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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Welllllll now. If true, isn't that news interesting?
  2. If Palmer hadn't been able to make it back for the Detroit game, I wonder if they would've tried to sneak him onto the practice squad. You're right, though -- he jumped ahead of Bowen as soon as they hit the field at SJF. Think someone probably would've put in a claim for him, as I suspect they will for Stupar; I don't think his night vs. the Lions was rough enough to counter all the good film he'd been piling up before then. And when Jack called me from the stadium store the other night to tell me that No. 71 jerseys were on sale -- Peters, not Etukeren, of course -- I have to say I was sorely tempted ...
  3. Seriously? Hey, they're going to be lining up for plenty of punts and kickoff returns, you know. (Not that I disagree with you.)
  4. For the unintentional comedy factor, against New England in a stadium where the Bills are 0-7, on national TV?
  5. 1145 miles on my vacation last month -- Canton, training camp, and the Bears preseason game. Ran into Pollock at SJF; he just shook his head, laughed, and said, "You really need to find a better way to spend your free time."
  6. Remember that Bowen and Stupar both have PS eligibility. Mace and Gaddis probably make it there too. Agreed re: Chambers. That's the head-scratcher to me. And regnal will be heartbroken about Etukeren.
  7. Tick ... tick ... tick. Was that 6 p.m. EDT or EST, Tim?
  8. This one is timestamped 5:42 a.m., but does contain some words from Evans ... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090905/ap_on_..._schonert_fired
  9. Noticed that too, and it makes me wonder if they're trying to phase it out. I suppose they could be moving to a "get the card when you renew" plan, but I have my doubts ... Correct. They never have been.
  10. After yesterday's fun and frivolity, I don't blame you. For the record, folks: both Mr. Wawrow of The Associated Press and Mr. Graham of ESPN have chosen to post here of their own free will, because they apparently enjoy interacting with fans of the team they cover. (After reading some of the shots taken at John in this thread, I do wonder about that decision at times ...) In return, they receive nothing but the gratitude of those of us who appreciate their efforts to keep us informed of the latest developments at One Bills Drive.
  11. PERFECT timing, messing with everyone's bookmarks a week before the season. Thanks for the warning ...
  12. Haven't been able to track "Trentative" all the way to the source, whether it jumped from here to WGR or vice-versa (or someplace else entirely). Leaning toward GR. But heck, "Captain Checkdown" dates back to Kelly Holcomb ...
  13. Some interesting notes from Jerry Sullivan's chat: (Again, sorry if already posted upthread.) Hit the link for a lot more: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/story/784888.html
  14. Nonsense. The Bills are just luring Belichick deeper and deeper into their clever little trap.
  15. That's the second time you've posted that, and it made me laugh out loud on both occasions. Jim Kelly is from East Brady, Pa., just down the Allegheny River a ways from me. For all I know, he'd never even BEEN to Houston before signing with the Gamblers. And then there's this: And while I'm at it, you're wrong on "Black Sunday," too. Smith, Thomas, and Reed were released on Thursday, February 10, 2000.
  16. Been on the road today (and listening to a truly WGR Schopp/Parker show for part of the trip). This just keeps getting better and better, eh? I can just imagine what the first 24 pages look like ... which means I'm not going back through them, and everything I say has probably already been discussed. Ah well. Cue the calliope music. Heck, for all I know, this may end up being a stroke of genius -- but right now, it reeks of desperation, true deck-chairs-on-the-Titanic stuff. So I guess all that talk about "continuity" wasn't working out so well? (55-3. Yeah, guess not.) On my way out the door to a HS game, but I'll leave you with two things Paul Hamilton said when he was on with Schopp/Dog. (Again, someone may have already mentioned this; apologies for any repeats): Ralph Wilson paid Jauron a little visit following the GB game, and he was NOT happy. I'd heard rumors of that, but not first-hand from someone who covered the game. Other tidbit was, Jauron and Schonert got into a screaming match after the infamous Losman rollout vs. the Jets -- the one DJ ended up taking the blame for, remember? A lot of us didn't buy his "it was me" story back then, and it sounds like our suspicions were correct. Carry on ...
  17. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  18. I was just thinking, it's been at LEAST two weeks since the last Schopp-bashing thread. The Bills' sorry performances aside, I kind of enjoyed that fortnight ...
  19. What, you think I pulled up a year-old column completely at random? Didn't even have to pay for the ad -- although unfortunately, I was working when he called to get the name of the site, and the piece was already in print by the time I got back to him ...
  20. They had me at the lede: "1. The K-Gun is back! Wait, who's the QB? $%!@."
  21. Details: http://blogs.tampabay.com/bucs/2009/09/buc...abilities-.html
  22. DOB is wrong at that link, but yes, it's him: http://www.boxrec.com/list_bouts.php?human...0&cat=boxer More: http://www.eastsideboxing.com/news.php?p=5651&more=1 and... http://www.oleantimesherald.com/articles/2...8f475613050.txt
  23. Answer: teams whose brand-new, first-time head coaches didn't do a very good job in filling one of the most critical jobs on their staffs? Gailey was a holdover in KC, but Raheem Morris made the call on bringing in Jags. Some fun meltdowns in the replies to this blog post at the St. Pete Times: http://blogs.tampabay.com/bucs/2009/09/buc...agodzinski.html
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