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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Fox? Kriegel's great (and funny as hell in person) and Glazer breaks a ton of news, but Whitlock is an acquired taste. Marvez I can take or leave, and there's not much on the bench behind him.
  2. Wild guess here -- but you wouldn't by any chance be a Yankees fan, would you?
  3. Agreed. NFW they were beating the Redskins even before Kelly's concussion, and they didn't even win their DIVISION the following season.
  4. Trent Edwards may disagree with that (although he'll never dare to say it publicly) ...
  5. No link yet, but @salmaiorana just tweeted it. If they make the move, Ashlee Palmer would take Kawika's spot. Have to do SOMETHING to stop the run. Update: Maiorana's story is now up -- Bills make switch at LB
  6. The Vikings one is supposed to be Brett Favre. And I laughed at the Bills one, much as I did at their sorry performance on Sunday. Yup, after nine seasons (and counting) of playoff-free football, that's where I'm at. Not sure there can be disrespect, if there's nothing there TO respect ...
  7. His definition of "I was doing fine" doesn't match mine, or perhaps I'm putting too much stock in the fact that the Bills averaged 2.4 ypc in the first half and Edwards was already beginning to feel pressure. If he was "doing fine," it was because Taylor was temporarily sidelined. JMO. Then again, with Seth McKinney the only available backup lineman, one could reasonably expect those big guys to wear down in the South Florida heat. Good planning, front office, signing a developmental project when one of your starters goes on IR. Bravo.
  8. Really? I'm not a Michael Silver fan, but Adrian Wojnarowski, Dan Wetzel, Gordon Edes and Jeff Passan are among the best in the business -- fistfuls of APSEs and BASW stories between those four -- and Charles Robinson has broken several NFL stories. OTOH, Shutdown Corner strikes me as an attempt to capture the PFT/AOL Fanhouse market, and I'm not impressed.
  9. Don't know if the players did, but that's when most of the remaining fans -- the ones who weren't already apoplectic about Ralph's decision to retain him -- gave up once and for all.
  10. If he'd done a little research, he'd know that Gruden -- who majored in communications at Dayton -- was planning all along on going into TV broadcasting if the coaching thing didn't work out.
  11. Might want to check his phone for incoming calls from Oakland...
  12. What? And have that dastardly media goad him into a meltdown? Oh, wait, wrong thread. Actually, I'm not naming names (and DEFINITELY not speaking for either Graham or Wawrow), but I'm thinking some of the beat guys might agree with you at this point. That would also be nice.
  13. Getting 97 percent to agree ain't easy So the people voting in favor of Jauron's continued employment are right down there with the ones who believe the moon landing was faked? Quality work, Tim.
  14. Had the chance to do that THIS draft/offseason. They chose otherwise. Think we can agree that was a bad call. Add: and I knew this topic sounded familiar ... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=96848
  15. Valid points. I'll add that as much as I dislike Greggggg, Donahoe did him no favors by burning a first-round pick on McGahee (instead of someone who might actually be able to PLAY that season, a novel concept) in GW's final year here.
  16. FWIW, Seattle was still in the AFC when Holmgren took over there.
  17. Great minds ... FWIW, Sal says the same thing. Must be something in the water in Monroe County.
  18. http://scottpitoniak.blogspot.com/2009/10/...in-buffalo.html Yeah, I know this has little to no chance of actually happening, and I'm betting Scott does too. But hey, it's fun to consider the possibility, no?
  19. Why, thank you, sir. Third option: ESPN knows darn well that y'all are trying to stuff the ballot box, and has put countermeasures in place.
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