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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Dunno yet. Suppose I should go look at the directions to each, and pick one. However, there's no chance I make it up there for the first bus -- just got home from work, the alarm's set for roughly 5 hours from now, and it's a 2 1/2-hour drive on a good day ... Going to try to make it to SJF by 9, anyway. Your cell number hasn't changed, correct?
  2. Okay, roll call: who's going to be at SJF this weekend? I'm heading up in the morning, with plans (and one extra ticket) for all four practices. Also, FWIW, Tim will be in town this weekend before heading off to Jets camp. If you want to meet up, either call my cell (if you have it) or drop a line to portsports (at) verizon.net.
  3. I already posted this over on Sal Maiorana's blog, but I'll repeat it here:
  4. Auuuugh ... nooooooooo ... "Well, we'd like to be undefeated, but we're not, so ..."
  5. Good take here, by WaPo's Mark Maske: Goodell Can't Please Everyone in Vick Case I agree. No matter how he decides this, there will be people unhappy with the outcome. Add: The latest from Mort -- http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4353468
  6. Oh, and one more HFBD. (Almost forgot. I'll have one for tomorrow, too.) Happy Birthday, Donte!
  7. Actually, let me correct that if I may: after 174 years, The Ann Arbor News published its final edition yesterday. The Thursday/Sunday paper is affiliated with AnnArbor.com, a derivative -- but separate -- entity. http://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/index....ng_ends_de.html
  8. Agreed for the most part, but personally, I'd swap out "media" for "Esmonde" in the bolded phrase. Most of us don't care what T.O. (or any other athlete) does with his money, but DE enjoys tilting at those windmills -- think that's why he moved from "the toy department" (sports) to cityside.
  9. I see their point of view -- their reporters (like Wawrow) are providing the original content, so why should aggregators be allowed to slap an ad on a page full of links and make money? But you're absolutely correct -- not only was that barn door left open a long time ago, the horses are several states away by now.
  10. I think you're correct about any fair-use ruling, Scott. Indeed, the guidelines I follow when I edit posts here come right out of the AP Stylebook section on media law. (Pages 368-9 in my 2004 edition, to be specific.) Mixed feelings on this. Looking at it from TBD's point of view -- although I'll note that this is merely my own opinion; only Scott can speak on behalf of the site -- a link and SHORT excerpt here actually provides value to the AP, because we're (hopefully) sending traffic to one of their affiliates. If they were to begin demanding money for every link, I might see that as reason to stop allowing any mention of their stories here, and that's not a solution I would contemplate with great joy. On the other hand, as a working sports writer who has seen some stories reprinted without my permission, nothing pisses me off more than seeing a blog cut/paste entire pieces without asking -- attributed or not. So if the AP wants to go after those offenders, more power to them.
  11. Enjoy. Wish I could be there, although my stomach probably is happy I'm not ...
  12. 40? Hahahahaha. Oh, wait ... that still makes him younger than me.
  13. You're correct, there is definitely a difference between the two authors' approaches. I got the chance to have lunch with Prof. Wieland at this year's Joyce Symposium, and was absolutely fascinated for more than an hour by the old-time Sabres stories he spun. (Guessing many of them were in the book, but I haven't read it yet.) You're not going to find too many high-ranking Bills insiders with Wieland's writing chops -- heck, he's a John Domino Award winner, one of the highest honors any sports journalist connected with SBU can receive. (Of note, Adrian Wojnarowski and Mike Vaccaro are the most recent Domino honorees, with a clearly emotional Woj receiving the award this past April.) And in the interest of full disclosure: I did mention it briefly, but let me be absolutely clear that Jim sent me a review copy of "Then Levy Said to Kelly." Keeping that in mind, KRC's correct -- if I don't like something I read, I probably won't bother writing a lengthy review just to hammer it. Likewise, I can't promise a timetable on the next offering; my football season began last night with a practice for next weekend's Big 30 Game, which means my free time just dropped to zero. Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Jim, it was my pleasure, and welcome to the board.
  14. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2009/...pension-report/
  15. Okay, just getting home from work and checking up on this. And I'd like to know where in either the original link or in this one from ESPN it says that Goodell has made a decision? Holy jumping to conclusions based on anonymous sources, Batman.
  16. Trying to get him banned? I'm dead serious about that, by the way. ESPN is going after anyone who puts the link and/or photos out there, up to and including the NY Post. We don't need that kind of trouble here.
  17. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  18. Second the good-guy/LS remarks. Jon was always a class act while he was here; I don't imagine that's changed. (And I'm not just saying that because his family used to check in here from time to time. )
  19. Good question, meaning one to which I don't know the answer. Washington and Indy played the HOF Game last year. I'll check their rookie signings and report back. Washington didn't have a first-rounder, but loaded up on passcatchers in the second with Devin Thomas, Malcolm Kelly, and Fred Davis. Indy also traded away their first-round selection. They took G Mike Pollak in the second, LB Phillip Wheeler in the third. So the deals were done, but on the brink of training camp. Typical. That, and the extra week built into the schedule this year, are why I'm not overly concerned ... yet. Would be nice to have everyone on the field by the end of the weekend, though.
  20. http://kevin-blackistone.fanhouse.com/2009...-coverage/#cont Right on, Kevin.
  21. I do not, which is why I said, "Quite the opposite." (In other words, I was agreeing with you.) It is laughable to suggest that ESPN instituted a crackdown on Spygate coverage, when a Google search of "espn spygate" reveals page after page of links -- including several with Tom Brady and other Patriots personnel whining about the network trying to "fabricate a controversy."
  22. Just one question: Okay, so the Bills are allegedly waiting for other teams to sign their picks so they can "slot" their players. Fine. But who are the other teams waiting for? Meaning: Just this once, because the Bills will be in camp before any of those other teams, can't they work out acceptable contracts for their players without waiting to see what everyone else does? Lead, not follow? I realize that goes against the deeply-ingrained culture at One Bills Drive, but it's worth a thought.
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