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Posts posted by Lori

  1. Oooh goody, more fun with numbers! :flirt:

    Seriously, thanks for the topic, Dave. You put some thought into this; I'll try to do likewise.


    Many feel that the most important stat to measure a qb's performance is yards per pass attempt. I've cobbled together a bunch of stats for a lot of qbs, starting with a comparison of Kelly’s 11-year nfl career and Bledsoe’s 11 years so far in the league. Following this is a list of the ypa stats for qb luminaries of the past 15 years or so. I’m now concluding that Bledsoe may well be the most overrated qb of all time (especially considering the plethora of good receivers he’s played with - Glenn, Coates, Moulds, Price).

    Interestingly, neither Coates nor Glenn has ever made a Pro Bowl in a season where DB wasn't the Pats' QB. Coates was a non-entity in 1991 and 1992, before Bledsoe was drafted; he never averaged under 10.0 yards/catch through a season with Drew, or over 10.0 yards/catch for a season with any other Pats QB. Glenn had two seasons averaging over 16.0 yds/catch with Drew; 2004 is the first time he's gotten back up to a 15.0 average since he left New England. Moulds has caught passes from every Bills QB since Kelly, but had his season-highs in receptions and TD catches after Drew got here.


    Kelly – yards per pass attempt - career

    1986 7.5 (top BUF WRs: Andre Reed, Chris Burkett)

    1987 6.7 (top BUF WRs: Reed, Burkett)

    1988 7.5 (top BUF WRs: Reed, Trumaine Johnson)

    1989 8.0 (top BUF WRs: Reed, Flip Johnson)

    1990 8.2 (top BUF WRs: Reed, James Lofton)

    1991 8.1 (top BUF WRs: Reed, Lofton)

    1992 7.5 (top BUF WRs: Reed, Lofton)

    1993 7.2 (top BUF WRs: Billy Brooks, Reed)

    1994 7.0 (top BUF WRs: Reed, Brooks)

    1995 6.8 (top BUF WRs: Brooks, Russell Copeland)

    1996 7.4 (top BUF WRs: Reed, Quinn Early)


    lifetime – 7.4

    Factoid: in 10 of those 11 years, the team leader in receptions was a WR. 1993 (Metzelaars) was the only exception.


    Bledsoe – yards per pass attempt - career

    1993 5.8 (top NE WRs: Vincent Brisby, Michael Timpson)

    1994 6.6 (top NE WRs: Timpson, Brisby)

    1995 5.5 (top NE WRs: Brisby, Will Moore)

    1996 6.6 (top NE WRs: Terry Glenn, Shawn Jefferson)

    1997 7.1 (top NE WRs: Jefferson, Troy Brown)

    1998 7.6 (top NE WRs: Glenn, Jefferson)

    1999 6.6 (top NE WRs: Glenn, Jefferson)

    2000 6.2 (top NE WRs: Brown, Glenn)

    2001 6.1 (top NE WRs: Brown, David Patten)

    2002 7.1 (top BUF WRs: Moulds, Price)

    2003 6.1 (top BUF WRs: Moulds, Josh Reed)


    lifetime – 6.6

    Factoid: in 1993-94-95-97-98, New England's reception leader was Ben Coates. Indeed, Patriot WRs never averaged over 46% of the team's receptions until Coates' second-to-last season there, 1998. In comparison, Bills WRs averaged over 50% of total receptions in all but two of Kelly's seasons.


    Just a thought here: if you're a QB whose main weapon is a TE with a lifetime average of 11.1 yards/catch, then your yards/attempt will most likely be lower than someone who has Jerry Rice/John Taylor, or Reed/Lofton, or Bruce/Holt, or Randy Moss to throw to. Vincent Brisby? Michael Timpson? Will Moore? C'mon. Don't think they qualify for the "plethora" mentioned above.


    (And realistically, 11.1 isn't bad for Coates - even most Hall of Fame-quality TEs have lower ypc averages than quite a few middle-of-the-road WRs. Kellen Winslow averaged 12.4 ypc for his career, Ozzie 12.1, Shannon Sharpe 12.3, Dave Casper 13.8, Todd Christensen 12.7, Tony Gonzalez 12.1. John Mackey, of course, would be the exception - at 15.8 ypc, he's the only big-name TE I could find over 14.0. To compare, 30 NFL WRs averaged at least 14.0 ypc last season, and guys like Amani Toomer and Chris Chambers have career averages over 15.0.)


    Soooo..... just how significant is a QB's yds/attempt? Perhaps we need a better understanding of the numbers behind those numbers to be able to tell that. Was Coates getting all those catches because Brisby and Timpson probably couldn't have made any of the Bills Super Bowl-era rosters even as backups, or because Parcells had his own version of an "alarm clock" for DB, or because Drew would decide to dump it off to him instead of waiting for his WRs to get open? (And how different is the formula now, when IMHO Bledsoe doesn't have a TE or RB he really trusts to be a consistent safety valve?)


    And how do Bledsoe's stats compare with other QBs who had a great TE or passcatching RB to throw to?

    You mentioned Randall Cunningham as someone else under 7.0; how much do you think playing with Keith Jackson and Keith Byars (and a few really, really mediocre WRs, once Buddy Ryan ran Cris Carter out of town) affected his stats? Even guys like Steve Beuerlein (1994), Dave Krieg (1995), and Boomer Esiason (1996) didn't hit 7.0 yds/attempt back when Larry Centers was leading the Cardinals in catches. Ditto for Boomer with the Jets in '95 (a dreadful 5.8 ypc), when his three top receivers were Adrian Murrell, Wayne Chrebet, and Johnny Mitchell.


    One more sidenote, regarding the current Pats and Tom Brady: Don't be taken in by one or two weeks' worth of stats; neither David Givens (career ypc 14.0) nor David Patten (career 14.2) are likely to keep up their gaudy 2004 averages (19.8 and 20.8, respectively), especially now that Kevin Faulk (and his average of over 40 catches/season, 8.87 yds/catch the last four years) is back. Something tells me that won't bother them too much, though, as long as they keep winning games.


    Sooo.... is Bledsoe overrated? Very possibly, but I can't make that determination from looking at yds/attempt stats.

  2. Interesting thought JSP.  I was talking to a fellow fan during the Raiders game, and I made the comment that although we have guys who can make some bigtime plays on both sides of the ball, it almost seems like they're playing "small."


    Too many missed opportunities, but I gotta' believe that all of these guys haven't forgotten how to play their position.  I'm thinking (hoping) that they'll breakout against the Pats, and the confidence will spread throughout the team.  It seems to me that the players lack that right now.


    "Coming up small." Think BADOL mentioned that a couple of days ago, and it got me to thinking.... as did the "Empire Retro" broadcasts this weekend (right now they're showing the Thurman Show from the '93 Steelers playoff game)...


    I started flipping through the ol' copy of Relentless, to see just how many of those clutch performances I could find from the goold old days, and there were even more than I remembered. Whether it was Freddy Smerlas blocking the FG in '88 so Norwood could beat the Jets in OT, or Kelly's dive into the EZ in '89, or Frank Reich and Kenny Davis stepping up bigtime in the 'Comeback Game', this team was loaded with guys who more often than not made the big play when we needed it most.


    Now, until they prove me wrong, we've got a bunch of guys who can make the big hit on a first-down play in the second quarter (and then dance around to make sure everyone knows who it was), but when it comes down to THE play at the end of the game? When we need just one more defensive stop, or a clutch catch to keep a drive going? We've seen guys on other teams make plays like that, but where are OUR playmakers?


    I want somebody with this mindset:

    "We needed a big play. Somebody had to make it, and I didn't want to wait around for anyone else."


    "When it comes down to it, when you have to make the big play, you make it. I just said 'Guys, I know we can do it, let's put it all together.' "


    We used to have guys like that, but now I'm not so sure. I really, really hope they prove me wrong....

  3. Logic ? You want some logic ? Is it easier to replace one player or six ? To keep Drew you need to upgrade to O-Line involving multiple players and lot's of cap to save one player.


    Or you can change the Qb to compensate for the mediocre O-Line and only change 1 player to get similar results.


    Which plan has more logic?


    Actually, after spending the last several years watching multiple Bills QBs running for their lives and Bills RBs getting hit in the backfield, wouldn't an OL upgrade affect more than one player?

  4. I dont understand the why people reach the conclusion that this is going to kill the NHL. Its not like they havent striked before. I think there is a chance that some teams may go under because of this but to me thats a upside. There are too many teams as it is in cities that have no business having one. If 4 or 5 teams go down so be it. It will improve the quality and depth of the other teams.


    Even if one of those teams happens to be the Sabres? That might not go over so well in this neck of the woods.... and considering their recent trip through bankruptcy, it's not nearly as far-fetched as some might think. Golisano may have bailed them out when he bought them, but an astute businessman (I'd say TG qualifies there) also knows when to fold up the tent. When the possibility exists that the Sabres could be financially better off if the 2004-05 season ISN'T played, that's gotta tell you something right there....


    Oh, there will still be some semblance of an NHL when this is over. But other than the die-hard hockey fans (and I include myself in that group), will anyone care? Or even notice, for that matter?

  5. Ya... But if they are going to the county tax office and paying it for you... Or doing the paperwork and sending it to the proper places?


    It is not a cash gift then... Just somebody paying your bill?




    "Womb to the Tomb Baby!!!"

    :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  ;)


    I could be wrong, but somehow, I doubt that explanation would suffice with the IRS. Then they'd probably staple a 'conspiracy to commit tax fraud' charge on top of the billing invoice.......


    Hey, this could get fun. ;)

  6. Defining Wys as "someone from the media" is perhaps a stretch. I remember one entertaining conversation on the Zone a couple of years ago, when after a couple games he was calling for Travis Henry to be benched in favor of Bryson, Joe Burns, ANYBODY, because Henry just "ain't cutting it !"

    To support his opinion, he used the stat that 'if you subtract TH's longest runs in each game, his yards-per-carry average is horrible'. :rolleyes:



    I should probably mention, that was the season Henry ended up in the Pro Bowl.


    Not saying MW is right or wrong in the particular article you linked to; just saying that, based on my previous dealings with him, I'd probably be inclined to discount his p.o.v. just because it IS his p.o.v. And since I can't be unbiased here, I'll just check out of this thread....

  7. Since the competition is 2 injured guys, an NFL Europe player and Shane "Falco" Matthews, I'm goin' with Drew v. the Patsies.


    Hey, I like Shane Falco! How's that one line go again?


    Pain heals.

    Chicks dig scars.

    Glory lasts forever.


    Great movie. But since comparing Falco to Matthews is an insult to Falco, think I'll stick with #11. But, J.P. ? Get well soon, kiddo......

  8. Very very nice. Been awhile since some good bait has been laid.


    Where are your other friends though? Lenny from Dallas and those other fools whos names I cant remember? Miss those guys too.  :P 




    I dunno about most of the gang, Bart, but I hear "Miami Don Johnson" signed the Wall at the tailgate.......... :blink:

  9. Dan, your numbers are correct; I'm not sure where Neil got his. Did you e-mail him about this yet, or did anyone catch a correction on today's show? (I got home from work at midnight, haven't had a chance to watch the tape from today yet. Damn - wish I hadn't taped over yesterday's.)


    And to whom it may concern, I've already stated my dislike for the NFL's QB-rating system quite a few times in this forum....


    For the record, here's how you figure QB rating:

    [(completion % - 30)*0.05 + (yds/attempt - 3)*0.25 + (TD % * 0.2) + 2.375-(INT % * 0.25)] / 6 * 100


    My apologies for the non-formatting of these stats.... seems like cut/paste from my Excel spreadsheet doesn't work so well with message board software.....


    Rob: (regular season stats only)

    98: 67-107; 62.6%; 910 yds; 8.50 yds/att; 8 TD; 7.48 TD%; 3 INT; 2.80 INT%; 29 sacks-163 yds; 102.94 rating

    99: 25-34; 73.5%; 298 yds; 8.76 yds/att; 2 TD; 5.88 TD%; 0 INT; 0.0 INT%; 1 sack-9 yds; 119.49 rating

    00: 175-306; 57.2%; 2125 yds; 6.94 yds/att; 12 TD; 3.92 TD%; 7 INT; 2.29 INT%; 48 sacks-291 yds; 82.22 rating

    01: 134-216; 62.0%; 1465 yds; 6.78 yds/att; 5 TD; 2.31 TD%; 7 INT; 3.24 INT%; 31 sacks-196 yds; 76.25 rating


    Buffalo totals, in 30 games/26 starts:

    401-663; 60.5%; 4798 yds; 7.24 yds/att; 27 TD; 4.07 TD%; 17 INT; 2.56 INT%; 109 sacks-659 yds; 85.53 rating


    average/game: 13-22; 160 yds; 1 TD; 1 INT; 4 sacks-22 yds

    average/start: 15-26; 185 yds; 1 TD; 1 INT; 4 sacks-25 yds



    02: 375-610; 61.5%; 4359 yds; 7.15 yds/att; 24 TD; 3.93 TD%; 15 INT; 2.46 INT%; 54 sacks-369 yds; 85.96 rating

    03: 274-471; 58.2%; 2860 yds; 6.07 yds/att; 11 TD; 2.34 TD%; 12 INT; 2.55 INT%; 49 sacks-371 yds; 73.03 rating

    04: 30-50; 60.0%; 351 yds; 7.02 yds/att; 2 TD; 4.00 TD%; 1 INT; 2.00 INT%; 8 sacks-52 yds; 86.33 rating


    Buffalo totals. in 34 games/34 starts:

    679-1131; 60.0%; 7570 yds; 6.69 yds/att; 37 TD; 3.27 TD%; 28 INT; 2.48 INT%; 111 sacks-792 yds; 80.59 rating


    average/start: 20-33; 223 yds; 1 TD; 1 INT; 3 sacks-23 yds

  10. Just to clear this up - MarkVI's pretty much got it right. Since both Howard and Neil have longtime ties to Buffalo and JimmyB doesn't, when the finances started getting tight, JB decided he should be the one to look elsewhere. He's now the programming director at KABZ-FM in Little Rock, AR, which recently went to an all-sports format and carries Razorback FB and hoops games. Don't think he's on-air, more of a management gig. I could be wrong about that, though.


    Not sure about his deal with the Moulds show, but Howard did mention (tongue firmly in cheek) that JB "is flying up on his private jet" to do the show on Mondays.....

  11. That's the same seller I got the Moulds jersey from, and about $100 less than I paid for mine.


    E-mail him and ask if he's got any different sizes - the original auction for mine was for a 50, but he happened to have a 48 he sold me for the same Buy It Now price he had listed. I was originally going to get it signed and frame it, but in the end I just HAD to wear it.


    As for other places to buy 'em? Best of luck; if they're anything like last year, they'll be darn tough to find. I (cough cough) originally wanted the jersey Bledsoe was wearing on the cover of an Extra Point mag I saw, but Moulds' was the only Bills shirt that ever showed up on eBay.


    (If y'all can't dig up any more authentics - or don't feel like forking over a couple or three C-notes for one - you might be still be able to order the 'replica' version shown in the NFLShop.com catalog, though. Think they were about $90.)

  12. I thought it was the right call.  The play happened close to where I sit.  It's OK to discuss the call in my opinion, but we can't say we lost because of a ref's call.  The Bills lost that game all by themselves.  You know I can't think of a game in recent memory where I walked out of RWS so mad.  Maybe the expectations of the season opener, and leading all game long and giving it away at the end.  I don't know, but I was steamin'


    Likewise. That's why I was asking about the replay - granted, I was sitting on the other end of the stadium from my normal seats in 109, but even from there I didn't see anything to make me think that was NOT a Jacksonville TD.

  13. Criqui was drunk :doh:.  He was blowing the refs' calls all day long.


    The back line judge signaled TD immediately, and then he made a "pushed O/B" motion with his hands.  Criqui took that hand signal as the ref calling the WR O/B.


    Good initial call & review.  Wilford would have landed in bounds (maybe because even while being pushed, he got both feet in anyhoo)


    Once they called for the review, all we were doing was hoping the replay crew had seen something we hadn't... because as soon as the ref raised his arms to signal touchdown, I knew we were cooked....

  14. Scott asked me this after the game, and I agreed with him - far as I know, if it's ruled on the field that a receiver was pushed out of bounds, that part of the play is NOT reviewable. We were both surprised that a replay was initiated.


    Couldn't find anything at NFL.com, but the game story from the Vikes-Cards game at the end of last season seems to bear this out:

    Replay officials upheld both scores, but the central question of the final play -- if Poole would have come down inbounds had he not been pushed by the Vikings' Denard Walker and Brian Russell -- is not a reviewable component, according to NFL rules.

    Cardinals 18, Vikings 17: From 6-0 to no go


    Did Criqui and Tasker discuss this at all?

  15. I heard he was in a dunk tank...but I didn't see that


    Actually, not a bad idea - if they wanted to do something like that for charity, putting Sullivan in a 'dunk tank' would have people lined up all the way to Big Tree Rd.



    I can just see him up there, yelling "The Bills stink" and "You're all idiots!" as people took their shots at the target...... :)

  16. I do admit I love 80's music.  I would've thought the Wave was to cheer on our team, guess not.  Huh.




    Jeez. :doh:

  17. I was watching at a bar in south florida, and one drive, the jags were in the red zone (or close to it) and Leftwich obviously couldnt hear a damn thing. He stood up and called a timout. I immediatly thought of the fans i know that were at the game (you all, EZC, and others). Sure, its not 1990-94. But then again, last season we were 6-10, so that is to be expected.


    I was going to respond to this in that other thread, but as long as this one's right on top.....


    IMO, Leftwich called that TO not because of crowd noise (it was loud, but not THAT loud), but because he thought the play clock was messed up. Haven't had a chance to watch the tape yet, but here's how I remember it: Leftwich points to the clock a couple of times, looks towards the ref, then calls the TO and walks over to the ref complaining and again pointing to the clock. Then, after the end of that series (probably during a commercial break?) Del Rio was all the way down to the 20-yd line, presumably b*tching about the same thing.


    Dunno, maybe the rebuild (and losing 7K seats in the process) really did make that much of a difference, but I can't remember the last time that stadium was truly, mindblowingly, teeth-rattlingly LOUD. Maybe the Flutie Jax game, and that was before the dugout suites went in.....

    ...or maybe some of those guys have a point? Stadium-wide, perhaps the "12th Man" isn't quite what it was back when we had a Super Bowl-quality team to cheer for.

  18. We lost the game on the last play. That hurts. Folks are upset and want to play the blame game. Unfortunately the can't resort to their old wipping boy Drew so they are confused. The guys at WGR don't come on until this afternoon to tell them what to think and who to run out of town, so there is a lot of misplaced anger.



    Considering your screen name, hysterical post......

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