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Everything posted by Lori

  1. NOTE: This link works. The one on the front doesn't for unknown reasons, I can't change it from here, and I'm about to be late for work.
  2. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/buffalo-bills...me-day-preview/
  3. Do we really need to make this yet another Peters thread?
  4. Fair enough. Just saying, if I were a politician, or mechanic, or construction worker (using those examples), I'd probably be annoyed, too.
  5. There's a difference between the "every time" statements and calling out an entire profession, no? Or maybe that's just the way I see it.
  6. Precisely my point. The first link, the one praising Favre, was obvious satire. The second gives a balanced, unvarnished look at his performance. And both belie the hyperbole of "every" in the thread title. As a member of the media (albeit of the small-town hack subgenus of the species), absolute statements annoy me.
  7. I'm waiting for ANY, not "every." Here's one: Adrian Peterson assists Brett Favre in win
  8. Relate it to Bruce Smith's induction speech. Every single guy I've talked to who covered him had some not-so-nice things to say about his ego, arrogance, whatever you want to call it ... but in Canton, he was surprisingly gracious, humble, and respectful of the moment. From reading Woj, whose opinion I've come to trust implicitly over the almost 20 years I've been reading his work, it sounds like Jordan was none of the three.
  9. Hell hath no fury like a woman Bills fan scorned ...
  10. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  11. But the FA misfires were the entire point of Chuck's column. And you know I was on the "Gotta Ngata" bandwagon ...
  12. Damn, Guff. Hugs to you, and we'll see you soon.
  13. Can't argue with that. If you want to talk regression, just look at the QBs. OTOH, I do think it's telling that most of the free agent o-linemen from the Donahoe era (with the notable exception of Gandy) disappeared from the league not long after the Bills gave up on them. Been a bunch of other misses, too. Everyone loved to hate on Coy Wire, but if Billy Jenkins hadn't ended up being an absolute waste of a roster spot, the kid probably would've stayed on special teams his rookie year instead of getting tossed into the fire. I also think Scott's counterpoint about Levy hiring Jauron is valid; I know he opposed the moved from the beginning. But while I wouldn't go as far as Chuck did -- and despite what he wrote here, if you pressed him, I'm not sure he'd argue that Levy is entirely blameless -- I do believe that the pro personnel department has made its own contribution to nine seasons (and counting) of playoff-free Bills football.
  14. Still remember reading those during those awful hours, and realizing that Guff was sitting right behind me at the Bills game two days earlier. Obviously, it was already a tragedy ... but that made it REAL, instead of something I could try to detach myself from. Jerry, Kevin, Tom, and anyone else directly affected by this -- my thoughts are with you today.
  15. Say it with me: f - f - for ... Eh, it beats NOT seeing 40, right? Have a great birthday, boss. for everyone!
  16. Something you may find of interest: http://www.oleantimesherald.com/articles/2...d2845581630.txt
  17. There's a marathon NFL chat running over at ESPN right now. The AFC East guy, who you may have heard of, is scheduled to follow Paul Kuharsky in the lineup at 3:30 p.m.: http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/chat/_/id/...2009-nfl-season Tomorrow, Mark Gaughan is online at 11 a.m.: http://buffalonews.typepad.com/billboard/ Jerry Sullivan follows at 1 p.m.: http://blogs.buffalonews.com/sully_on_sports/ Graham's normal 3 p.m. appearance: http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/chat/_/id/...gger-tim-graham
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