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Posts posted by Lori

  1. I remember reading (csbsportsline IIRC), that they yielded 5.6 ypc on 3rd down. Ouch.

    That's fine if it's 3rd-and-10. 3rd-and-2, obviously, not so much.


    The NFL's Game Stats and Information System has added some new breakdowns this year. I don't see defensive down-and-distance stats, but the play direction stats against the Bills D might be of interest here:


    Left End                Left Tackle             Left Guard              Middle                  Right Guard             Right Tackle            Right End
    Plays: 47		Plays: 64		Plays: 72		Plays: 174		Plays: 72		Plays: 49		Plays: 36
    NFL Rank: 22		NFL Rank: 5		NFL Rank: 2		NFL Rank: 3		NFL Rank: 6		NFL Rank: 24		NFL Rank: 27
    Avg Gain: 4.87		Avg Gain: 5.50		Avg Gain: 5.68		Avg Gain: 3.69		Avg Gain: 4.07		Avg Gain: 5.96		Avg Gain: 7.92
    NFL Rank: 13		NFL Rank: 28		NFL Rank: 30		NFL Rank: 10		NFL Rank: 18		NFL Rank: 31		NFL Rank: 32

    After seeing those 28-30-32 rankings, I'm okay with using some draft picks on that side of the ball.


    For comparison, here's how the Bills offense looked:

    Left End                Left Tackle             Left Guard              Middle                  Right Guard             Right Tackle            Right End
    Plays: 36		Plays: 46		Plays: 40		Plays: 153		Plays: 51		Plays: 46		Plays: 41
    NFL Rank: 28		NFL Rank: 22		NFL Rank: 17		NFL Rank: 8		NFL Rank: 13		NFL Rank: 26		NFL Rank: 24
    Avg Gain: 5.19		Avg Gain: 5.30		Avg Gain: 5.15		Avg Gain: 3.74		Avg Gain: 4.65		Avg Gain: 2.67		Avg Gain: 6.61
    NFL Rank: 22		NFL Rank: 8		NFL Rank: 8		NFL Rank: 23		NFL Rank: 7		NFL Rank: 31		NFL Rank: 4

    Guess we'll see if Cornell Green can provide an upgrade at RT.

  2. Not true.


    Just like the "rule" that you should never end a sentence with a preposition. As Winston Churchill said, "There is some nonsense up with which I will not put."

    Thank goodness for Winnie. Otherwise, I'd be certified as a habitual offender on that one.

  3. Sad that it's not only on fan boards one sees stuff like this....


    FakeAPStylebook says, "To save money, outsource your fact-checking [and proofreading] to countries without access to encyclopedias or the Internet." :D


    Not far from the truth of the matter.

    Funny you should say that. Posted to my Facebook feed earlier tonight:



    And I love me some FakeAPStylebook. Those guys are great.

  4. Dollarcoin is not worth it. I have friends who talk to people like that in person. Some spend stints in jail, some I've visited in the hospital. This guy is just some kid who doesn't grasp that good social skills should be applied to the internet. You have a generation of teenagers that are generally disconnected because of the internet. His simplicity and hostility are actually kind of amusing all things considered. He'll grow out of it one way or the other.

    If he continues on his current path, he'll have to grow out of it someplace else.

  5. Upon arriving at both this and the original thread late...


    Kudos for the apology. It was warranted. Typos happen, from BillsDaily to my small-town weekly to the cover of Sports Illustrated. The saying goes, "Surgeons bury their mistakes. We print ours." And when you catch one, you grit your teeth, say a few choice words, fix it if you can, and try to do better next time.


    And I'm sure Steve wouldn't mind a helping hand on the copydesk, if anyone's so inclined.

  6. what does "on the record" mean? its not like either have been sworn to testify. all it means is that Bryant told a journalist his account directly. Doesn't automatically make it truthful or exact.


    im with you in not believing either story. the truth always lies in between. and really, at this point, who cares?

    Untrue. "On the record" means the source agrees to let a journalist publicly identify them and attribute information/quotes to them. Lots of people tell me things directly, but are unwilling to see them in print with their name attached. Even at the prep sports level, you'd be amazed how often I hear, "Please don't put this in the paper, but..."


    In other words, Bryant is publicly willing to stand behind his story. The sources leaking the other version -- who presumably also spoke directly to a journalist at some point -- aren't. Why not?

  7. And what do you think about the equally big issue...that the Dolphins, after the apology, leaked the "context" of the interview to make their position more defensible?

    Silver asks a good question. Bryant's version is on the record. Ireland's isn't. Why?


    Then again, Jim Trotter counters with the equally valid point: Bryant was on the record about his relationship with Deion, too, and that turned out not to be true.


    Whole bunch of he said-he said here, and right now, I'm not sure I believe EITHER story.

  8. The counter, from Mike Silver (via Twitter), who wrote the original story:


    I just got off the phone with a source very close to Dez Bryant, and we had a long talk about context...


    This is what the source close to Bryant said about the things the Dolphins are putting three days after the fact, without names attached: "That's bull ****. It didn't go down like (the Dolphins are implying it did). There's nothing to say. If a guy calls and apologizes, what else is there to add on? Enough said. (The apology) confirmed (Dez's version). The apology was accepted, and now it's time to move on."


    Just got a text from Dez Bryant. "I did not say that... this guy is lying." By "this guy" he means "unnamed Dolphins sources...


    By "I did not say that" he means that his father was a pimp & that his mother worked for her. So Bryant, on the record, stands by his story


    Again, Dez Bryant stands by his story, with name attached. Ireland, who apologized, leaks anonymous "context" explanation. You make the call



  9. The show will be called “Just Jack.”


    John Wawrow is the gruff, no nonsense, hard-drinking, veteran newspaper guy. I'm thinking Robert Loggia in this role. Jack is a wide-eyed optimist who's recently down on his luck. Due to some vague, never-clarified sense of obligation, Wawrow lets Jack move in and sleep on his couch. Obviously Michael Cera will play Jack. It's a modern day odd couple. Let the hilarity ensue.

    Wait, Loggia's still alive? Who knew?


    (Interestingly, according to Wikipedia, he has a journalism degree from Mizzou. Guess acting paid better back then, too.)

  10. Good point. Canada's national hero versus the team that dominates the game's history.


    Should be fun. I posted about tonight's game on Facebook -- where my profile pic is me posing with Lord Stanley at the Hockey HOF -- and now my yinzer cousins are talking trash. Love it. :thumbsup:

  11. Definitely. Like the ncaa tournament it's a nice upset/story for 24 hours. Then the next round starts and it's "oh crap nobody cares about Pens-Habs".

    Tell that to the defending Cup champs, or to 33 million Canadians who all either love or hate the Habs.

  12. For the last half hour my wife has kept yelling into the other room "What do you keep laughing at?" :lol:

    I was hoping for an eventual Pitt/Wash series because they hate each other so much but that was absolutely fantastic. I'll even give it a tremendously tremendous. :thumbsup:

    I even had Pollock rooting for my Habs, and he's not even a hockey guy. He was just amused at the idea of all three division champs tanking in Round 1, I think.


    As for me, I've disliked Ovechkin ever since he ran Briere. He's a great player, but there's a line between hard-nosed and thuggish, and let's just say I wasn't surprised at the way he dumped Campbell into the boards this year. Wasn't real impressed by the way he totally disappeared against Canada in the Olympics, either.


    Get bent, Alex.

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