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Everything posted by Lori

  1. The polls have closed and the votes have been tallied from the Election Day version of the Simoncast... and most of the races turned into landslide victories for a "youth movement" at One Bills Drive. The choices on the ballot: Starting QB - Losman an easy winner over Bledsoe (with 1 vote for a 3rd-party candidate, Matthews). Starting RB - McGahee HUGE over Henry. Talking Reagan - Mondale numbers here. Troy Vincent back at CB, or moved to FS - FS by a wide margin. Ross Tucker or Trey Teague at C - Landslide in favor of Tucker. ...and the only close contest: Keep Donahoe next season, or find a new GM? Dead heat. Howard broke the tie by saying if the team misses the playoffs for a fourth straight season, a change is called for. Most of that tracks with the general consensus here. The only one I'd really consider debating is having Vincent learn a new position in the middle of a season, plus possibly curtailing McGee's effectiveness as a KR weapon by running him so much on D. (Of course, that didn't seem to hurt him any last Sunday...) The counter-argument of getting our four best DBs on the field together certainly has some allure, though..... Thoughts?
  2. Thanks, seq. Wasn't sure if I had caught all the plays he ran on offense, but I knew he was pulling right every time I saw him. (Although I definitely remember the play with the false start on Euhus - saw Smith going off the field, wondered aloud if he was dinged, looked at the huddle to see who had replaced him, saw #97, immediately turned to my stepdad and said "what the...... they've got BANNAN in at left guard?!?")
  3. A question, since I don't have a tape to review yet. From what I saw at the game, Bannan pulled and the Bills ran to the right every time he was on the field. Is this correct?
  4. That's because they don't know how to find any polling places outside Philly or Pittsburgh. The last time my county voted for a Democrat for president was in 1964. That must be why all those Rock the Vote concerts and Kerry / Edwards rallies we kept hearing about never got within two hours of where I live. At least Easy Ed Rendell tried to cover the "T" when he ran....... EDIT: Ah, now I get it - at 9:20 EST, I saw Hoeffel leading Specter by 100,000 votes. That tells me the early PA returns HAVE to be from the cities.... hell, even the PA AFL-CIO endorsed Specter. A Hoeffel win would be one of the great upsets of all time. Anecdotal evidence on the timeframe involved - when I clerked the '88 election, we didn't even get our numbers to the county courthouse until just before midnight..... and this is in a district with maybe 1200 registered voters, lever machines, and probably fewer than 100 absentee ballots to count.....
  5. Yeah - when BART sent them, I thought "These are GREAT! I gotta get them online ASAP..." Natasha's bowling-ball shot and Kenny post-ketchup made the tease for last night's Sports Report. Think I'll throw in a tape tonight; should be good. (You can see from the pics that Empire had front-row seats.... )
  6. Lot 1 is where the serious partiers hang out - the famous Pinto is over by the Club Drive, Helmet Guy and his crew are by the guardrail as you come up Drive 1, and Pole 5 (where we meet) is directly between them. Watch for BADOLBILZ's big blue Dodge van. Jack in Syracuse's directions to Lot 1 Pole 5 Also, our friend Hammer owns a large private lot on Abbott Rd., just south of Drive 2 - and he opens earlier than the stadium lots. G. Host's map to Hammer's Lot And you can find the End Zone Crew out behind Louie's Red Hots on Southwestern.
  7. OK gang, the first few pics are up..... Pinto Wedding, take 1
  8. That 'cupcake' team currently has a longer winning streak than your beloved Pats, Boneman..... ahahahhahaaahaaaaaaa......
  9. Actually, K is already familiar with the stats I put up. I think he's waiting for you to post something more than the 4-passing-TDs-in-16-trips stat. And I'm kinda wondering whether you'll do so as "factchecker", "jay", just-plain-"Guest", or some other nom-de-plume. And I'm curious as to whether the 1.15 yards-per-red-zone-carry in games #1-#6 is also Bledsoe's fault.
  10. 2 rushing TDs this week, versus ZERO the first 6. Let's hope it does, indeed.
  11. Here, let me help: JAX (3x in RZ) - 2-2, 23 yds, 1 TD, 1 FG, 1 fumble lost (by Moulds) OAK (3x in RZ) - 3-5, 21 yds, 1 TD, 1 FG, 1 TO on downs (the TD Henry got screwed out of) NE (2x in RZ) - 0-1, 1 FG, 1 sack/fumble/NE touchdown NYJ (1x in RZ) - 1-1, 16yds, 1 TD MIA (3x in RZ) - 2-4, 18 yds, 1 TD, 1 FG, ran clock out on 3rd possession BAL (4x in RZ) - 2-7, 5 yds, 2 FG, 1 sack, 2 INT Overall, that makes 4 TD/6 FG in 16 trips into the RZ. Bledsoe's stats: 10-20, 83 yds, 4 TD passes, 2 INT, 1 fumble, 2 sacks. If you're curious, that works out to a passer rating of 86.04 for plays run in the RZ. Oh, and here's one other RZ stat from those games you may be interested in: 13 carries - 15 yds, 1.15 ypc, 0 rushing TDs.
  12. That wasn't wet, it was snow, and it wasn't really that windy. 15 mph that day (sez the media guide; I don't normally take an anemometer to the game), gusting at 40mph yesterday. Big difference. 15mph is annoying. 40mph is the 'Hawk'. Back in 1974, Joe Namath completed more passes to the Bills than to the Jets (3 - 2) when the Hawk blew through Rich Stadium.... Bills won that game attempting 2 passes, completing 0. And that was in September.
  13. Last night game was Tennessee, home opener 2000 (and the First Annual TBD Tailgate). Jets game the year before was also a Sunday nighter.
  14. Because they made out the schedule before Wicky Weed-head bought his one-way ticket to Asia?
  15. Like I said yesterday - :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Frank Middleton. Cheapshotting gutless puke, ruining Cowart. hey - did everyone make it home OK? Not sure what the heck was going on when you guys were leaving... after I saw Buddha with his shirt off, I averted my eyes...
  16. Right on - at times yesterday, I could swear I saw the Cards use a five-man DL...
  17. Hey Nick, welcome aboard. BUFFALOBART filled up a card with over 100 photos; he needs to find a webhost, but the best ones should be online soon. (You gotta see Kenny with a layer of popcorn on top of the ketchup/mustard.... ) I didn't see them, but I guess the Wilsons were coming up the Club Drive while the festivities were going on, and Mrs. Wilson rolled her window down to watch some of the show. And if you miss the post on the main Wall - if you can get Empire where you're at, there will be a story on Tuesday's editions of the Sports Report. Josh Mora and his cameraman were there for the whole thing, did a bunch of interviews, and Josh even signed the Pinto.... EDIT: first pics are here....
  18. That New England game's got my vote, too, since I didn't make the Jets/Raiders games. That Cards game back in '90 was a little nasty, too- remember Rich Camarillo's 12-yard punts? One of the funniest things I've ever seen. Collegeguy, the '02 Miami game was one of the best I've been to lately - yeah, it was snowing, but it wasn't really that bad. Like Jack said - we stayed in Lot 1 past 6:00 that evening. (Incidentally, the last remnants of the Lot 1 Pole 5 crew rolled out about 7:15 last night. The Pinto was still there, but that's about it......)
  19. bwahahahahahaaaaa...... Hey, you coming up next weekend? The extended forecast is calling for snow/rain mix Sunday. Wooohoooo! Another week for my "Welcome to Buffalo!!!!" taunt....
  20. Yeah, but I bet you've got better weather. Good to hear from you; we'll try to keep you up to date till you get back...
  21. ^^^What he said! Continued success, CVM. And you too, Gus.
  22. Asked Howard when that's going to run - Josh says it'll be on all three of Tuesday's Sports Reports. (Thanks for following up on that, Howard.) NOTE: As I type this, he's announcing the same thing on the Simoncast. So if anyone wants to watch it, the ESR runs at 6:30 PM, 10:30 PM, 11:30 PM. And a note to collegeguy - 107.7 and Empire are no longer related. Entercom bought WNSA and fired everybody, then flipped the station to a Triple-A format. Simoncast is the only show that airs on the radio (WLVL 1340), but if you click on the "LISTEN" link in my sig, I believe Empire is streamed 24/7.
  23. About 20 degrees warmer than the Miami game, but looks just about as windy. Even Mr. Rackers wouldn't be able to kick a 50-yarder into this breeze, methinks... but lets hope it doesn't come down to that. Packing up and heading out now... GO BILLS!
  24. Hey moderators - do me a favor, willya? Just as soon as Willis runs one in today - and it WILL happen - nuke this thread. Thanks. ...and GO BILLS, dammit !!!
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