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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Empire Sports Report just said the same thing. Also had a short interview - and Vincent still considers himself a CB.
  2. Hey, it worked for Sam Cowart a few years ago. Hafta keep stuffing those ballot boxes, at least until the rest of the country realizes how great Moorman is. For anyone who may have missed the original thread about Frank's book, and its ties to TBD and our buddy Gus.... Buffalo Soul Lifters
  3. Branch didn't play in the game in Buffalo. Didn't seem to bother them too much, judging by Brady's 112.9 QB rating. And whatever everyone's expecting the Patriots to run, they'll still find a way to surprise you. They started that first game with their 2-TE/FB package (only 1 WR), and proceeded to throw on the first four plays......
  4. It's called "proof-reading". I think they have word-processing programs that do that.
  5. Yeah - I remember Denny Lynch speaking at a Booster Club meeting over the summer, when he was telling us about the reunion for the Alumni Day game. People asked him whether either Gilchrist or Lou Saban were invited; he said everyone had been invited, but he sincerely doubted Cookie would show up. Considering everything that happened during his short-but-turbulent tenure here, and that he still considers Ralph Wilson a "slave-owner", I have to agree with Ken - if you're looking for positive memories of that season, you probably won't find them talking to Gilchrist. At any rate, reverendod, you can get his e-mail address at his website - www.cookiegilchrist.com. If you don't already have it, here's a link to a Larry Felser story about the '64 team that includes a list of surviving players and where they're at. http://www.livingprimetime.com/AllCovers/Oct2004/Bills.htm But like Ken said, your best bet is to contact the Alumni Chapter - I'm sure guys like Booker Edgerson, Al Bemiller, and Charley Ferguson would be more than happy to talk to you. And if you make it to any home games, you're more than likely to find them in the fieldhouse before the game... Can't find Billy Shaw's mailing address right at the moment, but he'd be a great interview, too. Class act all the way. Good luck, and we look forward to reading your story!
  6. Gorin has done OK at RT, but not so good at LT when Light went out of the Pittsburgh game. Big news here is, Patriots don't have any more OTs on the active roster behind Light and Gorin.
  7. Considering the stress those guys were under for the last couple of years - waiting for the axe to drop on WNSA, then scrambling to keep S&B/Simoncast afloat as long as they did - I guess it's a wonder they ALL didn't decide to take a long, long vacation from the business. Tough way to make a living. And Rock? You're in deep, deep trouble if you post that picture. Just so you know.
  8. No... the guy selling it did, in the listing. Didn't mean to imply otherwise. I've had visitors offer to buy that Machine Gun Kelly one right off the wall in the den. No sale. PS - MarkVI, anyone ever tell you you're a bastage?
  9. 1. That's not what the 2001 NFL Record and Fact Book says. 2. Up this way, our capacity is 73,967. Nothing short of that is "considered a sellout in terms of blackout rules". Sorry y'all felt the need to make contingency plans. In case you didn't notice, I didn't bring it up. The doofus making the rest of you Pats fans look bad did.
  10. "...one of the greatest Bills posters ever produced"?!? Allrighty then. Think I'll stick with my MachineGunKelly instead, and the '60s AFL Sports Illustrated ones, and the Silver Anniversary one.... But hey, Kelly, if you like it? Go for it.
  11. I'm not crying about anything. Last home game I missed - regular or preseason - was 1997. So what if I have to wait a day or two before I get my game tape? And on a foul day with 40mph wind gusts and sideways rain, a matchup featuring two teams with a combined record of 3-9 still drew a crowd of 65,887. Compare that to the sub-60,000 crowds for Bills-Pats games in Foxborough between 1996-1999. Even Doug Flutie's return to Boston couldn't get more than 58,304 people through the turnstiles in 1998..... As for the population data - this link should do: http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Greater-Boston
  12. You probably don't remember me patting you on the shoulder and telling Howard "he's not normally like this, he's just a little bit drunk today.....", either, do you?
  13. That's also a good point. Sam has been dyn-o-mite ever since his pine time during the Miami game. Too true. We're worried about McGee getting flash-fried deep, but if Gray backs him off the line, Weis/Brady will be all over the dink-and-dunk stuff in front of him.
  14. I'll go along with that. Not much to tell, Jay. We cut in during a commercial break; "theesir" had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, Rock got in a plug (or two or five ) for his Today in Bills History pages, and then they had to get ready to go back on the air. Thinking we should get together a return trip down thataway before the next game - far as I know, Cindy still has his TBD shirt. (She was thisclose to mailing it off to Empire last week.....) So we could take that over and give it to him, and if anybody wants to try the "name game" again, they can do that too.
  15. Did you expect anything better? I mean, honestly. Like you say all the time, AD.... Facts suck.
  16. I'm just happy he made it back across Abbott Road from the WGR tent. He had me worried there for a sec.....
  17. Did the Patriots have a waiting list of 50,000 before they won their first Super Bowl? Didn't think so. Population of the city of Boston, 2000: 589,141 Population of greater Boston, 2000: approximately 5.7 million Population of the city of Buffalo, 2000: 292,648 Population of Erie and Niagara counties, NY, 2000: 1,170,111 2002 Patriots: defending Super Bowl champions; total home attendance 547,488. 2002 Bills: coming off 3-13 season; total home attendance 547,702. 2003 Patriots: total home attendance 524,430 2003 Bills: total home attendance 584,122 Any other pearls of wisdom to add? Helmet/Hollywood, you guys have earned your chops on TSW. This maroon hasn't. And from the looks of what he's posted so far, I don't expect him to.
  18. Nice job, Rubes. And when you consider that 80 of the Jags' 120 yards came against a prevent defense (that only prevented the Bills from winning)..... A learning experience. So was Santana Moss's easy TD on McGee's slip/fall, when the Bills were playing anything but a prevent D late in the game. I think they'll make adjustments for that, too - perhaps blitz one S but leave the other one in centerfield. And with Vincent coming back and Kelsay starting to really come on strong, I think the defense only continues to get better.... I go back to the Comeback game (conveniently on ESPN right now) - the Bills tried to match up with the Oilers WR packages in the first half and got burned to a crisp; they came out with their base D in the second half and shut Houston down. Put your best players on the field and let 'em play. One last thing: you single out the last four-game stretch for added praise. Think having Lawyer Milloy back on the field for three of those games might be a factor? I certainly do......
  19. Haven't looked at the depth chart to see whether there are lines 1a and 1b. Seeing Smith standing on the sideline while Tucker came out with the starting offense is what did it for me.....
  20. Awright, a "Hawk" reference! I knew somebody remembered....
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