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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Shnooks, Roscoe is already taking Wildcat snaps. He and the top three RBs worked on it after yesterday afternoon's session -- 11 at QB flanked by Lynch and Jackson, then Jackson moving to QB, with Rhodes taking his place.
  2. Goodell spoke about the decision: http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2009/07/27/roger-g...o-prove-himsel/ And yup, he already knows what T.O. said:
  3. You were right: However you posed it -- I'm guessing with some tact, per our discussion about this piece -- he did give you a straight answer to the "not living up to expectations" line of thought. Refreshing, considering that for some players, it's all about anyone BUT them when things go wrong. He has shown (rare) flashes of that dreaded word, "potential." Be nice to see it happen more often, for his sake as well as the team's.
  4. Note that Florence's is "protected," although I think he does approve any fans who want to follow him. Also, salmaiorana tweeted several updates from SJF today. Other Bills-related media sources: DandC_Sports, ProFootballWkly, Buffalo_News, WKBW, WGR550, WECK1230, nflnetwork, FootballPost, fb_outsiders, SiriusNFLRadio, nfl, RosenhausSports, ProFootballTalk, mortreport, SI_RossTucker, richeisen, buffalobillscom, espn_afceast (Tim's blog), DatDude75 (Marcellus Wiley). One more of note: john_wawrow.
  5. Precisely. Can't remember whether it was part of the Saturday-afternoon crew (Jack, Jay, and Pinto Ken), or Tim on Sunday morning, but someone made the observation to me, "This isn't helping Walker get any better." Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was Ken ... and I agreed with him.
  6. "one-trick ponies without any heart"? Okay, I'm biased. But having watched Maybin play, I have a REAL problem with the bolded part of that statement.
  7. Doesn't say it anywhere in the Personal Conduct Policy, obviously, but I think they have two different definitions for gambling. Betting on games, or even associating with a casino (what got Hornung and Karras busted all those years ago), verboten. But how many players have you heard about hanging out in Vegas? Kind of like the NBA -- look at all the $$$ guys like Jordan and Barkley have dropped over the years, but nothing was ever officially done to them about it. IIRC, I think I was actually the one who brought the gambling issue up when this all happened, and I agree that this would seem to fall under the "associating with known gamblers" section of the policy ... but obviously, their definition of same doesn't jibe with ours.
  8. Nope, sorry, but I can't claim to have ever electrocuted a dog. Thoughts on the suspension: the people who didn't think he should face any further discipline won't like this decision. Neither will the ones on the other side of the argument who suggest that the death penalty's too good for him. Both sides will be sure to let the rest of us know of their unhappiness, so I'd say that means Goodell drove the ball right down the middle of the fairway.
  9. John, I'll tell you why you haven't heard much about Walker -- he's going up against Schobel, who isn't exactly overexerting himself. On more than one occasion, I noticed 94 come up out of his stance, engage with Walker, and then just stop. Not always when the play was going the other way, either. Then again, Schobel's never been known for killing himself in practice (much less in July/early August), so it's not like this is anything new.
  10. Good stuff, ans, especially the tidbits on the o-line. (I was at the other end of the field watching the D when they were doing position drills.) Not only did Nelson get some running time with the 1s, he was out there for the very first play of 7-on-7s, and Edwards' first two throws went to him.
  11. Heh. Favorite part of the job, and by "favorite," I mean, I wish I got paid enough to subcontract that work out to someone else ... I'll be interested to see what he told you.
  12. And you guys are sitting here posting on TBD instead of knocking back shots somewhere? There goes that sportswriter stereotype ...
  13. That's not all bad. This way, we can claim that Cookie and the Bills would've beaten the Browns in 1964, and nobody can prove any different. BTW -- thanks again for hanging out over in the cheap seats for as long as you did this morning; I enjoyed the chat. And after you mentioned McKelvin, I had a pretty good idea that the play from this afternoon was going to make your highlight (lowlight?) reel ...
  14. This one (shameless plug)? http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-9-52/...nstatement.html Bet the commish will like that when he hears about it ... Add: And George looks ... warm. Aren't you glad he was there to wear the suit and tie for that standup?
  15. Tim, this op-ed from Ed Kilgore might interest you: http://www.wgrz.com/news/local/story.aspx?...952&catid=4 Hmmm. Doesn't look like that made it onto the quote sheet.
  16. Pretty sure I was driving past Batavia when that sucker hit -- cars going 20mph on the Thruway with their four-ways on, because we were getting pounded so hard you couldn't see more than a couple of car lengths in front of you. Made me wish I'd decided to find a hotel in Rochacha instead.
  17. I'm familiar with The Big Lead, and with its creator, Jason McIntyre -- know some guys who used to work with him at the Bergen Record. Consider him the TMZ of sports: every now and then he nails a scoop, but he's also been known to get stuff wrong, too.
  18. Don't know if this has been covered previously in this thread, but the Bills have a closed morning walkthrough on every day when they have another practice scheduled.
  19. Chafie got his certification? Good for him. Always enjoyed watching him play at PSU, and wish he could've made it in the pros.
  20. Yeah, I actually watched the last few minutes of the afternoon session from the pavillion behind the end zone, because it was definitely looking ominous. Figured I wasn't as much of a target for a lightning bolt there as I would have been at the top of the bleachers, and it was a shorter sprint to the relative safety of the merchandise tent. Saw a couple of showers on the way south, but nothing big -- sure as heck not like last night, anyway. Far as I know, I'll have all my normal tailgate stuff (including a stocked cooler) with me in Canton, and I believe Mr. Jameson is booked into our hotel. Think Don Julio may be rooming with him, per a previous discussion on Tim's thread ...
  21. Actually, WVU, Marcus Buggs was running with the second string at MLB this afternoon. Thomas was outside.
  22. John, Thanks again for keeping us up to date. (And on a personal note, it was great finally meeting you this morning, and thanks also for stopping back over this afternoon to give me this news. Much appreciated.)
  23. There's one listed on the TBD calendar: apushms. And one that isn't: TimGraham. Happy birthday to the both of you!
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