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Everything posted by Lori

  1. He also approved the Munich Olympics attack. Mossad should've included him when they took their revenge.
  2. I believe Stevie Superior already found out how well the Fun-'n-Gun works against NFL defenses. But we can always dream.....
  3. Don't tempt her like that. You've already got tickets, though, don't you aussiew?
  4. 1 PM - 72 hours before kickoff. And didn't #89 tell us any open seats in that area would have to be returns of unused players' tickets? Think it was her....
  5. As I posted Tuesday night - even if there's statistically no chance for absentee ballots to change the outcome of a race, the votes still get counted. Part of the job. I don't think we even HAD provisional ballots back when I was working the polls, at least I don't remember anyone ever coming in and asking for one, but I imagine similar rules would apply to any provisional ballots proven valid. And if Kerry ends up with more votes, he still wins... remember, Gore DID make a congratulatory call to Bush in 2000, then retracted it later. But do the math... 80% is too low. The latest CNN numbers show Bush with a 136,483-vote lead. According to the OH Secretary of State, a total of 155,337 provisional ballots were cast. If every single one of those ballots is accepted, Kerry would need 145,910 of those just to break even. That's 93.9%. And if any of those ballots are thrown out, the percentage Kerry would need would only go up.
  6. Well said. Errr.... waitaminute, though. Wasn't he the one with the homemade flamethrower and the Titans shirt?
  7. Somebody called Howard to ask that this morning - nothing official yet, but the game has been single seats for a while now... so it probably is.
  8. Yeah, I'll probably get to the rest of them today - the breaking news yesterday afternoon, on top of pulling my annual Election Day all-nighter, kinda messed up my schedule yesterday.
  9. No. There was no postgame show on Empire this year. Howard was doing the 97 Rock "official" postgame, and I don't imagine either Entercom or Citadel would have entertained the idea of letting him split time between them. The GR website is currently showing Howard in the 10AM-12PM pre-game slot. (Well, actually it says 10 PM...somebody might wanna fix that...) EDIT: I see this has already been mentioned elsewhere. Sorry guys, just catching up.... see, there actually is one way I can pick up a fuzzy GR down here - outside in the car, with the engine turned off. 35 degrees and hard rain in northern PA this morning. 'Scuse me while I thaw out a little.... and start looking online for a big honkin' AM antenna....
  10. Correct, or at least it used to be. This came up when one of the local stations was trying to get permission to broadcast a tape of the Comeback Game back in '93, think it was that following Monday night. NFL shot them down. (They just re-ran the Bill Polian Show from that week on Empire not too long ago - he spent half the show talking about that instead of the upcoming Pittsburgh game...) And now with their own network up and running, I imagine the league would be even more protective of their copyright.
  11. That might just be the funniest thing I've read all week.
  12. He was ign0rant enough to complain about "ign0rant". You'd think people would know better by now.
  13. You gotta make it to a home game, sometime when you're not off hunting bunnies. I'll buy the beer.
  14. The Post website has been wonky all day. (Hmmm... I smell a conspiracy... ) Here's a couple more paragraphs: That should erase any doubt who Morris is pointing the finger at. Like I said, I'm not sure I'm buyin' what he's sellin' - just thought I'd throw it out there for discussion. (And as soon as I saw those early numbers for PA, I knew better than to trust any of the other ones...)
  15. The right attitude. You mean, just as much of an a**hole as you guys? Thanks.... I think..... B)
  16. Check these couple of threads. They might prove interesting. http://www.radio-info.com/mods/board.php?P...43662&Board=wny http://www.radio-info.com/mods/board.php?P...72607&Board=wny http://www.radio-info.com/mods/board.php?P...72235&Board=wny
  17. No, you don't get it. Most of us are LOSING Simon, not gaining him, because we don't live in the WGR broadcast area. I think most of the people here do have some thoughts for the guys Entercom let go - same as I had for Zig when the NSA hatchet fell, for example, even though I honestly couldn't stand his show most of the time. And for that matter, nobody here's said a word yet today about Neil McManus or any of the Simoncast crew. Hopefully everyone involved at both stations can land on their feet.
  18. As I recall, WNSA got yanked on a Thursday night - those guys knew it was coming, though. One would hope Entercom at least gave them a decent severance package. Depends on their contracts. But then again, I guess it's not that much different than a sports team - "we just signed somebody we liked better, we need your playbook back, seeya....." - except for the fact that the athletes make a minimum of 10x what most of the rest of us do.....
  19. Hey, Hammer... Looking at GR's "event" page, and it says the pregame broadcasts are at the Big Tree? WTF? Or is that something completely different than the setup in your lot?
  20. I did get a server error about midnight last night - checked the load, it was over 4.0. And as for me, I still wouldn't mind a piece of Lindsey....
  21. Valid points - if you're depending on exit polling to decide whether or not you pull yourself away from the TV long enough to go vote, then maybe you shouldn't bother. I think Morris' point was that 'somebody' was deliberately releasing those numbers in an attempt to influence the election... I dunno; maybe he's right, or maybe he's just paranoid. But if he is right, I'd consider that a valid reason to do away with exit polls completely, or at least with announcing any numbers before ALL the polls have closed. That's why I asked for some other viewpoints. Thanks for obliging.
  22. Much as I'd like to see that happen.... doubtful. Out-of-town Internet listeners don't shop at local advertisers, and they aren't counted by Arbitron.
  23. Over 114 million ballots cast. Isn't that something like twice the total population of the UK? Now imagine an urban precinct just after most of the population gets out of their day-shift jobs. Traffic jams at the polls, just like on the streets... I'm guessing that was most of the problem.
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