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Everything posted by Lori

  1. That's the bidness. As for the judging -- I watched them question some of the Chicago team's entries and praise Buffalo's to high heaven, so I put the results on the same level as No Goal. That "Wing in a Pigskin" looks AWESOME.
  2. ALERT -- ALERT -- Kenny's segment is after the break. Fieri's tease: "This is absolutely, without a question, the craziest tailgating I have ever seen."
  3. Not so sure about that. John's story on the kid was picked up nationwide.
  4. In all fairness, it looks like their top players didn't stay in the game very long. Starting QB had three rushes (scoring on two of them) and three passing attempts: http://www.tonawanda-news.com/sports/local..._289234507.html From reading the gamers, looks like the second-string fullback scored two of their touchdowns. Beyond that, I haven't seen how the scoring plays broke down. ----------------------------------------------- Some general thoughts from an unbiased observer: Should they stop playing the game because Tonawanda can no longer compete? Meh. We're not talking about a small school (Class D on your side of the border, Single-A on ours) with barely enough male students to field a team; THS is well above the cutoff point at the bottom of Class B. While there is a definite size disparity between the Warriors (0-7) and the Class AA Lumberjacks (7-0), they also lost 33-0 to Depew -- which has precisely the same male enrollment, according to the NYSPHSAA stats I just checked -- earlier in the season. They're apparently just not very good right now. And consider the final score of the 2006 game: Jacks 14, Warriors 13. While NT would most likely be favored in any future game, there's no guarantee that they'll ever duplicate this year's margin of victory. Now, if it gets to the point that THS is starting 130-pound freshmen just to keep the program going -- as we've seen with some of the small-school teams in the Southern Tier -- then it's time to end the series. (And at that point, they'd have far greater problems than losing one rivalry game.) But until then, I'll take the Tonawanda people at their word: http://www.tonawanda-news.com/sports/local..._286231032.html
  5. You do know that neither Toronto game sold out last season, correct?
  6. Agreed. Yeah, the money could have been "better spent" ... just like the $$$ for the next pack of cigs, the scratch-off lottery tickets, or the Hostess Ho-Hos out of the vending machine. Or tickets to the Cleveland-Buffalo game, for that matter. Or my flight to Charlotte, so I can watch this team (in all likelihood) drop to 1-6. Why does anyone care what other people are doing with their own money? Nobody's forcing them to send it to him.
  7. As did Rob Johnson... (ducking) ...which I think was your point.
  8. It gets better: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/15/sports/f...all/15jets.html One hopes that our brethren in the NYC press corps were more than happy to help out their friends up here...
  9. Nah, Herrera's still in a (no-)class by himself.
  10. Fixed. How dare those football writers ask questions about, you know, football. I wouldn't have minded if Jauron had declined to answer ANY question about gameplanning with a polite "no comment," but this smacks of "if you don't ask what we want you to ask, we're taking our ball and going home." My preferred description of that is "bunker mentality."
  11. Bills Mum On Talk Of Scuttling No-huddle Offense Cue crazyDingo's ACor58's hysterical "OMG ... they're...they're...HUDDLING!!!" post from before the Pats game ... Edit: Apologies, ACor. That was so good, I thought it HAD to be some of Dingo's work. Also, please note that Turk Schonert and Richard Seymour were still employed by their respective teams when this was written ... The sanitized version:
  12. Neither one of those says a word about whether or not the Alamodome would be considered an acceptable permanent venue, do they? Which was my entire point to begin with. P.S.: The "strong fan support" for the Saints in the second linked article is crap. They sold out the Falcons game because of Mike Vick, but gave away THOUSANDS of tickets to paper the house for the Bills and Lions games. I was there. I talked to locals who got some of the freebies, and never would have considered showing up otherwise.
  13. One side says, "Shameful!" The other counters, "Heroic!" to both. I'm not about to contribute, but as long as it's not obscene or hate speech, I also don't see anything wrong with letting someone else have their say either on a message board or a billboard.
  14. Philster's correct: http://www.billsbackers.org/index4_files/image022.jpg
  15. If you're Quinn, standing on the sideline watching your replacement go 2-for 17, and you STILL can't get in the game ... yeah, no wonder he put his house up for sale.
  16. Not to me. Dannyboy has never let money stop him, but "continuity" be damned, there's a logical case to be made that Jauron wouldn't have lasted beyond the end of last season without that supersecret () contract extension.
  17. Appreciate the clarification, good sir. Thinking the typical WGR callers may be a little too far out on the ledge for my liking ... but then again, I post here, which may not be all that different. Of course, as you, Schefter, and several others have pointed out, trading 81 would be the rational move. Then again, so was franchising Nate Clements or making sure they had an NFL-quality left tackle going into this season, and neither one of those happened ...
  18. That's kind of what I'm thinking, too. But then, Ralph hung onto Stephenson too long (four games into the 1985 season, after going 2-14 in '84, earning the #1 pick, and hearing every sportswriter in WNY say he should be gone). So I can equally believe either scenario. Certainly not past the end of this season, though, unless he miraculously pulls a 10-game winning streak out of thin air.
  19. Zorn/Snyder has nothing to do with the situation in Buffalo.
  20. Depends on how bad it gets. Ralph has been known to make decisions based on anger/frustration, and I'm thinking he's not in a very good mood after the last couple of games. I'm not entirely surprised that he didn't pull the trigger this week, but I do think there's a possibility something happens at or near the bye. (Just so you know, that's merely idle speculation on my part.)
  21. I'll be honest -- I raised an eyebrow when he said that, because I'm not sure I've seen any prevailing sentiment like that here. Since he's back in Buffalo, maybe his data sample is the people he's talking to on the street up there, not TSW ... but I can't think of anyone I know who's saying "go ahead and trade him." As some have noted, the possibility that he still might make some plays is one of very few reasons to watch this team right now...
  22. Trip's been planned since this summer. Not that I thought the Bills would be a playoff team, but at this point, I'm merely hoping for "watchable."
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