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Everything posted by Lori

  1. There's that, too. Wasn't he already having some difficulty following the first series of the HOF Game?
  2. Good call. 31st in passing yards allowed, 28th in total yardage ... but 17th in both pass/total yards per play.
  3. What they said. Guessing that bridge is beyond repair.
  4. Someone asked me about that at the tailgate, wondering if Lynch would be at the game. I thought the rule was as you said -- wasn't entirely sure, but JW was kind enough to confirm that. (Sorry you missed the party, BTW. The band rocked. Next year.) Thanks to Keith McShea, though, I *do* know where Lynch was on Saturday. The BuffNews preps guru put this link on my Facebook page as I was rolling through Ellicottville on my way north (scroll past the Canisius-JHS stuff): http://blogs.buffalonews.com/preptalk/2009...week-three.html
  5. FWIW, Mr. Bruce is a citysider, and this apparently did not run in Sports: http://www.goerie.com/apps/pbcs.dll/sectio...egory=OPINION07 So, in essence, your LTE crack was correct.
  6. Dawg, we ALL need an editor ... ... but yeah, some more than others. True, it's obviously a release touting Street, with the HOF stuff a secondary citation. They still could've gotten the teams correct, though, and done a little better with the punctuation ... (Insert snide remark about PR flacks here.)
  7. Smack talk? Saints fans? I didn't realize they knew how?
  8. Meh. One more reason to like football better. (For the record, barring a natural disaster or family emergency, covering that game was the only thing that could get me to delay my appearance at Danny's. So I s'pose I'd better quit messing around here and finish my story on it -- deadline's at noon ...)
  9. Hah -- to make a crack like that, you must be a local. WEO, they have goal-line stands in soccer?
  10. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/buffalo-bills...aneers-preview/ Time to hit the road. See y'all at Danny's in a couple of hours ... P.S.: In case anyone was wondering -- Port Allegany 7, Johnsonburg 3, with a last-minute goal-line stand by the winning team. Fun game.
  11. Patriots fan. You're asking the impossible on both counts.
  12. Hahaha -- you could be right about the bashing. Still, trés cool.
  13. The alleged result of this play was a first down at the 25. But by rule, for it to be recorded as the 25, the ball would have had to be completely past the hashmark at the 26. That tells me the previous first-and-ten spot was in front of the 36. Welker's elbow, the leading edge of his body, is resting on the 26. Doesn't add up to 10 yards. FWIW, I don't worry about the yellow lines, although I admit it surely would be nice to have one at my game today ...
  14. http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/chat/_/id/...gger-tim-graham
  15. Did I read that latest story correctly -- McKelvin's agent is Hadley Engelhard? Tell you a little story about him the next time I see you ...
  16. Far as I can tell, Sedita is the only one who ever said he was, and that runs contrary to what both McKelvin and his agent have directly told the media.
  17. Did I ever mention that I hate absolute statements? There was a TON of debate here about Vick, Lynch, et al. Yes, some people defended them. Many others did not.
  18. And others called them out for doing so, just like we are here. So what's your point? Some people here are !@#$s? Stipulated.
  19. Agree with SDS, and I'll add that while I also think Mark Schlereth is wrong, he's a television analyst -- NOT a journalist. Take his opinions for what you will.
  20. You're not kidding. Not a chance that I could dig into a bowl of Flutie Flakes while sober.
  21. Just confirmed through Andy Major that the fieldhouse WILL be open. The alumni gathering will be in a separate area behind it. Thanks, Andy.
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