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Everything posted by Lori

  1. True fact. ICEman, my Bills Brother for as long as there's been a Stadium Wall, used to do the Highland Games thing -- and he was pretty damn good at it, too. And if it would make him feel any better, I'm currently rehabbing a sprained LCL...
  2. That's what you get for throwing telephone poles around. Kidding aside, I agree -- ain't no way he's good to go in three months if that tendon's torn.
  3. Yeah...my apologies for that. I still saw the thread, so didn't realize that it had been set as invisible to most everyone else until the disappearance was pointed out to me earlier today. Although in retrospect, maybe I should've wondered a little earlier why nobody was posting in it... Hope you're well. Sorry the Sabres couldn't give you another game to cover tonight.
  4. One note re: Polian and high draft picks at OT: the Colts selected three-time Pro Bowl tackle Tarik Glenn with the No. 19 overall pick the year before Polian got there, negating the need to find a replacement until Glenn unexpectedly retired following the 2006 season. Polian ran the Bills' "war room" from 1986 (promoted to GM Dec. 1985) to 1992 (fired Jan. 1993), and during those seven years, Buffalo used the following picks on OL: 1986-1-20 Will Wolford 1986-3-77 Leonard Burton 1987-11-285 Howard Ballard 1988-7-177 Tim Borcky 1988-12-309 John Driscoll 1989-12-332 Derrell Marshall 1990-3-69 Glenn Parker 1990-7-166 Brent Griffith 1991-10-277 Tony DeLorenzo 1991-11-305 Dean Kirkland 1992-1-27 John Fina NOTE: 1976 No. 2 pick Joe Devlin and 1980 No. 1 Jim Ritcher were already on the roster.
  5. Go Habs Go.
  6. He signed up here before you did, ya know. He just doesn't visit us degenerates quite as often.
  7. Just to make sure I've got this straight, Brown isn't allowed to comment on what other outlets may be reporting? Kind of thought that was part of the reason for the blog, which is separate and distinct from the stories and videos he produces for bb.com and Bills Digest. I may have some issues with the overall idea of team-affiliated writers, but I see nothing wrong with this blog post. And Buddy isn't going to call you. Sorry.
  8. Ahhh.... gotcha. (No wonder nobody's posted in the Ask Tim thread for the last week.) I'll see what I can do, but that might take an admin to fix. Add: or not. Better now?
  9. Does for me. Otherwise, just look for the "2010 Important NFL Dates" thread at the bottom of the pinned ones.
  10. Ask and ye shall receive. Just added it to OTR's already-pinned thread: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=105841
  11. Played the first eight games and didn't go on I.R. until December, so at the most, he'd be nine months post-op on opening weekend.
  12. Yes, it has, per Allen Wilson: http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/201...-at-tackle.html
  13. As always, RR, good to hear some unbiased analysis from someone who knows a little sumthin' about the game. I'm still not as sold on the current OT depth chart as they seem to be, but I agree with you about not reaching for the wrong answer out of desperation. Seeya at the opener, if not before.
  14. Correct. Yeah, the party-hearty stuff is definitely out there about Jim and the boys -- just mentioned to a friend this morning that it's a good thing we didn't have cellphone cameras and TMZ.com back when he held his football camps at Bona -- but a lot of those guys STILL hang out together. Hell, that's part of the reason Thurman and Patti moved back here, and I've heard a rumor that Kent Hull might do the same.
  15. Ohhhh yeah: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=111323 http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=108014 http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=105002
  16. Player interviews, I think, depend on the player's on-air personality. If it's someone like Marty Biron or Ruben Brown, cool. OTOH, I'm guessing The Marshawn Lynch Show would be ... difficult. And we really need to get JW on there talking about music.
  17. As one might expect, Sal Maiorana was "underwhelmed" by this year's draft. Agree or disagree, you can talk about it with him here: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/section/live
  18. Give me reasoned, informative discussions, as I suspect you will, and I'll listen. Think the Sabres beat writers could be an untapped resource if any of them are interested in doing a regularly-scheduled segment. I'm not even a Sabres fan, but I miss listening to Jim Kelley on the old WNSA "Sharpshooters" segments. Sully has his opinion, which is fine, but the beat guys bring the knowledge. (Along the same lines, a shameless plug: give Chuck Pollock a call for Bills talk, and I'll guarantee you a listen.) Another point: given your other interests, go easy on the sports-only suggestion. WGR is (allegedly) a sports station. You don't have to be. I think Brad is enjoying his job more, now that he no longer has to limit himself mainly to sportstalk. (Of course, that doesn't mean that you can go away from it completely, because that's how most of your established audience knows you.) Think of it like making the jump from beat writer to columnist. Sure, you'll need to have and share your opinions on relevant local stories -- but after that, you pick what you get to cover. Cool, eh?
  19. Best advice yet. I tried to talk Andy into dumping his show in favor of local programming, but I think GR is contractually obligated to carry it. For those of you asking about streaming -- yes, WECK has a Webcast: http://lightningstream.surfernetwork.com/M...n%201230%20WECK
  20. I have. Allen Wilson played football in college. Tim Graham was a WR in high school, but I believe he ran track instead at B-W. Oh, and BuffNews sportswriter Amy Moritz finished the Ironman 70.3 Texas on Sunday. (On the other hand, you'd be absolutely correct about me.) None of which has anything to do with the tone of Jerry Sullivan's columns.
  21. Per @leoroth, Ralph Wilson confirmed Nix's take:
  22. Knew I kept that McGahee knockoff for a reason...
  23. Not sure who you're replying to, or how you think trading to climb back into the bottom of the round would net a top-10 player who was already long off the board.
  24. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=112001 So, between the two: First name NGU mentions if the top two OTs are gone: Spiller. No first-round grade on any QB after Bradford. Possibly trying to trade back into the bottom of 1, possibly for D. Thomas. So far, so good.
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