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Everything posted by Lori

  1. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2009/...roethlisberger/ I loathe the thought of citing PFT, but they're in the right here: Oh, brother. For what it's worth, both local papers, on the northern border of Steelers Country, led today's section with it. The entire 30-whatever inches of the AP story, with a file foto of Roethlisomething, above the fold.
  2. Quite the opposite: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/columns/sto...&id=3438752
  3. From Philly Inquirer columnist John Gonzalez: Roethlisberger's pass
  4. Damn, Bri, you gotta get back up here to a game. Been too long.
  5. Heh. After being introduced to HST by the same bad influences who handed me my first bottle of Harp (as discussed earlier in the thread), I used to have that intro damn near memorized. http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/704...ng_in_las_vegas Regarding the movies, I haven't seen the Johnny Depp one, but I thought Bill Murray was brilliant in "Where The Buffalo Roam."
  6. Chris Brown is wrong, then. There are no individual Wall honorees because the team wants the spotlight to be on the 50th-Anniversary squad this season, not any one player. That's direct from a member of the selection committee, which Brown is not on.
  7. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afcnorth/0-3-20...eals-near-.html The AFC North morning links, minus the story leading the sections in Pittsburgh. The comments below are what you'd expect. By not even releasing a statement explaining WHY they choose not to cover this, ESPN isn't doing their AFCN blogger, James Walker, any favors.
  8. Nope, AVP was still on the team through 2003. In fact, until they traded for Bledsoe (which would have been after the redesign was approved but before the jerseys were actually unveiled), he was slated to be the starting QB in '02.
  9. Heh. Let me edit that hed, then. And to be honest, I'd just as soon see this on the front page of TBD as featured content, but I can't do it from here ...
  10. To be honest ... I'd advise him not to. Not his beat, and this decision is obviously coming from far above his pay grade. As you might expect, we're talking about this over at my sportswriting hangout. Some people put it on the front of their section, others buried a brief in a notebook ... but so far, everyone who's commented did pick up at least part of the AP story. And ESPN is not faring well in the discussion.
  11. Funny, they reported on this civil suit: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/print?id=34...&type=story You don't need to dwell on the salacious details, but this is newsworthy. Run the AP story without added comment and be done with it, if you don't want to get into Deadspin territory. Also, FWIW, nfl.com is covering: http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true And the Post-Gazette led the section with it today: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09203/985492-66.stm
  12. Isiah Thomas wants to know how long this no-reporting-on-civil-lawsuits policy has been in effect: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=3046010 Lame, ESPN.
  13. Good grief, cincy, he was making a JOKE. Speaking of "lighten up" ...
  14. Scot, Scotch, two different things. My dad is a Scotch drinker, but I can't stand the stuff -- even a sip makes me imagine what a mouthful of peat bog must taste like. (And no, I'm not talking about the cheap stuff, either.) So when a review compares something to it, that automatically makes me less likely to try it. Turns out we Yanks are the only ones concerned about the sectarian debate anyway. Go figure: http://www.jeffreymorgenthaler.com/2009/as...tholic-whiskey/
  15. Why in God's name would I want whiskey that tastes like Scotch? (My ancestry is as Protestant as you can get, but I'll stand with the Catholics on this one.)
  16. He'll get them. (Well done, James.) Now, let's see if the moderator allows them.
  17. Didn't know it was your anniversary. Sláinte Mhaith to the both of you!
  18. Ya don't say: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=91916
  19. http://chat.nfl.com/front/index/359 Guessing he'll be a little more punctual than Bruce was yesterday.
  20. Also, in response to a Q from mead: I'm checking, but because there's a four-hour gap between the morning and afternoon practices this weekend, be advised that they'll probably clear the facilities in the interim -- no double-dipping on a morning ticket. Like I said, though, I haven't confirmed that yet. Edit: this HAS now been confirmed, courtesy of marketing director Andy Major. (Thanks, Andy.) They will be closing the site and re-opening for the afternoon practices.
  21. Good heavens, man. You're just now discovering this heady elixir? That surprises me. In my case, one of the benefits of sharing a house with an Irishman in college was being introduced to the names Jameson and Guinness at an early age. (Probably explains my grades, as I noted in my FB message ... ) There is only one bottle of whiskey in this house, and John Jameson's signature is on the label.
  22. Out in Houston in 2006, an entire busload of Youboty jerseys from Klein, Texas. Not sure he'd even gotten into a game at that point.
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