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Everything posted by Lori

  1. For those who might be interested -- Maiorana, Roth, and Kilgore are doing a live chat about the project on the D+C site: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/section/live
  2. Kyle Williams IS Justin Bannan. I found this part of King's column far more interesting: Translation of his translation: at least Lerner's looking. Are we? Don't bet on it.
  3. I saw all I needed to see of them last Sunday, when they whooped on the Bills despite benching their starting RB and losing Owen Daniels for the season.
  4. I was sitting here transcribing when the phone rang. Looked at the caller ID, which said "Buffalo Bills" ... and I let it keep ringing, deciding that at this point, the HS coach I was listening to was more worthy of my time.
  5. Debatable, especially in this neck of the woods.
  6. Just so they don't overlook the LeMoyne College powerhouse when they visit the Reilly Center in December ... Far as I know, I'll be at the game against the Johnnies. You going?
  7. Never mind, I found it ... http://blog.syracuse.com/orangebasketball/...se_82-79_i.html
  8. My opinion went nowhere. I typed this tweet before leaving the stadium on Sunday: "Nice work, Sully. Brutal, but honest question to stop that Jauron presser cold."
  9. QFT. I heard it takes roughly the same amount of time as frying noodles.
  10. Thanks for the heads-up, John. And if he CAN'T go against the Titans, that would mean the, let's see ... 18th player to start a game on D this season? Yikes.
  11. Actually, I do appreciate any and all love for the WashTimes, because a friend works there. (Keep clicking those links!) And he's one of the biggest diehard liberals I know. Any more stereotypes you'd care to share?
  12. FWIW, Bogdan was scouting for the team long before Polian got to Buffalo. In fact, she went to one particular game to look at a QB, but returned raving to anyone who would listen about a WR who played for the other team. Ended up talking the powers-that-be -- her dad, probably -- into drafting the kid. That kid was Jerry Butler.
  13. High school games are 48 minutes long ... ... and the team I cover put up over 200 yards passing and 300 total Friday night. Then again, they can actually run a no-huddle without false-starting nine times in one game, too. And that's with a freshman at QB. What does that say about the Bills?
  14. Technical term is "escalator clause," but yes, poison pill works too. Three years and $7.65 million to start, plus an assurance of being the highest-paid offensive player (beating Kelly's contract) in '93-94, and highest-paid non-QB (which probably would have been Bruce or Thurman) in '95. Colts had nothing comparable.
  15. Desker, not one of the beat writers? Polian and Wolford did try to talk contract. Littman nixed it because of the $$$ involved. RCW sided with Littman. Per Relentless: And Wolford's agent was Ralph Cindrich, not Tom Condon.
  16. http://media.www.dailyorange.com/media/sto...m-3820013.shtml
  17. The plate has definitely been full lately, but there's another factor: there are times when I literally have to force myself to write about this team. I have to call a local high school coach in a little while, because I missed their game Friday night, and I fully intend to tell him I would have seen a better performance if I'd used my vacation day to watch his team instead of making the drive to Buffalo. (He'll understand. He's a Browns fan.) That said, I do appreciate the fact that a few of you still care what I think ... and now that the busy fall season is almost over (down to two playoff teams out of seven), I'll try to get the previews online in a more timely manner.
  18. Bravo. When I was standing in the JK Club yesterday listening to the Jauron presser, and I heard Jerry drop the hammer with the question/statement that stopped that session cold, I came close to applauding. And whether it applies to Sully, Chuck, or anyone else who decided somewhere along the way that they didn't WANT to live/work in a top-5 market, I've long since gotten sick of the "he must suck, or else he'd be writing for the NY Times" line of thought. Also, before anyone accuses Tim of talking up The News simply because he's an alumnus, you might want to check out this link: http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/buff...ory/806996.html That means they beat out every one of the NYC newspapers -- those "bigger and better" gigs to which I suppose everyone in the business should aspire -- for the award.
  19. Last I looked, this ain't even your thread, bub.
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