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Posts posted by Lori

  1. it was funny when the boards exploded when this guy had his mock draft and the bills takin spiller.........you guys called him every name in the book........and here we are spiller on the bills.......


    you all owe the dude an apology........

    "You all?" I would... if only I paid enough attention to mock drafts to comment on them.


    Oh, wait, now it's coming back to me. There WAS a guy who was bashing Davis, saying he didn't know who the hell he thought he was, and I pointed out that he's been doing college football broadcasts for the last 20 years. Does that qualify as name-calling?


    Add: Upon dragging that post to the top of the board, I find several TSW members agreeing with Davis and only two guys bashing him. "You all?" Only 10,000 more to go...

  2. The Bills need a quarterback and pick a runing back. What a crock...

    Tebow is then picked by Denver.

    After 50 years (minus the Kelly era) of pure bull ****...maybe it's time.

    I know one thing for sure, Denver will never play a single game in Toronto...unless it's against the Toronto Bills.

    Maybe it's time for you suckers to find something else to do on Sundays.

    Me, I'll be watching Denver.

    Go ahead...take a swipe or two...I don't give a damn...but for sure...no team can lose like the Buffalo Bills and now the Sabres.

    One question, with no malice intended: how many articles of Florida Gators apparel do you own?

  3. As Adam Schefter is all over Twitter and ESPN talking about how the Bills were hell-bent to trade up for Tebow, perhaps it's time to reconsider something:


    This is by no means set in stone but of all the many scenarios on the Bills completed draft board, this is the one most likely to occur:


    1) Bills open the draft taking a Tackle. It will be an Offensive Tackle as they don't seem to like Dan Williams quite as much as some other people do. Not saying he's definitely out, but he is probably a real longshot.


    2) Bills then may well trade back up into the first round for another Offensive player they like. There's a distinct possibility that it will be Demaryius Thomas.


    3) Marshawn will not likely be moved tonight, unless they stumble across in insane sucker. But make no mistake, he's hanging by a thread in Buffalo and may very well be on another roster before the weekend is out.


    They are not locked into a particular strategy and are leaving lots of room for maneuvering depending on how the draft progresses.

    Maybe they were trying to trade back up... but how does Schefter know who they were targeting?

  4. I'm a big fan of Brad and the show, BUT I would have liked to have heard at least one report from One Bills Drive. They hyped it and I have not heard one call to Tim Graham or Allan Wilson.

    Good point. With all the jumping around the Pats have done, it might have been tough for Tim to break away, but maybe they could still get Allen. Just dropped Brad a note about it.

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