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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Somewhere in the storm of WGR-related posts this week, somebody brought up the idea of a subscription-based streaming service. Based on the amount of people who posted they were dumping their cable/satellite sports packages now that the Simoncast is off the air, there might just be some money to be made there -- or at least enough to cover costs. Hey, St. Bonaventure and WPIG stream Bonnies games and the Anthony Solomon Show. If we can figure it out down here in the sticks, how freakin' hard can it be?
  2. Bleep them. *gratuitous bump* Look at me!
  3. Northwestern. Wait -- let me repeat that. Northwestern. At HOME. This team stinks. I got nuthin' else.
  4. Many, many times. From 1978-1981, Northwestern's total record was 1-42-1. 0-10-1, 1-10, 0-11, 0-11. And the single win was a non-con against Wyoming. That's at least 32 Big Ten losses in a row... and with 1-10 records in both '76 and '77 as well, it could be a lot longer than that.
  5. That explains the screen name, then. Hey, do they still have the big statewide map with all the tornadoes from May 31 1985 charted on it? Used to hang in the EMS building, if I remember correctly? Welcome aboard. And Roar Lions Roar!
  6. Guessing gomper didn't have a girlfriend in high school....... or at any point since then.....
  7. Can you guess what the 73.8% refers to? (Probably not - it is kind of obscure.) That was Chad Pennington's completion percentage in the October 10th game against the Bills. Anyone else get tired of watching Chad play catch with a wide-open Wayne Chrebet for three hours? I know I did. And if he approaches that % again this Sunday, it won't bode well for the prospects of a Bills win. That said, I've actually got a good feeling about this game. In that first game, the Bills defense contained Curtis Martin as well as anybody has this season (22 carries, 77 yds, 3.5 ypc, 0 TD). Plus, with Lawyer Milloy back, maybe those little dumpoffs to RBs and TEs won't be so readily available to Pennington... and #36 probably doesn't get toasted the way Pierson Prioleau did, either. As always seems to be the case with this team, though, I think the Bills' offense determines the outcome of this game (for good or bad). The Bills HAVE to slow down John Abraham by any means possible... RBs, TEs, heck, send HoJo and Woody off the sideline after him if you have to. (Caught a little of Howard's show on GR this morning, and had to laugh when he said exactly the same thing I'd written down at work last night about using everybody including the equipment manager...) With Reed out, Buffalo probably uses a lot more two-TE sets Sunday... which might not be such a bad idea in the first place. So here's the gameplan: -Run McGahee early and often, and keep it up for the whole game; Jets are giving up over 4 ypc on D. -Max-protect whenever they have to - after MM peeled the O-line and they started giving Bledsoe a little more time in the first Jets game, he exposed some holes in the NY secondary. -And most importantly - avoid the Big Mistake. Jets are +12 in turnovers, Bills are -4. If the Bills are stuck in a bunch of 3rd-and-long situations (like they were in the first meeting), expect those numbers to get worse. I don't think that happens, though. With 20-25 carries and another 100-yard game, the Willis McGahee legend continues to grow. Bills, 21-17. But hey, that's just my opinion.. I could be wrong.....
  8. Actually, Miami's d-line's been shredded this season - Ogun's in Chicago, and Larry Chester and Tim Bowens were both out for the year by the time they played the Jets. (In fact, the Bills game was the only action Bowens saw before he went on IR.) Bills ran at will against them in the fourth quarter, even though they knew Bledsoe wasn't going to attempt too many passes into a 35mph headwind. And now Seau's done, too...
  9. I've considered that myself. Drives me nuts that even though Bush outpolled Kerry by over 70,000 votes in my congressional district, the masses in downtown Philly and Pittsburgh decided "we" should give Kerry the electoral vote that corresponds to our district. Talk about 'disenfranchised' - as I mentioned before, nobody from either campaign ever came closer than a two-hour drive to where I live; they just stayed in the major cities to duke it out. (Heck - I think the last President to visit McKean county might have been Ike, and that was only because he had friends with a hunting/fishing camp over by Kane...) That's one thing I have to give Rendell credit for. When he was running for governor he at least made the attempt to come up north, even though he knew the registration numbers up this way skew solidly Republican. Might've changed a few people's votes by doing that, too. There are problems with doing it district-by-district, though - if you thought waiting for 50 separate states to compile their results was bad, can you just imagine waiting for every single district to do so? Still, though, it would be nice to not feel so blatantly ignored by the national parties here in 'fly-over country'.
  10. Holding pattern. Right onto Abbott..... right onto Southwestern.... right onto California.... right onto Big Tree..... Repeat a couple of hundred times. And if enough people do that at, say, 15mph, then perhaps the O.P.P.D. starts making noise to the Bills. (Of course, they'd probably just install a "no cruising" ordinance instead.....)
  11. They were talking about the potential of Petrino-to-UF on the broadcast of the Louisville game last night, Mark....
  12. Yeah.... what he said. Dunno if you've checked the simoncast.com inbox - so I'll repost this here:
  13. OK, they're up. No captions yet - I'm working a 12-8 tonight, and I gotta go grab a nap.... Live from Lot 1......
  14. Other than a 4-yard lateral, Fitzgerald got shut out, Simon. Think he may have dropped the only other one McCown got near him. (Welcome to Buffalo weather, Josh!) And he picked up a 15-yard penalty to boot. In short, not one of his better days....
  15. Maybe so, but the presidential race wouldn't be the only race on there. They'd still have to look at them for state and local races.....
  16. Don't tempt me like that. The usual shady suspects will be in the vicinity of Lot 1 Pole 5. But if there's going to be 60+ of you, you better be bringing your own beer......
  17. TD's ego. You would rather have gone into the season with an unproven McGee as your opening-day starter, or given Winfield the insane amount of money Minnesota did? If you don't like either of those choices, then Donahoe needed to sign a CB. And Vincent wasn't exactly terrible before he got hurt; this is more a commentary on McGee's progress, and on the mediocrity of Reese/Prioleau/Wire/Baker, than it is an indictment of TV's level of play at CB. JMO. And if Vincent starts making big plays from the FS position and we start pitching shutouts, I doubt his salary will be an issue....
  18. UPDATE: Yes, the game is officially a sellout and will be shown on local TV.
  19. As I said earlier, I think John Danforth would be a good choice. The fact that he's an ordained minister would probably drive some here bugs&!#, though. I can't see Mike Fisher getting it, but maybe. And the AG in NYS, Elliot Spitzer, is a Democrat.....
  20. Besides being discussed here, this was one of the questions on the Simoncast ballot Tuesday - final tally was 30 votes to move TV to FS, 5 to keep him at CB.... And if we're talking about it, it stands to reason the people who actually run the team might've already thought about it as well.
  21. If true, not entirely surprising. If they want to get their four best DBs on the field at the same time, this is the way to do it.
  22. Aussie, if you use the built-in AOL e-mail, anything sent from outside AOL will include a line that says "Sent from the Internet (Details)". Click on the "Details" link; that will give you the return path to the sender. I'm looking at a legit Paypal receipt right now, and the path includes "Received: from outbound1.den.paypal.com". Most phishes bounce back to an overseas address, or one of the free e-mail hosts. And instead of just clicking the "spam" button, I'd suggest forwarding anything like that to spoof@paypal.com. (Ditto for spoof@ebay.com.) They try to follow up on them....
  23. You already told me that once, didn't you? Sorry. Been a long week.....
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