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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Apologies if this is already on here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/18345764/Police-Report
  2. Per txt from the Bills: McGhee and Marvin Philip have been waived/injured, and Antwain Spann is back.
  3. I'm glad we ran into you after the game; that conversation may have been the highlight of the evening. Soccer. Portland. Hahahahaha. Few thoughts on your thoughts: Corner continues to impress. When the pick happened, I wasn't surprised at all to see that it was No. 27 heading for the end zone. How cool is it that he got to do that on his old high school field? And after seeing Wood on the field for the first time (he hadn't signed yet when I was at SJF), I would've even been okay with taking him at 11. Yeah, it's only preseason, but the dude looks like the real deal. On the flip side: if the Bills don't have the guys to run their scheme in Year 4 of the Jauron regime, when will they? And after four years of drafting to fit the Cover 2, I'm not sure how many of them would fit any other scheme, either. And when they called the timeout on the FG, I leaned over to Jack and said, "Different season, same team." We can always hope that they magically get better at clock management, I suppose ... but I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to happen.
  4. Receiving the text of that signing was a WTF?!? moment comparable to when they brought back Peerless Price. During Tim's chat the week the Bengals played the Jets, I asked him if he thought NY was happy to be facing Harvard Guy instead of Carson Palmer. His reply: "Ecstatic."
  5. My team is affiliated with the Patrick Roy family. That's why I added the time qualifier.
  6. I'm entirely calm. After all, nobody from my favorite hockey team has been charged with a felony in the last 72 hours ... Add: Enjoy. http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/151963/p...20cent_kane.jpg
  7. Of course Fisher wouldn't run that fake punt during the regular season, because unless there's a major upset on cutdown day, Trapasso won't be there. Fifty-three-year-old Craig Hentrich is their regular punter, and no way he's got those kind of wheels. Guy has nine career rushing attempts for a total of -1 yards. Yeah, that was pretty tacky pulling Mort's boy, too. Don't sell Ramsey short, though. Young's got a huge roster bonus coming up, I believe, and it's not completely out of the realm of possibility ...
  8. Considering Buffalo's recent draft history, I'd be concerned with ANY high first-round pick they make. Unless you've got a surefire Hall of Famer like Peyton Manning sitting at their pick -- and a lot of teams have wrecked their drafts trying to find another No. 18 -- ans's strategy makes a lot of sense. Trouble is, if Edwards does end up on the long-term injury report, I can see the Bills braintrust using that as an excuse to plug him in again next season. And no, neither Fitzy nor Chroise gives me a warm-and-fuzzy feeling about the team's prospects, either. Hey, think AVP would come out of retirement? He's already in the meetings, after all. Kidding aside, no thanks to Leinart, who has yet to show me he cares enough about the game to fight for a starting job.
  9. Hasta la vista, dude. P.S.: How'd that "my sources say Jauron's getting fired" thing work out for you?
  10. I wasn't aware that there's a section of your state law which provides excuses for assault. Interesting. Patrick Kane Taxi Cab Company - Dropping The Gloves On High Prices
  11. Will he be extending that signing schedule a little closer to Christmas, Ken? There are away games on both weekends, but I'll be covering preps. Come to think of it, slating one (or more) for a home-game weekend -- or even setting up in the fieldhouse that morning, as Sal did for a couple of his books -- would definitely make some sales.
  12. Chargers didn't have Merriman, or much of anyone else who could rush the passer. I should also note that most of Edwards' throws were swing passes and dumpoffs that day, with only four completions traveling more than 10 yards past the line of scrimmage in the air. Of course, there might have also been a second brain-rattling hit at some point after that game, one which wasn't advertised...
  13. Seriously? They showed Chris during that play? Heh, heh, heh.
  14. Correct. It was actually referred to as "Bills Stadium" in the official box scores for the first part of that season.
  15. Okay, now that I'm home -- Relentless II, Page 122: It's not mentioned in Maiorana's recap of the next home game, so I'd have to look it up on the microfilm, but I believe Pataki was on the field for the naming ceremony.
  16. Correct. I can't look it up right now because I'm still in Canton, but the citation is in Relentless II. Pataki made that call. And I pity those people who don't realize -- or refuse to accept -- that the NFL itself would not exist in its current form without Ralph Wilson's contributions. THAT'S why he's in the Hall of Fame.
  17. I assume you already know this by now, but they were there. Trent, Lee, Brian, Rian, and several others were directly in front of us, in the back left corner of the floor. And they were laughing along with the rest of us at the "Free Marshawn" chant started by the guys just to the right of me...
  18. Nope, he appears normal. (Well, relatively speaking...) Greetings from the corner of Clarendon and 25th in Canton. Quiet at the moment, except for a few raindrops hitting the canopy overhead; the big tailgate with the Food Network guy apparently isn't until tomorrow. (Now they tell us, right?)
  19. Weird. I'd wonder if it has something to do with permissions for different groups, but other non-mods have been able to view it. Unless SDS changed something before he logged out last night?
  20. If you're getting the error message, try this direct link and let us know what happens: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?autoc...eq=si&img=5
  21. Except that everyone else in this thread who commented on Bruce's picture had to log in to do so ...
  22. Thanks much. Got a 7:30 wakeup call and about a half-hour drive; if you guys are planning anything for before I head to Kenny's tailgate spot at "10ish", give me a yell and I'll join you.
  23. At that price, may they stay empty. Although I do wish I was already there, that place already has enough of my money for tomorrow night and Sunday.
  24. "One trick pony." That sounds vaguely familiar. Oh yeah ... http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=92296 Hope you're not basing your entire opinion of Maybin on that one story.
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