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Everything posted by Lori

  1. FWIW, Scott, I'm seeing it in some of the story excerpts on the front page, too. So it appears to be a site-wide issue, not just the boards. (You may already know this...)
  2. Plus, while Donahoe is no longer employed at One Bills Drive, Tom Modrak and John Guy (along with quite a few of his other hires) are still heavily involved in the football side of the business. In particular, everyone listed under "pro personnel" in the media guide was hired between 2001-2003. Which is why he told Russ Brandon to go out and spend $6+ million on a 35-year-old WR?
  3. Yawn ... Denzel Washington's going to be filming right outside where I work on Tuesday and Wednesday... http://www.bradfordera.com/articles/2009/0...fe225910974.txt
  4. If your tailgate's good enough, no need to buy food inside ...
  5. Speaking as someone who was here back then -- well, on a previous incarnation of TSW, anyway -- that's pretty close to what happened. Damn, that guy looked unstoppable in August. Kind of like how every play called by the current team works better at Friday's practice than on Sunday afternoons ...
  6. But if one of those TEs is Shawn Nelson, he may just be a better receiving option than a fourth WR. Just a thought.
  7. (grooving a pitch over the plate) For some reason, the word "regression" has been rattling around my brain lately, and I'm not talking about regressing to the mean. Young quarterbacks do not seem to improve during their careers in Buffalo -- quite the opposite, in fact. Why is that?
  8. Not sure the Bills can afford to use T.O. as a decoy. Right now, he's about the only WR out there who can fight through coverage and still make the catch. Depends on how they roll their coverage, of course -- if they want to double 81, I'm sure Evans will be pleased. Assuming they don't blitz the crap out of Edwards and that new line with all those young, fast LBs. Think you're right about the two-TE sets; I do NOT want to see McIntyre out there in the base offense. (Nothing personal; I just think that if Schonert wants his best 11 out there, those plans don't include a FB.)
  9. No worries. Just thought I'd add it because there are some amusing replies -- well, before the usual crap-flinging starts, anyway ...
  10. Oddly, that wasn't mentioned. And I believe you can still find the "Latest Line" in most of your local newspapers ...
  11. Y'all are a day late ... AFC East always makes for great theater
  12. Possible? Of course. Likely ... yeah, I'll have to get back to you on that.
  13. Incorrect. From the 2009 NFL media policy (courtesy of PFWA): Add: for those of you who remember me laughing at Mike Mularkey back in the day for leaving the depth chart completely blank at QB the week he benched Losman for Holcomb, here's another interesting tidbit from said media policy....
  14. That makes it acceptable? Bread and circuses, and a faint whiff of smoke in the air while Nero tunes up his fiddle ...
  15. Agreed. Just got the CD in the mail today. I imagine it'll go on a shelf somewhere with the ones from the last couple of years, and I'll hope that the store at OBD still has some books when I get up there Thursday, because a shiny piece of plastic doesn't do me much good unless I drag a computer along with it, which can be inconvenient when settling arguments in a bar or a stadium parking lot. And come to think of it, the Age of Technology didn't have much to say when the lights went out for the first half of the San Diego game. Maybe that's why I enjoyed that game so much ...
  16. I'd be interested in hearing what Sully actually said about the media guides ... because if he'd checked a PFWA bulletin from a couple of months back, he would have known that the Bills are merely following a trend that's taking place across all major sports. MLB stopped printing the Red and Green books this year, Ohio State and Michigan no longer have dead-tree versions of their media guides, and the NBA plans to have everything available only in digital format by 2010. As for the NFL, a lot of teams have hacked the crap out of their print versions, sending a lot of stuff online. I know they were planning to hand out flash drives containing all 32 media guides and the R+F Book to certain writers (the national guys, mostly), and the downloads are available on their Web sites. So, this isn't merely some money-grubbing scheme cooked up by the Bills ...
  17. I would, if the Bills offense ever decides to play any. Kidding aside, good to see you. Don't know if you've had a chance to read Chuck's column from Saturday night yet, since it wasn't posted online until this afternoon. He didn't mince words: 55-3. Yes, T.O. has been cooling his chrome cleats for most of that time. Yes, the line will (hopefully) improve, the more they work together and as the rookies gain some NFL experience. But after watching a good chunk of those six quarters, have you seen anything to make you think the Bills offense will manage to somehow break into the top 20 in scoring this season, for the first time since Drew Bledsoe quarterbacked the team? I've seen a couple of things to build on with the D, but not if they're on the field for 32 minutes out of the first 45, as they were the other night ... Bonus question: are Cotchery/Stuckey/Clowney good enough to drag a defender or two out of the box, or will teams be stacking against the run and blitzing the crap out of Sanchez until he proves he can beat them?
  18. They made adjustments? During the game? That's allowed?
  19. From Joe Posnanski, former KC Star columnist (who starts full-time at Sports Illustrated tomorrow): "What could have happened in first 3 preseason games for the Chiefs to fire OC Chan Gailey? Oh, right: Nothing. #ChiefsMessedUpOrganization"
  20. And ans already gave you the answer: no, this isn't the same offense we saw at SJF. Never is, once an opposing defense is added to the equation. But remember this: when Owens isn't in there, these are EXACTLY the same skill-position players as last season (minus Royal, a non-factor), but with a reshuffled and much younger line. That offense finished 25th in total yardage, 22nd in passing, 23rd in scoring. Adjust your expectations accordingly.
  21. Some funny stuff on Nick Mendola's Facebook last night. One person asked which would come first, the Hall of Fame induction or immediate sainthood? And I missed your comment the first time through, bills44, but at least one Boston network affiliate (WBZ - CBS) is showing the press conference live. From Mike Reiss:
  22. The half-man-half-god-half-possible-centaur one, or something new?
  23. Valid point, although DiGiorgio was also listed in the 220s. I'm also hoping Corto doesn't make the final roster. (Nothing personal against the hometown kid -- I just think guys like Palmer have shown more potential. Bummed that Palmer got hurt in the HOF Game, because I liked what I saw from him at camp.)
  24. "Ornery." I like that description. His wife's cool, though; she and several other family members have wandered by the Pinto on occasion. And I'd still like to see Schobel and Maybin together on the field at least once or twice before I decide 94 is all done. Been a long time since he's had a running mate at end who could actually get close to the QB more than once or twice per season...
  25. For the link to the best WGR bit ever: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=91433 Edited: hit http://audio.wgr550.com/m/audio/17953440/c...edy-bruschi.htm for the original audio, instead of a second-generation copy. (Hat tip to Nick Mendola for the link.)
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