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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Just curious, and don't know if you can go into detail, but how did you get stuck with this story? Familiarity with the NFLPA from when Vincent was here?
  2. .... which I happen to follow. We had an interesting discussion about Hangartner a while back.
  3. No prob. When a story breaks, I always check what the local media is saying -- odds are, since they see the team every day, they'll have better sources of inside info. (The Donahoe/Mort connection was an obvious exception ... )
  4. You're correct -- the Richardson sons did not walk away. They were TOLD to leave: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/121/story/922169.html http://www.charlotteobserver.com/panthers/story/924223.html http://www.charlotteobserver.com/408/story/924218.html
  5. They imploded the line over the bye, but the Lions game wasn't the last one before that -- another Patriots loss was. The game in Detroit probably did help make their decision, though ...
  6. They usually keep three. Two is risky, done only if they have someone they really, really want to hang onto at another position. Thinking they started a recent season with only two, but had Hamdan safely stashed on the practice squad and activated him at the first opportunity. So it's a potential option, but not a likely one.
  7. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/articles/game_day/137/ See you in Lot 1 ...
  8. Haven't listened lately, but I'd assume that he's trying to fit in a vacation before the season begins. (Not all that uncommon.) I'll get that confirmed, though -- been meaning to catch up with Andy R. anyway.
  9. Hence Maiorana's shot at Guy, which I happen to agree with.
  10. Missed this the first time through, saw it when someone else quoted it. Saban and Gilchrist are very different cases: While I have been told that Wilson never forgave Saban for walking out during the 1976 season, I can confirm that Gilchrist has been invited back for every single ceremony honoring the AFL championship teams. For reasons I won't get into, he has chosen not to participate.
  11. Terrifying, and that's no joke. In fact, I'm not sure how I feel about your thread title...
  12. The timeline I'm talking about was the one which omitted the Donahoe Era between Butler and Levy.
  13. Serious answer: links to the usual suspects (BuffNews, D+C, et al.), but to their mobile sites, if they have 'em. Just clicked a TBN link, and it took me to their full page. I realize it would be an immense time drain to duplicate that info for every story we post -- not sure it's even feasible -- but having that option for the permanent links would be nice. Also, FWIW, the Links button isn't on the same line as Home/Forums/Schedule. Not sure if that's from your settings or mine (the Pearl has a narrower screen than most of the other BBs), but I thought I'd mention it. Add: here's the D+C's sports section: http://rocnow.com/section/sports I'll put others in as I find them. And as we move forward on this, maybe we can talk them into adding Bills-specific feeds, if we have proof there's interest for same.
  14. Other than playing with T.O. in Dallas last season, you mean? efit: oop, Daninator beat me to it. And Matty, if you saw Larry Ladykiller, I hope you called the cops -- he's supposed to be in prison in California!
  15. Per Maiorana: "Pat Thomas, who the Bills signed as a free agent, was cut by the team today. Another wonderful scouting job by pro personnel man John Guy."
  16. Not surprised, not angry. Just thought it was worth commenting on.
  17. And because of that crappy self-motivation, we'll ALL be waiting to see how he performs on the field. Maybe he'll be the next Orlando Pace ... or the next Mike Williams. You're correct, we don't know which way he'll go. Can't argue that he's making a good first impression, though ...
  18. He supposedly reported at 30 pounds over his playing weight. Make of that what you will ...
  19. "One of the worst owners in the league" is a matter of opinion. Per the TOS, "Courtesy is contagious - Just become someone doesn't share your opinion - doesn't make them an idiot." That's something I wish more people around here would remember. Darth, my friend, Owens' marketing impact is a given ... but there's also no denying that the Bills needed another starting WR badly, and Wilson was willing to take the risk of signing T.O. in return for his on-the-field performance. Remember what he told John: "If he becomes a problem, we cut him. But if he's not, we're ahead of the game." (Sorry if that quote isn't exact, JW.)
  20. I won't deny that there's room for debate about both Wilson's decision-making and his legacy. The vitriol is what's getting tiresome for me, and it's just not on this topic -- or this board, for that matter. Goes back to the thoughts you typed the other night in your riff about the decline and fall of civilization ...
  21. Boxes instead of diamonds, but it's also an issue in IE. (Just checked ... and now I remember why I don't use IE. Bleah.)
  22. Yup. That's where I'm at, too.
  23. No, per WGR's Paul Hamilton: http://www.wgr550.com/Bills-make-cuts/5125578 Along with Lee Evans, "others not participating were Felton Huggins, Drayton Florence, Demetrius Bell, Derek Fine, Copeland Bryan and James Hardy. Bryan has a shoulder problem. Jauron said he's hoping he can play Thursday. Paul Posluszny was going in individual drills, but left the field. He missed yesterday with stitches in his jaw. His stitches came lose, but he was back on the field pretty quickly."
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