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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Rather isn't giving up on Ohio yet. Aside: Split-screen PIP is so cool......
  2. He's not the only one capable of sarcasm around here.
  3. Cuyahoga's 90% in, according to CNN. But Hamilton is only 50% reported, and Bush is up 52%-48% there. NBC just called it.
  4. That's what Russert just said.
  5. As a write-in, it'll be a while before we find that out.....
  6. Think Marge Schott, Robert Mapplethorpe, the Larry Flynt obscenity trial.... what do those three things have in common?
  7. Interesting, but are you really surprised? Cincinnati is far more conservative than most cities its size.
  8. CNN sez 7%... and still only 24% of Delaware county reporting, and that county is roughly 200K-110K Republican IIRC. EDIT: Nevermind... Delaware went for Kerry. Not quite sure how that happened, unless there was a major shift in registration there after the last Ridge campaign....
  9. First, what the hell are you doing watching FNC? Don't you know that's bad for you? Yes - that voice is far past nails-on-the-chalkboard painful. And this opinion is coming from someone whose own voice would be perfect for mime......
  10. Doesn't say much for Hoeffel, though, if the state AFL-CIO endorsed Snarlin' Arlen.....
  11. Which northern counties you talkin' about? Other than the heavy union presence in Elk, that is. Last Democrat most of the north-central counties went for was LBJ..... I think they're most likely correct calling PA for Kerry; that registration edge is a tough hill to climb. But Specter is now up by over 100,000. EDIT: Just checked, and Delaware Co. is slow to report. Bush will gain some there, but probably not enough.
  12. Poof - 100,000-vote Hoeffel lead gone. Specter up by 25K and still moving. As usual, Philadelphia County beat the rest of the state to report, and the "T" is just getting their totals in now. John, there are over 12 million people in PA. You don't seriously think Philly and Pittsburgh account for over 6 million of that, do you? Kerry will most likely win the state by 250-300K; Dems have a registration edge of over 500K statewide.
  13. One VERY important note to point out here: whatever the TV "calls" and projections say, they have NOTHING to do with the people actually working the polls and counting the votes. The last presidential election I worked, we counted every machine vote and every single absentee ballot - TWICE - before everyone agreed to certify our totals and the Judge of Elections and I drove them to the county courthouse.
  14. As I previously noted in another thread: they're also showing Hoeffel with a 100,000-vote lead over Specter. I find that number hard to believe, unless most or all of the early returns are from Philadelphia and Allegheny counties.
  15. And I think you're married. Miami QB isn't bad, but he's certainly no Roethlis-whatever....
  16. Toledo vs. Miami (OH), on the Deuce. Part of "19 games in 19 days". I'm sorry, what was the question?
  17. Thanks for the update, Chevy, for those of us who don't have access to that show. And for those who might not have caught the original discussion.... Buffalo Soul Lifters, featuring Gus and his dad Thirdborn
  18. You know Wilkerson just ruptured a patella tendon last weekend, right? Hafta wait and see how that affects his draft status.
  19. Interestingly enough, the Bills replaced one player on offense for the Cardinals game and scored 4 offensive TDs without giving up a sack or a turnover.
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