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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Well, I was at the first two, so this definitely does feel strange ...
  2. Whoa. I'm actually online for one of these? Weird ...
  3. Running count of replies in this thread pointing out the fact that Paup played OLB: 8 9 10. Let me know if I missed any. (edited)
  4. Kidding aside, thankee. (And that's what I get for not previewing my post after digging up the link, which would have shown me that you'd already answered. Ah well ...)
  5. Thought cantankerous was the one who did this, and fortunately, I guessed right: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=63350
  6. Yeahhhhh ... think i was originally thinking of writing, the ball has yet to hit the ground (although one did end up with the wrong team) ... Heh.
  7. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/articles/game_day/135/
  8. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/nfcnorth/0-13-1...-Metrodome.html
  9. Positive. Bresnahan and Nicolau. I can even give you a date, courtesy of Sal Maiorana's Relentless:
  10. Jeez. The guy just signed -- give him some time!
  11. Neither would I, before that factoid popped up during my research for last week's preview.
  12. Cutler's Bears jersey is the #1 seller since April.
  13. Napa police re-opening the case. Possible felony charges still on the table. http://www.ibabuzz.com/oaklandraiders
  14. Don't forget Tippy Day. They played a 4-3.
  15. Everybody's a friggin' comedian. What are you, a professional writer or something? Good weekend, sir.
  16. Etukeren = CHAMPIONSHIP!! We're going to the Bowl!
  17. Only if the rest of us get to watch. Joe's a pretty good-sized guy, but with apologies to my PSU brother, my money would be on 55.
  18. Absolutely. Okay, the guy couldn't have known about Tim's dad, because that just happened within the last couple of days. But if he'd been paying attention, he would have known that a LOT of NFL guys cram their vacations into the summer, because they'll be lucky to get a day off between now and February. And, oh yeah, there was that bit about moving his family from Florida to Ohio in July while still looking for a place in WNY. (Hopefully, something might finally be happening there soon.) So yeah, he's had WORLDS of free time this summer.
  19. Obviously, since James is currently unemployed, 32 NFL teams' front offices disagree with the thought expressed in the original post.
  20. http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/chat/_/id/27938 for Tim's first chat in two months. And tomorrow at noon, Mark Gaughan will be in front of his keyboard while he prepares to cover the Bills-Packers game at Lambeau Field: http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/
  21. They've really gotten behind this, and for the reason I expressed last year, I thank them for that. (And OK, I'm now getting the live feed.) Just sent my donation online. Easy to do, folks.
  22. Wouldn't surprise me. That's the same reason that a lot of radio/TV stations, when they're going to fire someone, wait until the end of their shift -- no chance to badmouth anyone on-air.
  23. Not a stupid question at all. Here's an abridged version of the guidelines from the Record and Fact Book: "Rookies" are in their first season, and have never been on a roster of another professional football team for any regular-season or postseason games. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. Thereafter, a player is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.
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