlorn hope

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Everything posted by Forlorn hope

  1. You again don't know because the ,( alleged tapes) have not been released
  2. Kelly or Allen. If you're being honest
  3. It's honestly pathetic and weird if you think Howard was better than Sweeney this preseason
  4. Wrong again. Witnesses said arazia was not in the house. Including friends and aquiantences of Jane doe.
  5. Where is the studies? Show everyone the truth
  6. Because he wasn't 100% last year and is a physical tough blocker Howard can't move and is not as physical
  7. We won't get a true idea about injuries until Monday. Usually the 1st practice is a maintenance day if you're banged up
  8. It's still very much possible she was obviously being very flirty, drinking and hours after arazia left she was raped. I remember at a bar years ago this girl was drunk and acting very much the same. A couple guys lost control and basically started groping her ridiculously and she screamed for them stop. If she was in private with them I 100% believe they would've raped her. There was a very similar movie in 80s with Jodi foster in it that portrayed a similar context
  9. Nobody is demanding we know. Wanting to know, demanding. Two different things I agree and understand this perspective 100%
  10. Can you imagine losing multiple family members and friends and not being able to talk about it. Can you imagine losing your job and livelihood, businesses destroyed. Can you imagine violating a multitude of civil rights, privacy rights, being ostracized from people. But knowing all this, the anger people feel, we still respect the Knox family and their rights. If only that same approach was given the past two years... In some respect I'm glad it happened because it revealed to me a lot about people and their true character
  11. Why do you keep bringing up the issue of privacy as if people disagree or don't understand the the issues with revealing what happened. Everyone knows. It's why I and others respect the right to privacy and other rights. I and others kept our principles and valued those rights. The irony here is the same people who are talking about privacy rights, didn't respect them earlier. They went where the wind blew You should applaud any decision they make regarding their privacy. Not what you want
  12. Everything comes to an end. It's imo as hard as it is to admit the greatest dynasty in sports history for a myriad of reasons. Patriots fans are having a hard time coming back to reality. Like the hilarious comparison between Jones and Brady... It's like dude Mac may be a decent QB, but you're never going back to what you had. It's like Celtic fans thinking they could replace bird after he retired right away. It's insane to think like that
  13. Not getting into it fully here because of the platform rules. I already got a strike bringing up politics in the wrong forum.
  14. Best fans in the NFL
  15. Again you're either ignoring what we've said 3x now or just didn't see it... Everyone agrees if the Knox family wants to keep this private that should be respected. Nobody disagrees with that. Why ppl want to know is a different issue and you're ass backwards because it effects everyone Two different issues, not mutually exclusive Wanting to know the facts ( if available) is the opposite of gossiping Again this is a legitimate concern. Trying to say it's not is evil and disgusting But again it's truly ironic you talking about this being a private issue. We never wanted privacy violated....
  16. It's literally the opposite of gossiping. Ppl have a legitimate concern. Therefore they want to know the cause of death. If it was gossip it would be a Thanksgiving party and talking about uncle bills gambling problem.... Trying to make illegitimate people's concerns are pretty ridiculous at this point. Again everyone also understands the Knox family and the need for privacy. Nobody is disagreeing with that.
  17. Why do you keep repeating that as if people disagree
  18. Nobody said they weren't. Again that's not the point being made. Everyone is sad and cares about Dawson. Everyone respects his privacy. The concern ppl have is not mutually exclusive to that Ironic ...
  19. You will love the blocking te, ground and pound 😂
  20. I think getting Elam and the emergence of Benford will allow them to play more man. More blitzing. Terrell Bernard was extremely dangerous blitzing at Baylor
  21. Nobody is trying to go into a potential sexual assault/ rape case discrediting the alleged victim. That's literally not a real thing. Nobody is implying or thinks if she said all kinds of ridiculous stuff on tape, that it means she deserved to be raped. That's a psychotic and strange thing to think ... She's clearly flirting on tape and she's clearly telling everyone she is 18. All it does it paint a more clear context on her senses and what the atmosphere was like before an alleged rape took place. It's completely normal for ppl to judge others ( especially in context of previous statements and reputation) on how we do or don't take what ppl say seriously or not. Was this person lying before? Is this person known for x y or z? If this person did lie before, is it relevant to the actual case? Does arazia have a past reputation of abuse? What do his friends, aquiantences say about him? Past gfs? Etc etc To simply believe anyone on anything on it's face , it's not only stupid and naive, it's extremely dangerous
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