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Everything posted by Lori

  1. BF: unemployment as high as it's ever been. me: No, it's not. And here's the numbers to prove it. Unlike BF, I assume you're actually old enough to remember the recession in Reagan's first term, and the double-digit unemployment rate. Double-digit > 5.6, which is the last current number I saw. If there is, they certainly didn't vote either Democrat or Republican yesterday. Warmest regards, a union-card-carrying "conservative"
  2. Thanks bro - I needed that laugh right about now.
  3. "Know" the future? I'm not in that loop. Guess? Probably the same fate as WNSA. Shoestring budget ever since the bankruptcy filing; no money for programming, especially with no Sabres-related ad revenue coming in. Damn. Damn. DAMN. 'Scuse me, I think I'm gonna go punch a wall or something.
  4. You apparently weren't watching back when Empire actually had the money to do things right - when they sent a full crew to every road game, and the "Bills on Monday" programming block matched up well against any regional sports network coverage in the country. The good people still working there have been fighting a valiant - but losing - battle ever since the whole Adelphia mess started. What you see on there today is a far cry from what Empire once was. And that's a damn dirty shame. As for Howard? He IS good. Best in the market, IMO, and it's not even close. But once WNSA folded up shop, the Entercom/Citadel/Infinity stranglehold on the local airwaves didn't leave much room for someone looking to pick up an 3-hour afternoon slot - sports talk doesn't draw the listeners that even a mediocre "classic rock" station can. It just doesn't. He knew it would be an uphill climb to make the Simoncast work, but he gave it a heck of a shot anyway. And if WBEN is the "terrible AM radio station" he left to go to Empire, then you may want to get your facts straight about Buffalo radio of the early-to-mid '90s.
  5. !@#$ off, stojan. And I mean that.
  6. Done. Best of luck, Howard. Show 'em how it's done.
  7. Here's the e-mail you should have sent: "Dear Michael, Thank you so much for your assistance in getting out the vote yesterday. We couldn't have done it without you! Sincerely, The Republican National Committee"
  8. You canNOT be serious. Do some friggin' research before you come up with something that obviously wrong, OK? Regards, everyone who remembers 1990-1994... and 1975-1986.... and.... http://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/surveymost?bls
  9. He'd be a vast improvement. Must be they weren't happy with the summer book?
  10. Thought Bowden was smarter than that. Guess not.
  11. Good to see you too, big guy. At least one of our teams made us happy last weekend.... And you don't owe me anything. Happy to share!
  12. Rock, the last two games I've tried to time it so I'm getting off 219 just after 9:00 - once they open the gates to let the early-birds in, Big Tree opens right up. Heck - for the Miami game, I even missed the turn into Drive 1 and had to turn around at Danny's. Never hit the traffic I was expecting, and just sailed right by the entrance before I realized it..... Or, if you really want to make sure of parking exactly where you want to, Kenny says he gets there about 7.
  13. While I don't personally care for Carville, the guy knows his stuff. Begala's a twit.
  14. Apparently, Dick Morris has a piece in the Post today suggesting a deliberate attempt at vote fraud by the exit pollers. (Unfortunately, nypost.com doesn't want to work right now....)
  15. Reagan - Dukakis?!? As for Mrs. Kerry - I met her a couple of times back when Sen. Heinz came to PSU. (R.I.P., John - you were one of the good guys. We miss you.) Didn't care for her then, haven't seen anything since to make me change my mind.
  16. Doubtful - even though at this point, the Democratic Party probably wishes they'd go away. I firmly believe that the controversies they started helped to energize the GOP base.
  17. Mmmm. If we can't keep Colin, I like the idea of Danforth at State. He'd certainly be more useful there than dealing with the rabble at UN Plaza. Ridge? Dunno - if Bush asks him to stay, I think he will. Loyalty's big with Tom. (But if he does decide to run in '08, I know what I'll be doing for most of that year.....)
  18. Wow - 122,000. Even I didn't think we'd get it that close...especially after I saw that the Dems widened the registration gap another 100K since 2000. And it looks like Tom Corbett pulled out the AG race, too? My congrats to everybody at the state committee.
  19. Picked up by the AP wire - Kerry allegedly just made the phone call to Bush.
  20. Cuyahoga 100% reporting. Bush up 120K. The counties left: Ashland, 40% of precincts reporting, Bush up 64-35. Clermont, 74%, Bush 71-29. Coshocton, 51%, Bush 56-44. Hamilton, 78%, Bush 53-47. Knox, 98%, Bush 66-34. Lucas, 95%, Kerry 60-40. Ohio Sec. of State figures no more than 170K provisonal ballots. If Bush holds his 120K lead, then Kerry would have to get 145,000 of those provisionals to break even.
  21. Cuyahoga is up to 99% reporting, and Bush is still up by over 100K.
  22. Just think about how radically those ballots would have to skew to Kerry to make up the gap. Sleep tight.....
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