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Posts posted by Lori

  1. Not that Fitz is the answer either but where did you get those stats??? Until I read this article I hadn't known of a source that recorded the distance pass attempts traveled in the air NOT how many yards a pass went for including YAC. Can you provide the link? I will bookmark it imediately.

    Looks like he's misreading the attempts-per-game stats, same as the other guy did.


    Repeating from earlier in the thread:

    The 1-10, 11-20, etc. isn't yardage. That's breaking down his stats for the first through tenth attempt in each game, eleventh through twentieth, and so on. Take a look at the 31+ line: 5-for-7, but only one was for 20+ yards. His true long-pass completion stats, available on his main profile page: 14 for 20+, two for 40+.

    Edwards was 21-for-31 vs. the Bucs, 20-for-35 vs. the Saints, and 16-for-31 vs. Cleveland. His 31st attempt in the TB game was the 43-yard TD pass to Owens. His final five throws against the Saints were: 8 to Reed, incomplete to Owens, 12 to Jackson, 0 to Reed, incomplete (throwaway). Last throw in the Browns loss was a dumpoff to Lynch to set up the ol' lateral-till-you-fumble play. Totals: 5-for-7, with one completion over 20 yards, just like it says on the "Attempts 31+" line.

  2. I looked up Trents stats on CBSsports.com and here is what I got.



    CAT G Att Comp Pct Yds YPA Lg TD Int 1st 1st % 20+ Sac Rate

    ATTEMPTS 1-THROUGH-10 0 67 39 58.2 387 5.78 39 2 1 18 46.2 4 0 78.4

    ATTEMPTS 11-THROUGH-20 0 60 40 66.7 435 7.25 46 2 1 19 47.5 6 0 92.0

    ATTEMPTS 21-THROUGH-30 0 49 26 53.1 267 5.45 37 1 5 15 57.7 3 0 36.2

    ATTEMPTS 31+ 0 7 5 71.4 80 11.43 43 1 0 1 20.0 1 0 148.8


    They aren't coming out right no matter how I adjust them in this post, just read them on the link and notice he threw 7 passes for more then +31 yards, completed 5 and one was a TD. Now go back and re watch the games and count the seconds for each passing play. I'll bet he had 3 seconds or less on most passing plays when he was behind center, kinda tough to throw when you take a 5 step drop and meet both DE's when you reach the 5th step.






    Notice the last sentence...


    With an offensive line still in tatters, Spiller still might be able to jitter his way to extra yardage on passes out of the backfield.

    The 1-10, 11-20, etc. isn't yardage. That's breaking down his stats for the first through tenth attempt in each game, eleventh through twentieth, and so on. Take a look at the 31+ line: 5-for-7, but only one was for 20+ yards. His true long-pass completion stats, available on his main profile page: 14 for 20+, two for 40+.

  3. thanks buddy!!! People can just give me Annie's share...I'm not even sure if she's around here anymore.

    Oh, she's still here. She just lurks in the shadows until some chimp behind a keyboard needs a slap upside the noggin. :lol:

  4. I have nothing to back this up and I could be completely wrong but I would be willing to bet that Brohm probably attempted more passes over 40yds in the air in one game than Trent did for a half a season.

    Now that one crosses the line into hyperbole, IMO, but I'll check.


    And don't take this as me defending Edwards, please. He lost his job to Fitz on merit -- and considering that when RF was signed, most of us figured it was expressly because he WOULDN'T pose a threat to TE, that's not good.


    I don't have that link open anymore. Tim (or Williamson) did say two 40+ throws for the year, correct? (Hmmm, that's setting the bar an inch above sea level for Brohm. Maybe you're right after all. Be right back.)



    OK. This link might be password-protected; lemme know if it is: http://www.nflgsis.com/2009/Reg/16/54692/PlayStats.pdf


    Brohm was 17-of-29 in that game. Interestingly, only four of those passes traveled over 10 yards past the line of scrimmage: 47-yd INT, 32 and 19-yd incompletions, and a 14-yd completion to Evans (who added 1 YAC). On the other hand, nine of his passes were targeted at or behind the LOS.


    So, one game, one 40+ (to the wrong team) and a bunch of dumpoffs for Brohm. The contrast with TE might have been more apparent with Fitz. Still and all, I'm in the camp that's curious to see how Brohm does with a full training camp.


    To be honest, Edwards too, in a different system. I'm not ready to absolve Jauron of responsibility for last season's cluster.....

  5. I guess I meant the ability to type something like @SDS or @Simon, etc. and the text would become a link to the user profile and the user would be pinged accordingly, letting them know they've been mentioned. I didn't mean that this site would actually be synced with other accounts like Twitter.

    Right, Facebook does the same thing in its status updates now ... but only if the person is on your friends list, I think. Not sure about that, though.

  6. I guess the interesting question would be, was he a total douche before his motorcycle accident?


    If you had a host of people lining up to say "BR was the nicest, most courteous person I've ever met and that changed after his wreck" I'd say there could be some merit to the notion that he suffered some amount of brain damage which caused a personality change.

    Based on stories from Miami ... nope, no personality change. One female classmate said that he took her cellphone, put it in the front pocket of his shorts, and told her to come get it. Those wild and crazy college kids, eh?


    Difference is, he's not in college anymore, and he's eight years older than the sorority girls he was buying shots for. Whatever did (or didn't) happen in Georgia, he needs to stop acting like a frat brat, IMO.

  7. Why do you pretend that they're special people? If I were to post my website on here, and someone would take a shot at me, that would be perfectly fine... but if criticism gets to one of you "journalists" its unquestionably taboo? Really? This is a forum.


    At first I appreciated TG for having the courage to come here and give insight, but his ego got in the way. That's what it comes down to. And don't pretend it's not ego. He got offended, and couldn't take the fact that people are jerks and insulted him. That's weak and sad.


    If you can't take criticism without being offended you don't deserve your alleged high position in life (not that I feel like any of you "journalists are half as elite as you pretend).

    The owner of the website established the policy, not me, although I agree with it. Why? Because both of them came here as a favor to us. They didn't need to do that.


    And if you'd bothered to read what Tim wrote, he walked away because he got sick of people taking shots at his friends, not himself.

  8. Hey Lori, could we start with not allowing words like "douchebag" in thread titles. It really looks like crap to have that appear on the twobillsdrive main page. just sayin.

    Valid criticism. Guess I missed that one. Edited. Been a busy 24 hours or so, between deadline and this.


    And don't be afraid to use the report button.

  9. Only it was specifically spelled out, don't mess with the reporters. Mind you, anyone with a clue knew that mainly meant Tim Graham. Wawrow is the other reporter, but he is pretty thick skinned. He comes down to PPP and takes his fair share of lumps.

    Although SDS wrote his rules of engagement following the Schottenheimer fiasco, you're missing the part where John also left the board for a short period of time. He knows he's fair game on OTW or PPP, but the rule applies equally to both when they're discussing their work. In fact, I removed a post and dumped someone for taking a shot at him less than 12 hours ago.

  10. Tell me about it. Is it a full moon tonight or something? :P


    After reading this thread, I not only don't blame Tim for leaving, I actively encourage him to stay away. Ye Gods, what a group of spoiled narcissistic children we have here.

    True story: last fall, one of the guys on my other board, a college football beat writer, was leaning toward posting under his own name on one of his team's fanboards.


    I told him that based on some of the crap we'd seen hurled at both Tim and John here, he might want to rethink that decision. He did.

  11. from all i've read about Tim Russert, and never having had a chance to meet him, you do him and his memory a huge dis-service with that post.



    Agree completely, which is why that particular sockpuppet won't be visiting us again.

  12. But you do have to admit, this board ain't what it was 10 years ago.

    On that, we do not disagree. And why isn't it? Because as the population grew, we lost the small-town feel, and it probably isn't coming back.


    Doesn't mean that some of us can't rage against the dying of the light.

  13. Love ya, Lori, but this is a +1. If you're looking for adult conversation, that departed this board a decade ago.


    Sorry, troof hurts...yo.

    Excuse the !@#$ out of me for trying to develop what some people considered a decent resource for the site.

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