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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Is that a good or a bad thing? And CTW, be careful how you read that "Ms. Information" title...
  2. From what I've heard, Milloy WILL play.
  3. Easy there - you won't catch me using that verb in regards to TH. And when I saw how many decent 4thQ runs of his were called back by OL penalties...... ....sigh.... Still not that simple. There were games last year where TH did "get it done" in the fourth quarter, games where he didn't, and games where the other team was so far ahead (through no fault of Henry's) that he never got the chance... and at least one game where his 4thQ fumble helped decide the final outcome. With Travis, you learn to take the bad with the good, and I can understand how that drives people like you and Bill nuts. Trouble is, there hasn't been a decent alternative the last couple of years - TH was playing hurt because an injured Henry was still better than his healthy backups. That's why I didn't like the suggestion of trading Henry during this season - if you do that, and something happens to Willis the following week, what's left at RB besides a couple of street FAs? Bleah. (Somebody called the Simoncast at the beginning of the week and suggested trading Henry would be OK because "we'd still have Joe Burns". Howard politely hung up on him. My sentiments exactly.) Do we now have that alternative? He's only really had a sizable role in one game, but I liked what I saw of Willis vs. Miami. Can he keep it up? Only one way to find out - keep giving him more reps. But for me, it's still too early to throw last year's team MVP under the bus.
  4. ....and maybe without the government confiscating such a big cut of those paychecks, they would be fortunate enough to have that option. Just a thought.....
  5. 1992 Chargers. Started 0-4, finished up 11-5 and won a playoff game. Never say never......
  6. That sucks, Mike. Please pass along our condolences. And you're right. State College has had a lot of problems the last few years - there was even a riot at the freakin' Arts Festival, fer crissakes. And you know what started that one? "Last call." I read that during that particular melee, the kids were telling the cops "see you after the next football game".....
  7. Again, I respectfully disagree with drawing conclusions based solely on the total yardage. I'll throw out some numbers of my own, from last season: Scores after 3 quarters, plus the total number of TH carries, plus his 4Q carries: Pats 21-0 (27 attempts, 9 in 4Q) Jaguars 35-10 (21, 2 in 4Q) Miami 0-10 (5, 0 in 4Q; OUT in 2Q) Eagles 0-16 (DNP) Bengals 13-6 (25, 5 in 4Q) Jets 3-27 (18, 0 in 4Q) Redskins 17-7 (31, 9 in 4Q) Chiefs 5-28 (22, 4 in 4Q) Cowboys 6-10 (21, 4 in 4Q) Texans 8-9 (23, 3 in 4Q) Colts 7-3 (22, 4 in 4Q) Giants 24-7 (26, 9 in 4Q) Jets 14-6 (32, 10 in 4Q) Titans 17-14 (19, 5 in 4Q) Dolphins 3-20 (24, 6 in 4Q) Pats 0-28 (15, 3 in 4Q) 331 total carries, 73 (or 22%) in the 4th quarter. Fewer attempts, fewer yards. The ypc stats were a better indicator; thanks for providing them.
  8. Nope, just wanted the stats that actually prove the point you tried to make. Thanks, CTW, if you hadn't asked I would have. That's more like it - should've used those numbers in the first place. Like CTW said - just listing the yardage totals doesn't tell us whether Henry got those yards on 40 carries or 140.
  9. Remember, Felser is no longer on the board of Hall selectors - Mark Gaughan has Buffalo's vote now. And I repeat what I said last night - if any OL gets in this year, it's more likely to be Gary Zimmerman than Kent Hull. Long-term: don't underestimate Spielman's chances.
  10. Haley was good, but all five of those rings were earned on teams better known for their offense, no? I'd lean toward Dent. As for Reeves, Marv didn't get in until his third try as a finalist. Reeves' mediocre career as a RB - eight seasons, fewer than 2000 yards for his career? - will have no impact on his selection. His failure with the Giants won't help his cause, either - remember, NYC has two selectors. (Three, if you count SI's Peter King.) For that matter, if I had a say, I might just vote for Don Coryell before either Pig-faced JJ or Reeves. Ask Bill Walsh where he learned some of the ideas he turned into the "West Coast" offense...
  11. Remember this re: "off-field activity" - to the Pro Football HoF, it doesn't make a bit of difference. Nothing whatsoever in the selection criteria about 'character' - just look at Paul Hornung and his gambling ban, or L.T.'s drug convictions. So if you're banking on that keeping Mikey Irvin out, don't. And he does have both the rings and the numbers.... even if none of us can stand him.... Agreed, Marino and Young are locks. I think Derrick Thomas gets strong support on the first ballot, too - nine Pro Bowls in 11 seasons, that's pretty tough to top. Still one of the most amazing players I've ever had the good fortune of watching. Haley and Dent are about equal to Greenwood (who actually has the most Pro Bowl selections), and LC's been waiting since 1991. Dent leapfrogged Greenwood to make the final 15 last year, though; he might have the best chance of the three. Dan Reeves? Well, Marv and Bud Grant both got in without winning a Super Bowl, so he's got a shot. Jimmuh Johnson gets in before he does, though. And don't forget Tagliabue's on the list, too - if any non-player gets in (other than Fritz Pollard, the Seniors Committee nominee who should have been there a long, loooong time ago), it just might be Tags. For all the grumbling we do about him, you can't argue with the success of the league. As for "our" guys? I like Spielman's chances better than anyone else on the list. I'd like to think he knocks Harry Carson off the list of finalists, at the very least. I agree that Ralph should have been in a long time ago, but seeing how few of the AFL-era selectors are left, his chances are getting worse instead of better. JMO. -Tasker? Love to see it, but he's got an uphill climb against the "part-time player" stigma attached to STs. -Hull? Not enough notoriety outside Buffalo; it might take a PR campaign silmilar to Joe D's to get him some overdue recognition. Also, Gary Zimmerman gets in before Kent does. Anyone else? Not likely. Probably have to wait till next year, when Thurman and Andre come up for the first time.
  12. Pound, pound, pound with Travis, and then pound some more with Willis. I can go for that. Crap - forgot that Big Easy game was on. I've still got it on Empire, watching the Argos whoop up on the Ticats.... Easy to fix, though. God, I love split-screen TVs.
  13. Good post, Circle - that's why I don't watch that much MLB any more. It's gotta drive you nuts to watch old 'Spos like Pedro, Vlad, and Larry Walker in the playoffs with other teams and think about what could have been. Now, no baseball, and no Habs for the foreseeable future. Ugh. Long, cold winter in Quebec.....
  14. Wow - the NYC crew, and another Bob Lamb sighting. Lot 1 Pole 5, the place to be! Bill from Livonia will be in Brazil by then, but I'll at least have some Sahlen's and some more Sam Adams Oktoberfest with me. Not to mention.... Joe Cahn (Tailgating Commish) will be at this game, and I even hear rumors that there's gonna be a wedding over at the Pinto. That's right, a wedding. And we're all invited. How cool is that? Oh yeah, and I think there's a football game that day, too......
  15. WTF is this doing on page 6? Nice post, marck.
  16. Brutal drive up last night - 30-35 mph, near white-out conditions all the way from Ellicotville to 20A, then switching over to hard rain. At least the lightning helped illuminate the road a little better..... Who says it has to be winter to have Lake Effect? Anyone who hasn't left yet - wind chill near freezing, gusting to 30mph. Bring your rain gear AND your cold-weather gear - better to have it if you need it. Hey Miami - thought you were going to get off easy this year, with the game being in October? WELCOME TO BUFFALO !!!! bwahahahaaaaaaa
  17. Pole 5. (Same place as always, just a different number stenciled on the pole.) I'll have two extra tickets with me in the morning, if anyone is still looking. Section 330.
  18. The move hasn't done our winning percentage in football any favors, for sure, but as far as the overall athletics dept. is concerned we're right where we should be - in a conference with (mostly) similar-size State Us. The move was for financial reasons as much as anything else - if we'd stayed in the A-10 for hoops, we'd still be playing in Rec Hall. But with our cut of the Big 10's BCS and NCAA Tourney $$$$, we're no longer depending on football revenue to pay for the rest of our varsity sports. Do I miss Pitt, Alabama, and Notre Dame? Sure. But I don't miss getting beat up in the rankings because "the East is weak", and I don't miss the Browns, Colgates, and William-and-Marys that used to fill out the schedules...
  19. Right you are. 172 running plays vs. Miami this year, 129 passing plays. (117 attempts + 12 sacks).
  20. Nice job, Stefan - way to stir the pot...... WooHoo! Now I KNOW it's Miami week!!! Squish the Fish!! (Of course, on next week's show they'll be reading some of the profane e-mails that probably flooded their inbox.....)
  21. As Jay previously noted, both remain game-time decisions. Marcus Price will probably get the start Sunday. Milloy is still doing scout-team work; probably not ready yet. And although Wire has been upgraded, Prioleau will most likely start at SS again. Courtesy of the Simoncast....
  22. Could trying to catch the ball with the back of his jersey have been the final straw? Absolutely. But I'll stick by the post you quoted - in my opinion MM isn't a Shaw fan, never was, and finally had seen enough to whack him. Were missed hot reads a factor in that? Most likely.... but Shaw's not the only one doing that. He just had less room for error than the high draft picks.
  23. Nice, on so many levels.....
  24. Did they stick a candle in the top of it, or would that have started a grease fire? Juuust kidding. Happy birthday to all! (And a belated HB to Terrence McGee, too - his was yesterday.....)
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