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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Funny thing about that ... back in 1989, the Saints showed up in Buffalo in December. Ask Steve Tasker about that game, one the Bills figured they had won as soon as it started to snow. 22-19 New Orleans. Curse you, John Fourcade.
  2. Think Aussie's original point -- a valid one -- was that people looking for road-trip info were having a tough time finding those boards. Ditto for the Bills Backers one.
  3. Actually, I was thinking Seattle and San Fran from last season, not the dual Acts of God from 2007. Add: It's funny -- you can take the play-by-play of that Seattle game, and tell almost exactly when it stopped drizzling. As soon as the sun appeared, Edwards started connecting. 10-for-19 in the first half, 9-for-11 in the second.
  4. http://www.freep.com/article/20090924/SPOR...ked-out-locally http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../s131345D62.DTL Buffalo is not on that list despite a second consecutive game against an NFC team without a national fanbase, for those pundits who seem to think the Bills still have problems selling tickets. And did someone forget to tell the people in Jacksonville that their home opener was last weekend? Wow.
  5. Just keep in mind that Edwards has had his own issues during inclement weather ... although if it gets TOO bad, the Bills might be better-equipped to handle a run-heavy gameplan.
  6. You did that on purpose, didn't you? I was otherwise occupied. What was your excuse?
  7. Just like we used to declare that the Bills were the best team in all of the land, and everyone else sucked. Well, back when that was remotely close to being true, anyway ... Part of being a fan.
  8. You'd think he was a professional writer or something. And I have to admit that when I read murra's post, I thought, "Uh-oh, here we go" even before I saw that jw had already responded ...
  9. Pssst -- did you mean "others"? And I'd probably go with "overofficious" as one word. No hyphen, per AP. Rockin' the em-dash, moderator person
  10. Happy Birthday, Doc! Waitaminute ... another Nebula? How did I miss this? Congrats, and another round!
  11. Getting excited about big plays and outright our-team-is-great, we-wuz-robbed homerism are two different things. There's nothing wrong with showing passion for the game, and Miller and RJ are pros -- even if they did skate close to the line at times, they still normally got the call correct. On the other side of that line, I'm guessing at least one of the radio crews I'll be sharing a press box with tomorrow night will show up wearing their school colors. Yay, team. I'll be the one trying to get as far away from them as possible. So ... yes, I'd rather have someone describing plays than yelling an opinion in my ear. I realize others' mileage may vary. Metal Man, valid point.
  12. (Note: Some editing done in this thread. For further information, please review the board announcement regarding Circumventing the Language Filter.) Carry on ...
  13. Signed to the practice squad, per WaPo: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/redskinsinsider/ Also of note to some -- OT Mike Williams did not practice today. Hmmm.
  14. You may want homers calling your games. I don't.
  15. SJBF, if that's supposed to be sarcastic, it's not funny. And if it isn't, you may want to read a little further into the thread, then rethink your post (which I won't quote).
  16. Kingsbury's already made the move to coaching, eh? Wasn't that long ago when I talked to him at SJF ... or maybe it was ...
  17. He's a Newhouse ('Cuse J-school) guy. As a rule, they tend to take the "journalism" part of the Broadcast Journalism major seriously. (Think Bob Costas, definitely not a screamer. Mike Tirico's also a grad.) If you feel he plays the 'objective observer' role too strongly, that's one possible reason.
  18. The point is, he changed. This time last season, I don't think Jauron would have dumped Schonert. And the end result seems to be positive, yes? Yes, I do still fear Jauron's own game-management skills. Guess the answer is to get far enough ahead of other teams so we don't have to worry about that.
  19. I like the way you think ... especially because I'm not normally here on Sundays, so I wouldn't have to deal with the lunatic fringes on both sides.
  20. This. We spent the offseason talking about "continuity," when continuity on offense meant scoring six points -- TOTAL -- in the last three home games. (Well, two home games and the debacle in Toronto.) Handing the car keys to AVP is looking like an inspired move right now ... but the friction between Jauron and Schonert couldn't have just started this summer, could it? Not if there's truth to the reports of their screaming match following the disaster in the Meadowswamp. When the need to get rid of Turk -- for the good of the team, Jauron's own job security, or both, depending on your point of view -- finally outweighed his well-known loyalty to his assistants, DJ dropped the hammer. A different head coach wouldn't have waited so long, I think, trying to make it work. Ditto for trying to shove the oversized Langston Walker into the hole at LT. "Comfort zone," status quo, or belief in the men on his roster and coaching staff (when perhaps some of that trust hasn't been fully earned)? The reason doesn't matter, I suppose, but I like the idea that the Bills are finally acting instead of reacting. I just continue to wish that they'd felt confident enough to make the AVP and Bell moves earlier, to give Jauron's "cohesion" (another favorite buzzword) more time to set. And on a different note, I'll cast my lot with the esteemed Mr. Wawrow in detesting absolute statements. Also, the Obama/Bush stuff has no place in this thread. PPP is thataway.
  21. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/section/live An early note: Maiorana thinks McKelvin should be able to go this weekend. And believe it or don't, he's giving the Bills a shot to win. Other Web extras: Bills Roundtable with Maiorana, Ed Kilgore, and Adam Benigni Buffalo News Bills-Saints preview video with Mark Gaughan and Jerry Sullivan
  22. 31st in yardage, but 17th in yards per pass play. Bills have defended against 103 attempts, 14 more than the Saints, who have faced the second-most passes in the league.
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