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Everything posted by Lori

  1. That's his problem, not yours, Meathead. You don't have to "endure" anything, and I can pretty much guarantee you that the people inside that media room don't share your opinion.
  2. None taken. The collective "they" means the front office, of course; Brandon's was merely the name relayed to me.
  3. It was moving in that direction before Bell's injury, and several people have told me how much Brandon loves the kid's potential. They truly do think they have another Peters. (The 2007 on-the-field version of Peters, that is.) But as of this week's game release -- the depth chart on Page 45, to be precise -- Walker was still listed as the starter at LT.
  4. Neither have I, but I'm guessing it was a radio or TV appearance. On a positive note, the NYC writer I discussed this with had also spoken to Billick, who thinks the players will give Jauron the benefit of the doubt on both moves. Obviously, keeping the locker room behind him means far more than anything we type or say outside it.
  5. *cough* Bledsoe *cough* Serious answer: because certain teams are more "fleeceable" than others? It is interesting that the Raiders would pay more for Seymour than the Chiefs did for their starting QB, though.
  6. Teasing a friend does not equal anonymously mocking someone from the relative safety of a computer keyboard. Any links to this video will continue to be removed. This is not open to debate. Regards, the management
  7. All right, time to drag this up from the depths for another season of Bills football. Most of the schedules have been updated; as always, any additions/corrections are appreciated. Thanks, as always, go to Brad Riter, Andy Roth, Howard Simon, John Hager, and John DiTullio for their assistance.
  8. To interrupt the ESPN-bashing for a second, the story Owens commented on was actually the first update John filed, not an opinion presented by any of their writers. Other reporters (New England-based, and unaffiliated with ESPN) shared his initial reaction. And as he noted earlier in the thread, he revisited the piece after listening to the audio of the conference call. Thanks for stopping by to provide some additional clarification, John. Carry on ...
  9. Bucs and Chiefs didn't add their alleged starting LT to the scrapheap, though. I'm on record as saying both moves could turn out to be upgrades, but I'm definitely not a fan of the timing ...
  10. http://www.buffalonews.com/opinion/columns...ory/789022.html That's pretty much the general consensus around the league. Talked (via e-mail) to a writer from one of the NYC papers a few hours ago, and they said, "The potential for disaster is huge -- how confident can they be when they're making all these changes a week before kickoff? Nobody noticed before this late hour there was a problem???" Great line.
  11. He fired Kay Stephenson four games into his third season, and Hank Bullough midway through the next one, so it's not entirely unpossible.
  12. Hah. Nice. After reading your blog post about Walker which mentioned Dick Jauron's "blunt candor," I'm curious -- was the overall tone of his press conference different than the others you've covered here?
  13. Care to provide a link or hit "report" on those attacks, or are you referring to the threads that had already been removed before R. Rich posted this warning on behalf of the moderating staff you're criticizing? Thanks.
  14. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post?id=2815
  15. You're asking me to explain the inner workings of One Bills Drive, when for the second time in a week, they've left me shaking my head in disbelief?
  16. Tell the truth, Steve: at this point you have to be thinking, "I came back for this ?!?!?"
  17. Supposedly, they tried to trade him, with no takers. Decent mix of "we're dooomed" and "good -- he sucked anyway." Looking forward to the media day festivities tomorrow; guessing that could turn out to be a lot of fun.
  18. And tomorrow is media day out at One Bills Drive. This should be fun.
  19. Nah, I agree with a previous caller. 56-10, at home, in front of a prime-time audience, was worse. Super Bowl XXVII might be the only game that comes close, and at least they had Kelly's injury as an excuse in that one.
  20. Um ... wow. Sorry I missed this thread. Nice knowing you, Steve. (waving goodbye)
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