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Everything posted by Lori

  1. 814 here. Whatever Alaska's area code is for Darin. Yeah, even though the Stiller fans will show up for Woodson and the Chiefs fans also travel well, I'm expecting well over 50 percent of the crowd to be wearing Bills red, white, and royal tomorrow evening.
  2. For the record, enshrinees do NOT get a vote. The inductees are chosen by a panel of 44 media members; Mark Gaughan represents Buffalo. http://www.profootballhof.com/hof/selectionprocess.aspx
  3. Greetings from beautiful downtown Kent. (Well, okay, just off I-76 instead of downtown.) Figured it was too risky to try to get any closer tonight without a reservation. See y'all in Canton in the morning!
  4. O'Brien was his favorite target. The league claims only 17.5 official sacks, but that doesn't include all the other hits, of course... And what the heck -- for the two people remaining on TBD who never bothered to read my piece on Bruce from last year, here's one more chance: http://www.twobillsdrive.com/articles/game_day/42/
  5. Hah. He was telling me about that at practice. I was hoping for the full Frankenstein-monster headwrap.
  6. For whatever reason, this isn't posting on the front page like it should, and I have to hit the road. So ... 2009 Hall of Fame Game: Bills - Titans preview As always, feedback appreciated -- and since I didn't take a great deal of time to proof it, let me know if you find anything that needs to be fixed. Now ... off to Canton.
  7. Mark Fainaru-Wada, the co-author of Game of Shadows -- and now an ESPN employee, by the way -- would disagree with you about the death of investigative journalism. And there is no way in hell a team denies credentials to an established journalist from a major outlet without PFWA going thermonuclear. Now, the credentialing practices of certain unnamed teams regarding journalists outside the major markets is a story for a different day. But shut out the AP? Hardly.
  8. I'll give Peters/Parker some of the blame for that situation spinning out of control, but there's still plenty left over for the front office ... And anemic might be an understatement: 24 sacks last year, 26 in 2007. You probably don't need my help to figure out that's the worst two-year stretch for the Bills since 1984-5.
  9. Nice. I bet that'll make the national photo galleries. And we can say we know the artist!
  10. I can agree with that, but remember that just because some stories weren't written doesn't mean that they weren't investigated. Sometimes, you look at what you've got and decide there really isn't enough information to run with. To his credit, Goodell admitted he handled that badly, and the second set of tapes was made available to the media. So, although I agree with your point, I'd amend that to destroying some of the evidence. Sorry for the hijack, Tim ... after all, this isn't the "Ask Lori" thread.
  11. Oh, please. On the day Roger Goodell met with Matt Walsh, ESPN had FIVE HOURS of live coverage. (They also spent so much of that time bashing Belichick and the Pats that their ombudswoman felt compelled to write about it later.) "News outlets with ties to the League may be willing to take a story so far for the sake of more eyeballs, but no farther for fear of damaging the relationship and their business interest in the League." Either that, or they're practicing responsible journalism by reporting only what they can substantiate.
  12. Berman ready to circle the wagons Nice Q-and-A by bb.com's Lindsay Carucci. (And if that last name sounds familiar, it should.)
  13. Got a way of doing that without returning every story that uses the word "to"?
  14. 50 and rain here in PA this morning. Glad most of the tailgate stuff went in the car yesterday.
  15. Searching the ESPN.com site (via Google) for the word "spygate" returns 788 hits. Dang. Somebody had to be writing about it...
  16. Yup. Kind of hard to ask him that question, Mickey, if all you saw was ...
  17. Going to guess there are a few o-linemen on that list.
  18. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-9-126...eserve-it-.html
  19. Not for print, they can't, and I'll guarantee that Chuck isn't pre-writing.
  20. And you're asking Mickey the same thing I'm asking. I think. I'm so confused. Time for a beer ...
  21. Please identify for us what exactly Maybin has actually done that you think constitutes him acting as if he were the MVP of the league. Is there an echo in here? Because I could swear you're both asking the same question.
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